PACE sets three demands to Armenian authorities
03:31 pm | June 25, 2010 | Politics
A written declaration entitled "Continuing non-compliance by Armenia
of its international obligations" has appeared on the website of the
Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE)
PACE recalls that Resolution 1609 (2008) on Armenia adopted after the
2008 elections firmly establishes that "the underlying causes of the
crisis are deeply rooted in the failure of the key institutions of the
state to perform their functions in full compliance with democratic
standards and the principles of the rule of law and the protection of
human rights", and calls for "an independent, transparent and credible
inquiry into the events of 1 March 2008" including the killing of 10
persons, and demands to release the persons detained on artificial and
politically motivated charges;
PACE Stresses that proper functioning of democratic institutions is
not achievable without the establishment of the truth and full
restoration of justice including the punishment of those responsible
for previous human rights violations;
PACE Emphasises that unpunished violations stimulate the sense of
impunity and contribute to their recurrence, a vivid example of which
is the death in custody of Vahan Khalafyan, who was allegedly tortured
and subsequently killed by his interrogators;
PACE is alarmed by newly-initiated criminal proceedings against three
opposition activists, including journalist Ani Gevorgyan from the
daily newspaper Haykakan Zhamanak;
PACE considers unacceptable that:
- no one is yet held responsible for the killing of 10 persons;
- representatives of the opposition, convicted on politically
motivated charges, are still kept in jail;
- the authorities refuse to examine the illegal involvement of the
army in the events of March 2008,
PACE urgently demands that the Armenian authorities:
- identify and punish those responsible for the killing of 10 persons;
- release prisoners convicted on politically motivated charges;
- conduct a transparent and credible inquiry into the illegal
involvement of the army.
The continuing non-compliance by the Armenian authorities of its
international obligations and Parliamentary Assembly's demands is
unacceptable and cannot be tolerated.
This written declaration commits only the members who have signed it.
From: A. Papazian
03:31 pm | June 25, 2010 | Politics
A written declaration entitled "Continuing non-compliance by Armenia
of its international obligations" has appeared on the website of the
Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE)
PACE recalls that Resolution 1609 (2008) on Armenia adopted after the
2008 elections firmly establishes that "the underlying causes of the
crisis are deeply rooted in the failure of the key institutions of the
state to perform their functions in full compliance with democratic
standards and the principles of the rule of law and the protection of
human rights", and calls for "an independent, transparent and credible
inquiry into the events of 1 March 2008" including the killing of 10
persons, and demands to release the persons detained on artificial and
politically motivated charges;
PACE Stresses that proper functioning of democratic institutions is
not achievable without the establishment of the truth and full
restoration of justice including the punishment of those responsible
for previous human rights violations;
PACE Emphasises that unpunished violations stimulate the sense of
impunity and contribute to their recurrence, a vivid example of which
is the death in custody of Vahan Khalafyan, who was allegedly tortured
and subsequently killed by his interrogators;
PACE is alarmed by newly-initiated criminal proceedings against three
opposition activists, including journalist Ani Gevorgyan from the
daily newspaper Haykakan Zhamanak;
PACE considers unacceptable that:
- no one is yet held responsible for the killing of 10 persons;
- representatives of the opposition, convicted on politically
motivated charges, are still kept in jail;
- the authorities refuse to examine the illegal involvement of the
army in the events of March 2008,
PACE urgently demands that the Armenian authorities:
- identify and punish those responsible for the killing of 10 persons;
- release prisoners convicted on politically motivated charges;
- conduct a transparent and credible inquiry into the illegal
involvement of the army.
The continuing non-compliance by the Armenian authorities of its
international obligations and Parliamentary Assembly's demands is
unacceptable and cannot be tolerated.
This written declaration commits only the members who have signed it.
From: A. Papazian