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Media Manipulation: Generalized Violence In Latin America And Venezu

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  • Media Manipulation: Generalized Violence In Latin America And Venezu

    By Gennaro Carotenuto
    Sept 16 2010

    The media discover periodically that the most vulnerable point in Hugo
    Chavez's Venezuela is not having known how to confront the endemic
    violence of a chaotic society. They hit hard in this way, especially
    now during the electoral campaign, which shows why precisely at this
    moment they seem to be interested in the violence in Sabana Grande
    [a major Caracas avenue], and why a murder in Chacaíto [a wealthy
    Caracas suburb] makes more noise than ten or one hundred corpses in
    San Pedro Sula (Honduras) or Medellín (Colombia). The political use
    of information about violence has contributed to hiding the hurricane
    of bullets that has been attacking Latin America over the past decade.

    Venezuela and especially Caracas are absurdly, sadly, scandalously
    violent; this author has been saying so for ten years. It is violent,
    very violent and increasingly so, despite that in ten years inequality
    has been reduced in Venezuela more than in any other place, according
    to the United Nations. Even though the legacy left by the Fourth
    Republic was a heavy burden, a decade is not such a short time period
    so as not to be able to judge. It is not a period of time that allows
    indulgences; it is, rather, evidence of absenteeism or incapacity,
    in the end, to understand how colossal the problem is.

    The sad reality is that inclusive policies are not sufficient, reducing
    poverty is not enough, increasing well-being is not enough, giving more
    health care and education is not enough. And even where on a social
    level the situation has worsened in recent years, the difference is
    minimum. The sad reality is that what is lacking is much more than a
    popular government to control this disparity between rich and poor,
    between modernity and underdevelopment, unchecked consumerism and
    inequality, cocaine, alcohol, and infinite vices that attack in a
    different way but deteriorate both the ruling class and the popular
    classes in a large part of the region. In order to achieve Ernesto
    Guevara's "new man" what is needed is a society with less alcohol
    and drugs in our bodies, less greed, fewer unfulfilled desires, fewer
    frustrations, less injustice, and more possibilities for everyone.

    Reading the daily newspaper, it all seems so simple. If violence
    increases in Venezuela it is without a doubt the fault of socialism,
    that is to say, of Hugo Chavez. But if it becomes chronic in Mexico
    nobody takes the risk of suggesting that it is capitalism's fault.

    Although Cuba may be the least violent place in the world, it occurs
    to nobody to attribute this, at the risk of being considered crazy,
    to some merit of the 50 years of revolution.

    The perspective of the media distorts everything. Raise your hand
    whomever, especially after a certain time of night, walks casually
    through Guatemala City or in dozens of other cities in the region. It
    is only a mystifier like Moises Naim who has written in "L'Espresso"*
    that in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, under Felipe Calderon, the people have
    begun to come out into the streets. In reality the entire historical
    center near the border with the United States is an uninterrupted
    sequence of closed businesses. The tension in the air in the few open
    businesses can be cut with a knife, and only the heroic will of the
    citizens persists in restoring the right to a normal life. Surely, Mr.

    Naim would not poke his head out of a hotel in Juarez but he spreads
    an evident lie in the international press.

    The reality is that the explosion of violence, now often endemic but
    in new forms and quantities in the last few years in which crisis
    and growth have occurred, is found in all of Latin America. The
    exceptions are few among the capitals: Santiago de Chile, Montevideo
    and in relative terms Managua and San Jose, paradoxically Mexico City
    and Havana. Compared to countries like Guatemala and El Salvador,
    Caracas still seems like an inhabitable city. Any ruling class
    Guatemalan family leaves home nowadays with three SUVs in a caravan;
    two escorts, one in the front and the other in back, and the family in
    the middle in order to go to eat fast food or to the pool. Everywhere,
    the business of private security is one of the principal industries
    and is an issue about which little is written.

    I look at the statistics on murders in little El Salvador and
    I discover that they rose from 3,100 murders in 2008 to 4,300 in
    2009 and more than 5,000 in the current year. I reject the desire to
    compare them with Venezuelan deaths, and this escalation is certainly
    not [Salvadoran President] Mauricio Funes's fault. But they are
    quantities that are similar to the civil war (70,000 dead between
    1980 and 1992). And they were almost doubled in two years without a
    clear reason, unless it is because of a society in which the lives
    of the Mara members are worth nothing, like Christian Poveda shows in
    "La Vida Loca" ["The Crazy Life"], referring to his own.

    The lives of immigrants are also condemned to disappear, those
    massacred in Tamaulipas or those who cross the continent to look
    for work in the U.S., only to be systematically abducted, kidnapped,
    raped, as documented by a survey that was disseminated widely by the
    Latin American press (including an in-depth article in La Jornada)
    but obviously ignored by the Italian press.

    In this way not even the lives of the children of Juarez are worth
    anything. With Clara Calzolaio we titled our report in the capital of
    Chihuahua, perhaps the most dangerous city in the world: "Journey to
    the End of Neo-Liberalism." As Ignacio Alvarado, a journalist with
    El Universal, told us: "65% of the deaths are people under 25 years
    of age and they are children and grandchildren of the maquiladora
    workers." As Elizabeth Avalos, a union organizer, explained to us:
    "Half a million young people are alive today to whom the neoliberal
    model has never offered anything, not education, not health, not work,
    and well in drug trafficking they find the only possibility to earn a
    living and obtain social recognition. Yes, it's true that for doing
    the work of hired killing they earn around a thousand dollars, far
    from the maquiladoras where they pay 500 pesos (30 euros) per week
    with contracts that sometimes last only 15 days."

    Returning to Caracas, Aram Aharonian, a 30 year-old Armenian-Uruguayan
    who lives in Venezuela, where he created Telesur, puts things in
    perspective for me: "The violence has existed in Venezuela for 40
    years. At the beginning, the detonators were poverty and exclusion.

    Nowadays, the principal causes are drugs and consumerism. It is true
    that more people die than in Iraq, but according to the data that I
    know of, there is not more violence than in Brazil, Colombia, or the
    United States."

    You are right, brother Aram, one of the greatest dreamers and builders
    of the Great Homeland and a brilliant analyst, but we cannot consider
    it so optimistically. Overall one perceives a clear limit in the merits
    of the Bolivarian government, that 72% of the murder victims should
    confront diverse sources of work in a context in which socialism cannot
    consist of an egalitarian distribution of oil profits. This author
    has sustained this since 2004 when I affirmed it in the presence of
    President Chavez. Six years later, I do not see substantial changes.

    Aram's defense is quite reasonable with respect to the incredible
    deformative capacity of the media that choose to see only what is
    convenient to them. In Colombian history, "The Violence" is the
    period that succeeded the assassination of Jorge Eliecer Gaitan in
    1948, a violence that has lasted until today among paramilitaries,
    narco-traffickers, hired assassins, and urban and rural violence.

    However, when reading the large international media such as Madrid's
    "El País" it would seem that Colombia under [former President]
    Alvaro Uribe had resolved all of its problems and that the only
    narco-traffickers who remain are the FARC terrorists. Mexico is violent
    but it's a typical characteristic of those people who smoke drugs,
    but fortunately we have a government that lives and fights together
    with us - this is the interpretation. In contrast, if Venezuela is
    a disaster it is surely and nothing more than Chavez's fault. The
    horrible images of the cadaver depository in Caracas that evidently
    the Bolivarian government would have preferred not to have circulated,
    are the same that we would find in other countries on the continent.

    Living with the doctors of Barrio Adentro (the program that
    develops the public health system in Venezuela) in the working class
    neighborhoods of Barcelona in Anzoategui state, I confirmed that every
    weekend the men were drunk and a true curfew was in force. Today in
    the macro-economic data on inclusion and reduction of poverty, they
    award the prize to Latin America (even The Economist recognizes it)
    in Anzoategui, in Venezuela, on the continent. But when will these
    men become sober? How many fewer deadly brawls between drunks? How
    many robberies happen under the influence of narcotics?

    All of this leads us to consider the continental dimension. In the
    face of the narco-traffickers' infinite capacity as corrupters, in
    the face of the abdication of the ruling classes, in the face of the
    violence, the lack of control of firearms, the alcohol that flows
    like rain, the atavistic ignorance of five centuries of colonialism
    and that induced by the neo-liberal period, how many steps backward
    do we take for every step forward?

    Download, or go to see if you can, or at least visit the website of
    "El infierno, el Mexico de hoy" ["Hell, Mexico Today], the movie by
    Luis Estrada that Felipe Calderon wanted to censor. It was released
    this week and it has already been considered the symbol of Mexico
    in its bicentenary year. For some, it could become the symbol of
    this era as "El Viaje" ["The Journey"] by Pino Solanas was of the
    neo-liberal period. It is the story of Benjamín García who after
    20 years of work is deported from the U.S. and in his country he is
    re-baptized "San Miguel Narcangel," and the only thing he can do is
    join the narco-traffickers.

    Some will remember the free trade agreements, the imposition of IMF
    regulations in the era of repeated debt crises incubated for decades,
    all of which were favorable to the agricultural industry of the United
    States and the multi-national companies, and set in motion tens of
    millions of peasants (12 million in Mexico alone) who are free to
    choose between migration and narco-trafficking. This is reinforced by
    the fact that the evident changes achieved by the Bolivarian Republic
    are not sufficient to assure that socialism (or Chavez's rhetorical
    practice of defining it as such) reduces violence.

    And although the bad faith of the media makes us shiver, Chavez, in his
    failure to confront the horror of those tens of thousands of lives,
    almost all of them young and wasted, is in excellent company with
    Colombia under, until recently, Alvaro Uribe, and the right hand of
    Felipe Calderon in Mexico; from the post-Liberation Theology left of
    [Brazilian President Luiz Inacio da Silva] Lula and of that "light,
    light" as Alvaro Colom is defined in Guatemala, where for almost
    nothing the mafias systematically shoot bus drivers in the nape of
    the neck; from Mauricio Funes's El Salvador, the little flea of the
    continent with its 5,000 dead, to the United States under Barack Obama.

    Firearms, the prohibition of drugs, the excessive freedom to consume
    alcohol, corruption, ignoble ruling classes, and persistent inequality
    are the principal evils that are shooting the wings of Latin America's
    re-birth. Education, equality, and probably a long battle for drug
    legalization here in the U.S. is the remedy. In this sense, the
    referendum in California on the legalization of marijuana is an
    important test. But it will take decades to end the violence.

    * M Naim, Milagro Mexicano, L'Espresso 13 May 2010 to which G. Mina
    responded. Este es quien paga a Moises Naim. Freedom House. Reporteros
    sin fronteras y a su informacion al quincenario "Latinoamerica e
    tutti il Sud del Mondo", 2010, n.110/111,pp 12-21

    Translated from Italian to Spanish by Susana Merino for

    Translated to English by James Suggett for

    From: A. Papazian