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Kessab And The Kessabtsis.

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  • Kessab And The Kessabtsis.


    Vahe H. Apelian
    20 November 2011

    The Kessab Educational Association (K.E,A) of Los Angeles held a
    banquet on Saturday October 29, 2011 to celebrate the centennial of the
    founding of the Kessab Educational Association - Kessab Ousumnasirats -
    in 1910. During the banquet Missak Apelian, the editor, unveiled the
    centennial commemorative book titled Kessab and the Kessabtsis and
    then ceremoniously presented the first signed copy to Mrs. Sarah,
    Vahan Churukian's widow.

    The book is a labor of love and is the culmination of over two years
    of efforts to archive the centennial of Ousumnasirats Association
    and is dedicated to its founding members who had the vision to
    establish it in 1910 at the aftermath of the 1909 progrom. Likewise
    it is dedicated to Mr. Vahan Churukian who is the founding member of
    the K.E.A. of LA in 1957. Kessab and the Kessabtsis will provide,
    especially to the English speaking Kessabtsis (People of Kessab),
    a glimpse of history of Kessab and its traditional way of life.

    The Book is in 8x10 inches white page with color imprint. It is hard
    cover and is 314 pages long. The artwork of the cover is designed and
    gifted by Richard Taminossian. It contains 87 articles of which 40
    are in English and the rest in Armenian. The first section is devoted
    to the English articles that are presented in a columnar layout. The
    next section is devoted to Armenian articles that are presented in
    a textual layout. Forty-five authors from Australia, Canada, Italy,
    Lebanon, Syria, United Arab Emirates and United States of America
    have contributed articles. It contains 207 black and white and colored
    pictures depicting Kessab and the Kessabtsis through the past century.

    Two editorials, one in English the other in Armenian precede the rest
    of the contents of this beautifully rendered centennial commemorative

    Both the English and Armenian articles are presented in 8 sections that
    are titled as follows: Kessab and its History, Kessab Ousoumnasirats
    Association and the Kessabtsis in Kessab, Kessabtsis in the Diaspora,
    K.E.A. of LA, We Remember With Gratitude, Kessab and its surrounding
    Villages, Articles about Kessab and Kessabtsis, Kessabtsis Celebrating
    their 100th Birthday, Pictures of Bygone Days.

    This centennial commemorative book is the first bilingual book about
    Kessab and its people. Its purpose is to bridge the big divide and
    to acquaint Kessab's past and present to a new generation, who do
    not read Armenian, especially to those born to Kessabtsi parents in
    the Western Hemisphere. However, it is not an exhaustive study, but a
    rendering of a sentimental journey at this junction of crossroad where
    so much has changed in Kessab especially during the last two decades.

    A way of life the Kessabtsis knew is now relegated to memory or
    at best within covers of books such as this one. As the English
    editorial notes that the once secluded Armenian enclave that is
    a remnant of the historical Cilicia, has become a bustling summer
    resort that attracts tens of thousands visitors during summer. Its
    cherished dialect is endangered as fewer and fewer people speak it
    nowadays. However, Kessab still maintains a sizable all year around
    Armenians who constitute the majority of its non-transient population.

    Anatole France is quoted to have said, "All changes, even the most
    longed for, has its melancholy; for what we leave behind is part of
    ourselves". This centennial book is a very readable, picturesque coffee
    table book presentation to capture what is now left behind in the
    annals of Kessab history and a way of life that is no more. It makes
    for a very informative and entertaining leisurely reading. It is a must
    especially to those born to Kessabtsi parents who left their village
    behind to start a new life elsewhere and provide further opportunities
    for their children. The book may be purchased from K.E.A. of LA
    by requesting a copy or copies through the address: K.E.A. of LA,
    P.O. Box 1507, Reseda, CA 91335. The book retails for $35.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress