December 13, 2011 - 12:54 AMT
PanARMENIAN.Net - Turkish media outlets are concerned that French
Senate's ratification of a bill penalizing the Armenian Genocide
denial is an actual possibility. Some are certain that during his
visit to Yerevan French President Nicolas Sarkozy expressed unequivocal
intention to support the bill.
The publications explain Sarkozy's position by an attempt to counter
another presidential hopeful Francois Hollande who pledged to adopt
the bill upon his election, while both are vying to garner Armenian
community votes.
On December 7, the Judiciary Committee of the French National Assembly
passed the bill on criminalization of the Armenian Genocide denial
introduced by MP Valerie Boyer (UMP).
The bill envisages a 45,000 euros fine and a one-year imprisonment
for the denial of the Armenian Genocide, which was recognized by
France back in 2001.
Later, Turkish Foreign Ministry issued a statement, warning France
against "unrecoverable steps." "At a moment when Turkey and France have
entered into a process in which they could increase their cooperation
at bilateral and international level, we hope no unrecoverable steps
will be taken," the statement said.
December 13, 2011 - 12:54 AMT
PanARMENIAN.Net - Turkish media outlets are concerned that French
Senate's ratification of a bill penalizing the Armenian Genocide
denial is an actual possibility. Some are certain that during his
visit to Yerevan French President Nicolas Sarkozy expressed unequivocal
intention to support the bill.
The publications explain Sarkozy's position by an attempt to counter
another presidential hopeful Francois Hollande who pledged to adopt
the bill upon his election, while both are vying to garner Armenian
community votes.
On December 7, the Judiciary Committee of the French National Assembly
passed the bill on criminalization of the Armenian Genocide denial
introduced by MP Valerie Boyer (UMP).
The bill envisages a 45,000 euros fine and a one-year imprisonment
for the denial of the Armenian Genocide, which was recognized by
France back in 2001.
Later, Turkish Foreign Ministry issued a statement, warning France
against "unrecoverable steps." "At a moment when Turkey and France have
entered into a process in which they could increase their cooperation
at bilateral and international level, we hope no unrecoverable steps
will be taken," the statement said.