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Armenia: Are Selective Abortions Behind Birth Ratio Imbalance?

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  • Armenia: Are Selective Abortions Behind Birth Ratio Imbalance?


    Marianna Grigoryan
    July 6, 2011

    Armenia's high rate of male births is alarming international and
    Armenian pre-natal specialists. Their chief concern is that selective
    abortions are contributing to a demographically undesirable gender

    Government statistics indicate that a gender imbalance in births has
    existed since the early 1990s, but the trend has become more visible
    in recent years. The State Statistical Service of Armenia reports
    that 23,800 boys and 20,900 girls were born in 2010, working out to a
    rate of about 114 male births for every 100 female births. In 2009,
    23,600 boys and 20,700 girls were born, marking approximately the
    same birth ratio as in 2010.

    The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) puts the worldwide sex
    ratio at birth at 105-106 males per 100 females. Armenia has an
    overall population of 2.96 million.

    Assessing the birth ratio, the head of the State Statistical Service's
    Census and Demography Department warned that Armenia faces "a serious

    "A study must be conducted to find out whether this imbalance is the
    consequence of selective abortions, or something else," said Karine
    Kuyumjian. "[T]he problem is obvious, and it will become even plainer
    later, when, along with demographic issues, we will face a lack of
    future mothers."

    Representatives from the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council
    of Europe (PACE) recently reached a similar conclusion. Armenia's
    above-average rate of male births indicates "that there must be some
    sort of pre-natal sex selection," said Doris Stump, a PACE rapporteur
    on pre-natal sex selection who travelled to Yerevan in June to assess
    the problem.

    "But there is no knowledge yet about how it is done and what is the
    responsibility of doctors telling the sex of the child to the parents,"
    Stump said. "More research has to be done on that question."

    A report about the need for member-countries "to fight against the
    preference for boys" in family planning will be presented to PACE in
    October, she added.

    As elsewhere in the Caucasus (Georgia and Azerbaijan also post high
    rates of male births, PACE reports), much of the problem may have to
    do with a heavy cultural emphasis on the value of having sons.

    "A good man must have a son," said sociologist Aharon Adibekian,
    commenting on Armenian attitudes toward their children's gender. "If
    you don't have a son, who will inherit your belongings, your house and
    [look after] your family?"

    That perspective is on display at Armenian hospitals; at one Yerevan
    facility recently, the overjoyed father of a newborn baby boy danced
    to Armenian folk music, while medical staff consoled the mother of
    a newborn baby girl that she'd "have a boy next time."

    Sociologist Adibekian, however, scoffs at the notion that this
    preference would prompt women to abort female fetuses. "In countries at
    war, the number of boys is high; this is called a war phenomenon," he
    asserted, referring to a spike in male births noted by demographers in
    countries engaged in long-term combat, where 120 boys can be born for
    every 100 girls. The same might be happening amid Armenia's ongoing
    standoff with Azerbaijan, Adibekian suggested.

    Dr. David Mkhitarian the medical director of Yerevan's prominent
    Shengavit Medical Center, also dismisses as "nonsense" the claim that
    female fetuses are being aborted selectively. "It's just that more
    boys than girls are born," Dr. Mkhitarian said.

    Armenia's current population slightly favors women (51.5 percent) over
    men (48.5 percent), a difference that could reflect labor migration
    trends. The UNFPA's deputy representative to Armenia cautions that
    legitimate grounds exist for connecting Armenia's high male birth rate
    to "intentional actions." The UNFPA expects to finalize a report on
    the issue this November.

    "[S]ince the findings of the study are yet unknown, maybe it's too
    early to speak about it with certainty, but if we try to consider
    it logically, we will see it is very likely to be so," said Garik

    "The birth rate has decreased about twice now as compared to the
    1980s, and by reducing the number of baby girls we risk entering a
    vicious circle," Hayrapetian continued. "When we say we need soldiers
    to provide for Armenia's security, we should not forget that we need
    enough ... mothers to whom these soldiers will be born in the future."

    But for women like 27-year-old Yerevan homemaker Gayane Hovhannisian,
    her husband and her family's "honor" outweigh any concern about
    Armenia's demographic situation.

    A mother of two daughters, Hovhannisian says that she did not
    hesitate to opt for an abortion when she learned she was pregnant
    with a third girl. Six months later, she got pregnant again; this
    time, with boy-girl twins. To avoid having another girl, she chose
    another abortion.

    "After these abortions, I finally fulfilled my husband's dream, and
    our son was born," Hovhannisian said. "I would burn with shame if I
    failed to give birth to a son."

    Official statistics show that the number of abortions in Armenia
    (13,797 cases) increased by roughly 10 percent in 2010 compared with
    the previous year; some specialists, though, maintain that the actual
    figures are higher.

    A fetus' gender cannot be determined until the 14th week of pregnancy,
    but Armenian law only allows abortions through the 12th week of
    pregnancy for women without contraindications.

    That suggests that many abortions "are performed secretly and
    illegally," said Marine Margarian, a project coordinator on gender
    rights issues at the Public Information and the Need for Knowledge
    non-governmental organization. "Of course, an abortion performed after
    the 12th week of pregnancy is not registered officially; otherwise,
    the picture would be clearer."

    Dr. Mkhitarian cautions that warnings about gender-based abortions
    will do nothing to stop the use of abortions for "family planning."

    "[I]f ... a woman of about 40 has three daughters and she learns she
    is expecting a fourth girl, she will go for an abortion despite any
    recommendations by either PACE or the Republic of Armenia or whoever
    it may be," said Mkhitarian.

    Editor's note: Marianna Grigoryan is a freelance reporter based in
    Yerevan and editor of
