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Reporter's Notebook: The sound of one hand clapping

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  • Reporter's Notebook: The sound of one hand clapping

    Jerusalem Post
    Sept 24 2011

    Reporter's Notebook: The sound of one hand clapping

    09/25/2011 00:45

    `So as Israel's prime minister, I didn't come here to win applause,'
    says PM Netanyahu at General Assembly. `I came here to speak the

    NEW YORK - The impact of the General Assembly addresses by
    Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and Prime Minister
    Binyamin Netanyahu at the UN on Friday could be gauged easily. One
    could do so without hearing a single spoken word.

    Had a celestial `mute' button been pressed, and no sound at all
    emanated from the mouths of the world leaders from the podium,
    watching the reactions of the General Assembly would in itself speak a
    thousand words.

    The UN, which Netanyahu called a `theater of the absurd' in his
    speech, was derided by many over the course of the week for its
    commemoration of the anti- Israel Durban conference. But the UN is a
    place where representatives of 193 nations convene. And as such, its
    General Assembly floor is a mirror held up to the faces of the world,
    for better or for ill.

    As the president of South Sudan, the newest member of the United
    Nations, spoke from the podium, there was a palpable excitement in the
    air. The seats in the hall filled with delegation after delegation of
    suited diplomats assuming their proper places. Anticipatory chatter
    bubbled from the desks and the aisles.

    The next speaker - Abbas - was clearly the main event of the day, if
    not the entire week.

    And then, surprise: The president of Armenia was called to be escorted
    to the podium by protocol to speak. The announcement was greeted by
    the ruffling of papers and a rumble of mumbled confusion. There had
    just been a change in the order of speakers - Abbas would be next. The
    excitement continued to mount on the floor of the GA, completely
    impervious to the words of the Armenian.

    When Armenia finished, there was a rustle in the air comparable to
    that of a curtain going up on a stage. There was standing room only in
    the observer's gallery. And as Abbas walked up to the podium, the vast
    majority of the delegates applauded thunderously, jumping up as though
    yanked from their seats by the strings of an invisible puppeteer.

    The holdouts were conspicuous. Ambassador to the UN Susan Rice, in the
    United States' seats in the front row with her team, remained seated
    and not clapping. The Israeli team did not clap either - and, in fact,
    Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman and Ambassador to the UN Ron Prosor
    left, making it clear that they had taken their seats only to leave

    Public Diplomacy and Diaspora Affairs Minister Yuli Edelstein left
    shortly after the speech began, when Abbas began to condemn Israeli
    settlements. Everyone else stayed, waiting to hear the promised bit of
    history dangled before them. They cheered lustily at the mention of
    deceased Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat. They nodded in agreement as
    Abbas threw out barbed words like `ethnic cleansing,' `racism' and
    `apartheid' directed at Israel, speaking for the benefit of his
    Palestinian as well as UN audience. The remaining Israelis sat

    And finally, when Abbas brandished a copy of the Palestinian
    application for statehood above his head like the winner of a relay
    race holding a baton, the crowd once more leapt to its feet in
    applause. They had seen what they had come to see: a historic moment,
    a symbolic triumphal gesture.

    As the next speaker, Japan, came to the podium, the energy and
    concentration of the assembled diplomats dropped precipitously. Groups
    of diplomats left, not listening as Prime Minister Yoshihoko Noda
    spoke of the tragic earthquake that had befallen his country, and his
    land and people's attempts to pick themselves up from horror and

    After Bhutan, Netanyahu approached the podium like the less-favored
    fighter coming into the ring. The room that had been so full of
    energetic anticipation for Abbas seemed sapped of energy, spent. The
    prime minister began by extending the hand of Israel in peace, and
    continued on to denigrate the body before which he stood. He denounced
    those UN delegates who had listened to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. He
    castigated the body for its inordinate attention to Israel above all
    other states. He expressed disbelief that Lebanon, a Hezbollah-run
    state, could chair the Security Council.

    All this and more, he said, rendered the international body a `theater
    of the absurd.'

    As applause rang loudly from Israel supporters in the gallery, the
    collective delegate response came closer to a perfunctory golf clap.

    The prime minister referenced applause at least twice in his speech.
    `So as Israel's prime minister, I didn't come here to win applause,'
    he said with the defiant tone of a child confronting a schoolyard
    bully who knows that he's going to get pummeled in response. `I came
    here to speak the truth.' While Netanyahu's truth resonated with the
    Israel supporters present, others seemed comparatively impervious to

    `There's an old Arab saying that you cannot applaud with one hand,'
    the prime minister said toward the end of his speech. `Well, the same
    is true of peace.' The hall fairly resonated with the sound of one
    hand clapping.

    There are those who deride the UN as a circus, or even the `theater of
    the absurd.' It is certainly a place where, for a week, dictators are
    chaperoned around town in black cars and decry evil in other parts of
    the world than their own. But whether or not the UN is the theater of
    the absurd, the drama portrayed on its stage is one that stays with
    someone who has seen it, long after the show is over.
