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Speech By President Serzh Sargsyan At The Reception Held By The RA P

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  • Speech By President Serzh Sargsyan At The Reception Held By The RA P


    Office of the President
    Sept 25 2011

    Embassy of Armenia to the US and Armenian-American organizations

    Compatriots, Ladies and Gentlemen,

    I am proud. I am proud to have such compatriots; I am proud because
    there are hardly many presidents in the world - probably, two or three
    - that can be offered such reception in New York. I am proud of you.

    I salute you and congratulated on the 20th anniversary of independence
    of the Republic of Armenia - Motherland of all Armenians.

    We have been celebrating this great jubilee with the same sincere
    fervor in Armenia and in Spyurk. It is quite natural because we
    are united not only by our genes, our past, our history, but also
    because we are united by today and most importantly by tomorrow, by
    our future. The future which we will create together, all of us. The
    prosperous and thriving Armenia of our common dream should become a
    reality through our common efforts.

    I am aware that in Armenia and especially in Diaspora there are
    skeptics and even disheartened people. They think that multiple
    obstacles, challenges and threats on our way are insurmountable. They
    are our brothers and sisters who probably have a more acute perception
    of the problems and view the possibilities of their resolution as
    unattainable. We will revive our hope and faith in our wonderful
    country and in our own abilities. We will renew our pledge which
    through the ages was abandoned by just a few and which many more have
    remained faithful to. They preserved it and fight, created and taught,
    cured and built, wrote manuscripts and interpreted, went to prison and
    exile, brought up strong and educated children and bestowed them with
    the formula of staying faithful to a centuries-long pledge. Foreign
    yoke is passing, war is passing, crises are passing, governments
    of our liking or disliking are passing, but our homeland is eternal
    and undying. It is our homeland as long as we didn't underestimate
    ourselves and didn't lose hope.

    Dear Compatriots,

    These days all the results of our twenty-year long journey have been
    recapped again and again. Quite naturally, some were complaining that
    the glass is half-empty yet, the others were asserting vigorously that
    the glass is already half-full. It is true that on the road toward
    the Armenia of our dreams we have overcome just a part of it. We will
    overcome the other one too, together, confident and steadfast.

    At the same time, Spyurk has brought its share to every accomplishment
    Armenia has had. And today I express my profound gratitude to all
    our brothers and sisters, to you all for the multifaceted assistance
    which you have brought and continue to bring to Armenia from day one
    of its independence. Thank you very much.

    I have already noted that day by day Armenia and Spyurq are more and
    more becoming each other's extensions. We will not have the Armenia
    of our dreams without engaging efforts and input of our compatriots
    from Diaspora. On the other hand, we will not have an efficient,
    Armenian thinking, Armenian identity preserving and developing, proud
    of its identity Spyurk without a persistently developing Armenia,
    which has its place and role in the modern world.

    To make our relations, our complementarity full grown, we should do
    everything to be mutually comprehensible and understandable. I am aware
    that there were times that there could have been disappointments. It is
    possible that the citizens of Armenia too sometimes were disappointed
    in their expectations. Nevertheless, we should realize that we need
    to rise above the disappointments of the failures and put our common
    ardor in passing on to the next generation the Armenia and such
    Armenia-Spyurk bonds that will give no reason for disappointment.

    All areas of the Armenian politics, particularly the area of foreign
    policy, must be comprehensibly presented to Spyurk. We will never shy
    away from consulting with Spyurk, from its criticism, its observations,
    listening to its viewpoint and considering its experience. There may
    be situations when our positions on some issues may differ, however
    we have to do everything to be mostly acceptable and comprehensible
    for each other.

    Regarding the preservation of the Armenian identity, issues of
    essential national interests our goals and agenda must be synchronized,
    while different means and ways of reaching them must become our asset
    and guarantee of success.

    Dear Compatriots,

    Peaceful resolution of the Nagorno Karabakh issue remains a priority
    for the Armenian state and its people as, I am sure, it is for the
    entire Armenian nation. Here we have what we have of which you're
    well aware. Unfortunately, at the moment we don't have any news worth
    mentioning. I don't think my position differs from yours. Artsakh has
    been enjoying its independence for the last twenty years and after
    the settlement it cannot have a status inferior to the one it has
    now and which has been won by its sons' blood.

    Independence of Karabakh or the right of its people for
    self-determination is not to be questioned. We continue negotiations
    with Azerbaijan mediated by the OSCE Minsk Group Co-chairs. I
    wouldn't say the negotiations are entirely inefficient, however
    on the other side, Kazan is the best example that Azerbaijan is
    not shining with constructiveness. Our goal has been and remains to
    achieve international recognition of Karabakh, including recognition
    by Azerbaijan. There will be no unwarranted or one-sided concessions,
    and we have talked about it on many occasions. We continue to believe
    that in order to register tangible results in the negotiations,
    it is necessary to undertake measures and steps which will enhance
    atmosphere of confidence among the parties.

    As long as Azerbaijan carries on with the threat to use force, as long
    as Azerbaijan nourishes the anti-Armenian sentiments, which are present
    today, it will be extremely difficult to achieve real progress. And one
    more thing should be made very clear: the only reason that Armenia has
    not yet recognized the Republic of Nagorno Karabakh is because Armenia
    has been trying to ensure results through the negotiations. At the
    same time, it must be understood that any adventurism on behalf of
    Azerbaijan, any action beyond the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group
    will result in our recognition of the Republic of Nagorno Karabakh.

    We together have yet much to do to bring this process to a successful
    conclusion. I am confident that with the strengthening of NKR-Spyurk
    relations, the issue of the international recognition of Artsakh will
    become a key point on our common agenda.

    Dear Compatriots,

    I know all too well how difficult it is, particularly for our
    compatriots in Spyurk to understand and accept our initiative aimed at
    the establishment of normal relations with Turkey. It is no accident
    that in the framework of the mentioned initiative, for the first time
    in the history of independent Armenia, the RA President conducted
    a panarmenian tour. I tried to listen and to present personally our
    approaches to the Armenians living in different corners of the world.

    Concerns and criticism expressed by our compatriots in Spyurk were
    comprehended and shared by us. However, I remain confident that
    regardless of the results, the Armenia-Turkey initiative was timely
    and because of that initiative from the viewpoint of international
    standing we have a different Armenia, from the viewpoint of our
    national agenda - a more powerful Armenia, a stronger Spyurk, and
    stronger Spyurk-Armenia relations.

    The Protocols are not ratified yet, Armenia-Turkey border remains
    closed, Turkey's hostile actions against Armenia continue, and yet
    if before the true nature of Turkey was known only to Armenians,
    regardless of where in the world they live, now, as a result of that
    process, Turkey's true nature has become clear for the world also.

    We will continue our joint actions aimed at the international
    recognition of the Armenian Genocide. The 100th anniversary of the
    Genocide is approaching and through our combined efforts it must
    become groundbreaking in sense of its international recognition and

    Bowing to the memory of our innocent victims, we as a nation which
    survived genocide, will continue to voice our message and ring alarm
    addressed to all in the name of humankind and civilization - we have
    to keep our planet free of all-human catastrophes.

    Dear Compatriots,

    You know first-hand value of democracy and great opportunities provided
    by it for a comprehensive development. Today in Armenia we have adopted
    standards of European democracy and are moving in that direction. And
    it is not imposed from without: it is our people's choice. Armenians,
    as any normal nation, love freedom. For centuries and even today we
    have been pursuing freedom. Some would whimper that the path is thorny;
    some would grumble that we move slowly but all realize that it is
    our path and we will overcome it. We will overcome it armed with the
    experience of our unbelievable history, enriched with our and world
    nations' cultures. We will overcome it arguing and hugging each other.

    Being here, in the United States of America, I would like also
    to convey words of gratitude to the people and government of the
    United States for their compassionate and warm attitude toward the
    newly independent Armenia, multifaceted assistance provided through
    the years of independence, efforts put in the resolution of the NK
    conflict, assistance in the process of normalization with Turkey
    and finally for constant attention and care for our compatriots -
    citizens and residents of the United States.

    I once again congratulate us all on the occasion of this great
    holiday. I am certain that the Armenian nation is a huge power and if
    that power is used properly, we will have numerous new and glorious

    Long live the independent and free Armenia - Motherland of all

    Long live the Armenian nation!
