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Newly Hired Professors Paid More In Armenia Than China But Less Than

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  • Newly Hired Professors Paid More In Armenia Than China But Less Than


    How much is a professor worth? It might help to know what professors
    are actually paid and how that figure compares with other salaries -
    and with the salaries of academics in other countries. But as Philip
    Altbach and his colleagues at the Center for International Higher
    Education discovered, such questions are a lot easier to ask than to
    answer, The New York Times reports.

    In a new book, "Paying the Professoriate," to be published this month,
    Altbach and his co-editors examine academic salaries, contracts and
    benefits in publicly funded universities in 28 countries. They depict
    a world increasingly divided "into two categories - brain drain and
    brain gain," as countries with more resources siphon off academic
    talent from poorer countries. They also show a profession that in
    many countries is subject to a widening gap between professors at top
    research universities and those who work at colleges devoted mainly
    to teaching, "who are lower in the academic pecking order and who
    now constitute the large majority of the academic work force."

    All currencies were converted into US dollars using a purchasing power
    parity index based on the cost of a set of items in the United States.

    But they also compared salaries in each country with that country's
    average per capita gross domestic product, giving a sense of how
    academics were paid in comparison to pay for compatriots in other
    jobs. Finally each of the 28 country teams was asked whether the
    average academic salary for that country was "sufficient to support
    a middle-class standard of living."

    In terms of purchasing power, newly hired academics in China ($259 per
    month, as calculated by this particular study's index) were the worst
    off, paid less than colleagues in Armenia ($405) or Ethiopia ($864).

    Academics in Canada, where the entry level salaries averaged $5,733,
    and full professors were paid an average of $9,485, had more cause
    for celebration than in the United States, where newly hired faculty
    members averaged $4,950 and full professors $7,358 - a figure that
    put the United States behind Italy ($9,118), South Africa ($9,330),
    Saudi Arabia ($8,524), Britain ($8,369), Malaysia ($7,864), Australia
    ($7,499), and India ($7,433).

    "Just finding the data proved difficult," Altbach said in an
    interview. "Many countries track school teachers' salaries, but
    not academic pay. And among academics, salary remains such a taboo
    subject." A preliminary report in 2003 recruited researchers from a
    dozen countries but "we found two problems."

    "None of us were economists, so we didn't really know how to make
    sense of the data. And the data we got was pretty bad," Altbach said.

    However, that first effort caught the interest of Maria Yudkevitch
    and Gregory Androushchak at the National Research University Higher
    School of Economics in Moscow. "Leaving aside social science, the
    Soviets had a really excellent university system - which has largely
    been destroyed," Altbach said.

    "We wanted to get an international perspective," said Androushchak,
    one of the book's co-editors. Although Soviet science had put the first
    man in space, and Russians continue to be awarded Nobel prizes - and to
    launch rockets - the country's academic institutions consistently fare
    poorly in international rankings. "We wanted to know what developed
    countries paid their academics, as well as developing countries
    and the other BRICS," he said, referring to the emerging economies,
    Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.

    "Paying the Professoriate" brings together government statistics
    from countries where the information is available with survey data
    from those where it is not. Private universities were excluded,
    since most do not publish salary data.

    From: A. Papazian