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Is Russia For Return Of Territories?

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  • Is Russia For Return Of Territories?

    Naira Hayrumyan

    Story from News:
    Published: 14:35:10 - 03/04/2012

    Russia insists on following the principles of Madrid. In fact,
    the Russian minister of foreign affairs Sergey Lavrov thinks that
    Armenia must return the territories and afterwards consider the status
    of Karabakh.

    Lavrov stated in Yerevan that the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs, at
    the level of the presidents of Russia, the United States and France,
    adopted at least three documents in the past three years which urged
    to settle the Karabakh issue on the basis of the principles of the
    U.N. Charter, the OSCE, by way of negotiations in the result of which
    in the final destination of the settlement, after having reached
    agreements on liberating certain territories, ensuring a corridor,
    the people of Karabakh will decide their destiny.

    In fact, he admitted that the sides cannot agree on this issue
    without specifying who is against. It is hardly Azerbaijan because the
    return of territories is what Baku needs, while Baku only appoints
    an uncertain referendum of independence when half of Karabakh will
    already be under its control.

    But does Armenia agree? Azerbaijan has recently rejected agreements
    at least four times, the Armenian foreign minister Eduard Nalbandyan

    He said the Azerbaijanis interpret the change of the status quo
    only as return of territories surrounding Nagorno-Karabakh. In this
    connection the co-chairs stated through their foreign ministers that
    all the principles and issues to form a framework for the settlement
    have been worked out as whole and none of them can be separated,
    Eduard Nalbandyan said.

    Interestingly, on the same day the U.S. Ambassador John Heffern made
    a statement without uttering a word on the principles of settlement,
    territories or status. Heffern spoke about peace, that is preservation
    of the status quo.

    We will continue to seek for the right formula, work on the mechanisms
    for the prevention of violations of the ceasefire, keep the sides at
    the table of negotiations, ensure lasting peace, he said.

    He noted that the presidents of the co-chair states of the Minsk Group
    have published the idea of balancing military expenditure, moderating
    the race of armament, prepare the peoples for a realistic settlement.

    The U.S. ambassador said they do everything they can to enable the
    sides to reach a settlement, adding that they are now working together
    with the sides on the so-called main principles. It seemed that we
    are close but we haven't reached the goal, he said.

    The Azerbaijani foreign minister Elmar Mammedyarov said the status quo
    is dangerous for Azerbaijan. He noted that the upcoming elections
    in Armenia and co-chair countries will protract the process of
    settlement. However, it does not mean that the process has come to
    a halt, he said.

    Apparently, the European Union does not make sufficient efforts
    to boost its role in the settlement of the Karabakh issue. It may
    be related to the elections but most probably the EU considers
    preservation of peace a priority to the settlement itself.
