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Beyond Laws And Smile

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  • Beyond Laws And Smile


    Story from News:
    Published: 13:31:15 - 04/04/2012

    Introducing the new Commander of Police Internal Troops Levon
    Yeranosyan, Chief of Police Vova Gasparyan said that he is a military
    officer, with a rich experience and he hopes the police troops,
    under Yeranosyan's leadership, will undergo qualitative changes and
    will serve for the solution of the issues.

    According to the official statement of the police, Vladimir Gasparyan
    dwelt on the shortcomings in the police and instructed the staff
    to eliminate them in a short period paying major attention to the
    healing of the moral-psychological atmosphere and the unconditional
    fulfilment of the official duties.

    As we know, Levon Yernosyan has moved to the Police from the army,
    he was the commander of the Third army corps. Why does Vova Gasparyan
    point out his being a military officer and having a rich experience,
    considering them in the context of the solution of the issues that
    the Police face?

    How will the military rich experience of Yeranosyan promote the
    qualitative progress in the solution of issues by the police? Against
    whom is he going to use his rich experience? The police tasks deal
    with the reaction of internal challenges of the country preserving
    the public order or restoring the constitutional order.

    Does the power see any threats which cause the necessity to appoint
    a military officer with "rich military experience and biography"
    Chief of Police Internal Forces? Does this mean that the power is
    preparing so-called military actions for the police?

    In this context, Vova Gasparyan's observation that it is necessary
    to pay major attention to the healing of the moral-physiological
    atmosphere of the troops and the fulfilment of the official duties
    is interesting.

    This is a very noteworthy observation. How is the moral-psychological
    state in the troops? Do the troops have moral-psychological problems
    after the March 1, 2008 when the troops were forced to face the
    citizens resulting in 10 deaths, including police officers? Have these
    events influenced on the police troops making them think whether using
    force and shooting against their citizens of their country is right,
    if the citizens don't pursue anything else but their constitutional

    Will Levon Yeranosyan with his military experience and biography
    remove these doubts from the police and inspire the hostile feeling
    towards the citizens convincing them that if necessary the police
    should do its duties unconditionally.

    Police Chief Vova Gasparyan has recently stated that the police should
    fulfil its election mission lawfully and smiling. What about the
    post-election period? Nothing is said in this connection. Instead, the
    law on the state of emergency is rapidly adopted, then a general with
    rich military experience is appointed chief of internal police troops.

    Interesting, in what frame does all this fit - law or smile?
