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In Anticipation Of The Elections In The Nkr Azerbaijan Hides Its Hea

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  • In Anticipation Of The Elections In The Nkr Azerbaijan Hides Its Hea

    Leonid Martirossian
    Sunday, 08 April 2012 09:51

    As it is known, on March 29, the National Assembly of the
    Nagorno-Karabakh Republic appointed the day of the regular presidential
    elections in the NKR - it is July 19, 2012. It is needless to say that
    for any country committed to democracy, presidential elections are
    an event of great political and national importance predetermining
    the way of further development of the state.

    The NKR is not an exception, because this truth applies equally
    to all states, regardless of their internationally recognized or
    unrecognized status. Moreover, one can even say that elections in
    an unrecognized state, in addition to purely internal significance,
    get also foreign-policy sounding.

    Surely, in different ways. A kind of resonator with a negative sign
    for the Karabakh elections of all types and levels has always been
    Azerbaijan, which starts persistently blowing to the whole world
    about the illegality and inadmissibility of their conduct in the NKR.

    Azerbaijan would betray itself if it did not respond, and very
    nervous, to the coming presidential elections. As expected, the Foreign
    Ministry of this country, represented by the head of the press-service,
    expressed a negative attitude to the elections, calling them "another
    provocation of the Government of Armenia" (?!). It was followed by a
    tirade, devoid of any logic, that Armenia "displays complete disrespect
    and disregard for the principles and norms of international law,
    inflicts another blow to the negotiation process", etc.

    A few days earlier, a statement of similar content was also made by
    head of the public-political department of the Azerbaijani presidential
    administration Novruz Mamedov.

    We believe that any sane person will probably ask the question:
    and why Armenia? And he will be right, as the elections held in the
    NKR, as a democratic procedure of electing the authorities, are an
    important constituent of the process of construction and establishment
    of independent statehood proclaimed by the people of Nagorno-Karabakh
    and not Armenia. And it is in Nagorno-Karabakh and not in Armenia that
    the coming, July 19, presidential elections will be the fifth national
    elections of the NKR President. And the well-known policy of Azerbaijan
    - to distort the configuration of the Azerbaijani-Karabakh conflict and
    to present it to the world as confrontation between Baku and Yerevan
    is easily seen in accusing Armenia of involvement in the elections
    in the NKR. At the same time, like an ostrich, it is burying its head
    in the sand, pretending that Nagorno-Karabakh as such does not exist.

    Meanwhile, such a position of official Baku, like the similar pose of
    an ostrich, is really comical. And regardless of Azerbaijan's hiding
    its head or not, Nagorno-Karabakh will not cease to be an equal party
    to the conflict. Especially, it will not cease to be a state.

    Moreover, the international mediators of the OSCE Minsk Group secured
    the fact of "equal party", recognized yet in 1994 in Budapest, by
    the fact that their currently proposed settlement project is based
    on the principle of nations' self-determinations, which, as it can
    be easily guessed, is intended for the NKR.

    We should also note another important thing that also has direct
    relevance to the settlement process. It is known that the mandate
    of the OSCE Minsk Group provides to negotiate with the elected
    representatives of the parties to the conflict on the Karabakh
    settlement, which the Minsk Group co-chairs do, arriving each time
    to the NKR. By the way, even the Azeri authorities of the time of
    the current President's father repeatedly asked for a meeting with
    the elected representatives of the Karabakh leadership, which those
    in Azerbaijan do not want to remember now.

    In general, I must say, the rejection of our elections by Azerbaijan
    has a range of reasons. Among them, perhaps, is the fact that dozens
    of independent observers from various countries and international
    organizations will observe the coming presidential elections in the
    NKR, as it repeatedly took place. And we can be sure that, as earlier,
    they will state the commitment of the citizens of the Nagorno-Karabakh
    Republic to democratic principles and the high level of organization
    and conduct of the electoral process. It will be another serious
    blow to the pride of Azerbaijan, which on the level of democratic
    development is firmly fixed in the lower rows of countries' ranking
    and is constantly criticized by international institutions for the
    situation with democratic freedoms and human rights. In addition,
    the observers and representatives of foreign mass media will tell the
    world the truth about Nagorno-Karabakh, which has nothing to do with
    the dirty lie being spread by Azerbaijan on the NKR. There is something
    for Azerbaijan to fall into hysterics, which we observe today.
