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Opposition Acknowledges RPA Monopoly

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  • Opposition Acknowledges RPA Monopoly

    Naira Hayrumyan

    Story from News:
    Published: 11:46:09 - 10/04/2012

    The idea of the abolition of the monopoly of the Republican Party
    which the Armenian National Congress brought up seems reasonable and
    realistic. Levon Zurabyan explained the cooperation with the coalition
    party Prosperous Armenia in the joint campaign staff by the intention
    to fight the Republican monopoly. Heritage and ARFD also joined this
    initiative which brings up the issue of the necessity to end the
    monopoly of the Republicans.

    Zurabyan said that the main task should be destruction of the
    Republican monopoly which rules both the election process and the
    political and economic systems. It is possible to end monopoly only
    by way of unification.

    Evidently, the RPA is not likely to end monopoly. Moreover, it is
    trying to reinforce the monopoly by assuming the responsibility of
    holding fair elections. In his first election speech, Serzh Sargsyan
    made it clear that the Republican Party is responsible for "free and
    fair elections", actually identifying the party with the state.

    According to the laws and concept of elections, the ruling party is
    responsible for the election as much as the other political forces
    since the main principle of any elections must be equal opportunities.

    What equal opportunities are concerned if one of the parties introduces
    itself as the guarantor of the elections?

    The state election commission, the law enforcement bodies and courts
    which are not related to the ruling party are supposed to deal with
    the fairness and freedom of elections. And if the Republican Party
    dwells on guarantees, it commits the first fraud since it indicates
    the use of the administrative resource.

    It is clear that Serzh Sargsyan makes these speeches with the
    understanding that he violates the law. But he keeps stating it to
    show that he keeps the situation under control. He says so to scare
    his competitors by indicating that the joint campaign staffs and
    other measures are meaningless for the RPA is the sole "responsible"
    for the elections.

    The joint staff should state that Serzh Sargsyan breaks the law. it
    needs to demand relevant bodies, and not the ruling party, to deal
    with the organization of elections because if other parties recognize
    the right of the Republicans to hold elections, the fight against
    monopoly and for fair elections will make no sense.
