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Who Will Be Next Prime Minister?

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  • Who Will Be Next Prime Minister?

    Naira Hayrumyan

    Story from News:
    Published: 11:24:20 - 11/04/2012

    Who will head the government after the parliamentary elections? This
    question becomes urgent in the light of the possibility that the
    elections may result in change of balance of power in parliament,
    depriving the Republican Party of majority and the right to form
    government. Apparently, Tigran Sargsyan will not remain prime minister.

    What will the change of prime minister change in the everyday life
    of the Armenian citizens? We tend to think that nothing will change
    but in reality it will take only several abrupt moves to make the
    Armenian economy advance.

    The opposition parties point out among the main shortcomings of
    the government the lack of clear steps to attract investments. The
    government hails its undertakings but even official statistics claims
    the opposite.

    Foreign investments in Armenia amounted to USD 1.65 billion in 2011.

    They increased by 6.3%. Direct investments, i.e. remittances, amounted
    to USD 813.3 million (growing by 15.1%). In the same period, USD 115.8
    million (22.4% growth) was exported from Armenia. No comments. In fact,
    the government boosted remittances rather than investments.

    Addressing the RPA session, Serzh Sargsyan did not deny that the
    government could work better. He said the government is able to save
    the financial and banking system "which would otherwise have left
    us under its ruins". Most probably, Tigran Sargsyan, an ex-banker,
    told him about it who actually did everything he could to leave only
    banks in the economy of Armenia.

    No investments in Armenia are not only an economic but also a
    political and national shortcoming. Investments are a guarantee of
    security and stability for each country. Azerbaijan, for example,
    is totally barred from military venture because billions have been
    invested in this country.

    Investments are also demography. In the end, lack of investments and
    development of industry forces people to leave Armenia. Though Serzh
    Sargsyan says people leave the country to avoid military service,
    a 45-year-old man in his heyday will hardly leave the country to
    avoid military service. They are simply jobless.

    Tigran Sargsyan says Armenia is an offshore zone and is open to
    investments. Facts prove the opposite though. It is notable that
    all the opposition parties state the necessity to boost investments
    mainly by the Diaspora. Serzh Sargsyan refuses to use the experience
    of Singapore where he has recently been.

    In this regard, the next government may open the market for the
    Diaspora, without being afraid of local monopolists and Russian
    investors and create a real offshore in Armenia. This would be
    a revolution.

    Who will head the government? Are there people in Armenia who are
    capable of such an economic revolution?

    From: A. Papazian