Igor Muradyan
Story from News:
Published: 11:38:14 - 11/04/2012
The discussion of political government and democracy is at least
400-500 years old. At least, it was practiced professionally in the
period of the English revolution in the 17th century. Since then
mankind has been racking their heads on the forms of and approaches
to democracy.
The economic crisis paralyzing the world was a tough challenge for
democracy as a method of government and form of thinking. It is crisp
and clear that democracy itself became a factor of crisis, maybe also
the most important factor.
Only in a totally liberal democracy could such a big balloon of
"missing value" occur. In addition, the apologists of the market
continue to complain of lack of genuine democracy as the cause of
this crisis.
At the same time, a lot of outstanding and important minds of the
modern times either thought of or arrived at a conclusion that the
current forms of democracy are disputable and futile. One can hear
that the modern forms of elective democracy are "sheer fraud" and a
means for the global oligarchy to keep power in their hands. There
is a firm belief that it is necessary to "limit" democratic methods
which means prolongation of universalism of the elective system,
replace such a wild profanation as the universal vote by "politics",
that is different forms of electoral qualification.
In modern world the profanation of public thinking and consciousness
has reached a point when even the educated class has no idea of ongoing
politics and public processes. Total spread of the current form of
education has led the society to false ideas of the right of people
to participate in the political life, the belief that the notion of
politics is quite accessible, and they can bear responsibility for
the destiny of the nation.
At the same time, there is a lack of understanding that such ideal
imagery as "state", "democracy", "society" are mere leverages of
external manipulation, a means for certain elites to rule the world
which will never let in the leading groups of the majorities of states
and peoples.
It is time to develop new conditions and methods of forming social
contracts, delegation of rights and the practice of responsibility
of the political class, or more exactly politics of the part of the
society which is responsible for doing politics.
Armenia is in a meaningless search for methods of applying democracy
which is used by Armenia's foreign "partners" in a classic way.
However, the Armenian society is unfolding a discussion which needs
to be supported and directed in a positive way.
Intensification of brutal processes throughout a huge space between
the eastern borders of the European Union to the western border of
China, the intentions of world powers to re-lay out the geopolitical
map, create new states suppose quite dangerous processes, including
regional wars.
Armenia is supposed to play a very important role in this process,
which supposes forming the necessary ruling regime, economy and
infrastructure of the mobilization type, preparing the country for
this prospect and goals. Armenia cannot stay aloof of the events and
has to win.
Therefore, meaningful and adequate political and social projections
are necessary, as well as establishment of conditions required for
and adequate to the ruling regime. This is the system of values and
humanist approaches to government of the country.
Igor Muradyan
Story from News:
Published: 11:38:14 - 11/04/2012
The discussion of political government and democracy is at least
400-500 years old. At least, it was practiced professionally in the
period of the English revolution in the 17th century. Since then
mankind has been racking their heads on the forms of and approaches
to democracy.
The economic crisis paralyzing the world was a tough challenge for
democracy as a method of government and form of thinking. It is crisp
and clear that democracy itself became a factor of crisis, maybe also
the most important factor.
Only in a totally liberal democracy could such a big balloon of
"missing value" occur. In addition, the apologists of the market
continue to complain of lack of genuine democracy as the cause of
this crisis.
At the same time, a lot of outstanding and important minds of the
modern times either thought of or arrived at a conclusion that the
current forms of democracy are disputable and futile. One can hear
that the modern forms of elective democracy are "sheer fraud" and a
means for the global oligarchy to keep power in their hands. There
is a firm belief that it is necessary to "limit" democratic methods
which means prolongation of universalism of the elective system,
replace such a wild profanation as the universal vote by "politics",
that is different forms of electoral qualification.
In modern world the profanation of public thinking and consciousness
has reached a point when even the educated class has no idea of ongoing
politics and public processes. Total spread of the current form of
education has led the society to false ideas of the right of people
to participate in the political life, the belief that the notion of
politics is quite accessible, and they can bear responsibility for
the destiny of the nation.
At the same time, there is a lack of understanding that such ideal
imagery as "state", "democracy", "society" are mere leverages of
external manipulation, a means for certain elites to rule the world
which will never let in the leading groups of the majorities of states
and peoples.
It is time to develop new conditions and methods of forming social
contracts, delegation of rights and the practice of responsibility
of the political class, or more exactly politics of the part of the
society which is responsible for doing politics.
Armenia is in a meaningless search for methods of applying democracy
which is used by Armenia's foreign "partners" in a classic way.
However, the Armenian society is unfolding a discussion which needs
to be supported and directed in a positive way.
Intensification of brutal processes throughout a huge space between
the eastern borders of the European Union to the western border of
China, the intentions of world powers to re-lay out the geopolitical
map, create new states suppose quite dangerous processes, including
regional wars.
Armenia is supposed to play a very important role in this process,
which supposes forming the necessary ruling regime, economy and
infrastructure of the mobilization type, preparing the country for
this prospect and goals. Armenia cannot stay aloof of the events and
has to win.
Therefore, meaningful and adequate political and social projections
are necessary, as well as establishment of conditions required for
and adequate to the ruling regime. This is the system of values and
humanist approaches to government of the country.