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Eurovision 2012 In Azerbaijan: "behind The Glitz And Glamour, Sequin

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  • Eurovision 2012 In Azerbaijan: "behind The Glitz And Glamour, Sequin


    Eurovision 2012 in Azerbaijan: "Behind the glitz and glamour, sequins
    and songs lies real-world conflict"

    Center for Strategic and International studies /CSIS/ has published
    a large article about Armenian-Azerbaijani relations about Nagorno
    Karabakh conflict and about Eurovision 2012 in Azerbaijan. Sung
    In Marshall is the author of the article. presented the
    article completely.

    The Eurovision Song Contest is an annual televised competition
    featuring music acts from 56 countries in and around Europe, which
    draws an estimated 125 million viewers from around the world.

    Eurovision has given Azerbaijan a unique opportunity to showcase its
    country when it hosts the event in May. But behind the glitz and
    glamour, sequins and songs lies real-world conflict. This year's
    contest comes amid ever-present tensions and continual low-level
    armed conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia over Nagorno-Karabakh.

    In such a tense environment, even the apparently innocent fun of
    Eurovision is politicized and politically sensitive.

    On February 24, a group of Armenian pop singers launched a campaign to
    boycott the Eurovision contest. In their letter, they expressed their
    refusal to "appear in a country that is well-known for mass killings
    and massacres of Armenians, in a country where anti-Armenian sentiments
    have been elevated to the level of state policy." This campaign was
    launched amid anger at the reported shooting of an Armenian soldier
    by an Azerbaijani sniper, but it ran into controversy after officials
    announced that he had actually been killed by a fellow serviceman.

    Relations between the two countries continued to sour as Azerbaijan
    marked the 20th anniversary of Khojaly, the alleged massacre carried
    out by Armenians during the Nagorno-Karabakh War, on February 26 /In
    real Khojali is a great crime of Azerbaijani authorities towards the
    own people. Azerbaijanis now just use disinformation about Khojali
    to spread Armenophobia in their society-

    Reports from the Azerbaijani media included inflammatory language,
    stating that the Khojaly incident was one of the most "heinous and
    bloodiest tragedies of the 20th century" and blaming the "Armenian
    aggressors" for "genocide". Two days later, Azerbaijani President
    Ilham Aliyev stated, "our main enemies are Armenians of the world
    and the hypocritical and corrupt politicians under their control."

    Amid this renewed tension and increasingly threatening
    rhetoric, Armenia withdrew from the Eurovision competition. Citing the
    recent hostile and anti-Armenian remarks made by Aliyev, Armenian
    Public Television released a statement about its withdrawal,
    which said: "We can conclude that the president of a Eurovision
    host country is officially stating that all Armenians, including
    those who would be included in the Eurovision delegation, are the
    enemies of Azerbaijan. Therefore, it would make no sense to send
    our participant to a country where they would be received as an
    enemy. We are convinced that the atmosphere created by this and
    other anti-Armenian statements and actions cannot ensure equal
    conditions for all singers participating in Eurovision." Moreover,
    the statement continued, "Despite the fact that the Azerbaijani
    authorities have given security guarantees to all participating
    countries, the Azerbaijani president made a statement that enemy
    number one for Azerbaijan were the Armenians

    A senior Azerbaijani politician reacted to the Armenian withdrawal,
    saying that Armenia had no genuine reason to boycott the competition:
    "The Armenian refusal to take part in such a respected contest will
    cause even further damage to the already damaged image of Armenia,"
    said Ali Ahmedov, the executive secretary of the governing party.

    Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov also commented on the
    Armenian boycott, stating "The Eurovision song contest should not be
    politically exploited and especially not in this conflict." 

    Despite the apparent innocuousness of a multinational pop song
    competition, Eurovision has been politicized in recent years. In 2009,
    Azerbaijani authorities interrogated 43 citizens who had voted for
    Armenia's entry, the duo Inga and Anush. The accused citizens had to
    justify their vote and affirm their loyalty to Azerbaijan.

    Also in 2009, the introductory video clip-or "postcard"-leading
    into the Armenian performance depicted "We Are Our Mountains", a
    statue located in Stepanakert, the capital of Nagorno-Karabakh. After
    complaints from the Azerbaijanii side, the European Broadcasting Union
    removed the clip. Ostensibly in retaliation for the Armenian display,
    Azerbaijani television blurred out the Armenian voting number as well
    as distorted the TV signal when the Armenian entry was performing
    on stage.

    The tit-for-tat spat surrounding the Eurovision contest is a
    small-scale reflection of the larger Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
    that Armenia and Azerbaijan have been embroiled in for the
    past two decades. Nagorno-Karabakh, the landlocked, mountainous,
    Armenian-populated enclave inside Azerbaijan, has been the subject of
    a two-decade long dispute between the two countries. Conflict over
    the region began in 1988 with smoldering antagonism and small-scale
    violence during the collapse of the Soviet Union and erupting into
    a full-scale war by 1992. The war resulted in an estimated 20,000 to
    30,000 people dead and more than one million refugees and internally
    displaced persons (IDPs). A Russian-brokered ceasefire was signed
    in May 1994. Though it has thus far prevented another all-out war,
    the Line of Contact separating Armenian and Azerbaijani forces in
    the region remains the site of frequent sniper attacks and low-level
    violent skirmishes. Meanwhile, both sides-Azerbaijan in particular-have
    been escalating their arms race and resorting to bellicose rhetoric.

    Nagorno-Karabakh is often described as a "frozen conflict," but in
    reality it is a simmering stalemate, and recent actions taken by both
    sides indicate that the conflict is heating up. A 2011 International
    Crisis Group (ICG) report stated that there has been significant
    deterioration in the region's fragile peace, with an increase of 53
    percent in ceasefire violations. Moreover, both sides have stepped up
    their vitriolic rhetoric: according to an article in The Economist,
    Azerbaijan's president Ilham Aliyev warned of war in at least
    nine separate speeches in 2010. Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan
    responded by strongly underlining his country's readiness to respond
    to any attacks. 

    In addition to aggressive rhetoric, both sides have been arming up.

    Reports estimate Azerbaijan's defense spending will rise by 1.8
    percent this year to $3.47 billion, topping Armenia's entire state
    budget, although the official defense budget for 2012 is reported to
    be only $1.7 billion. In an effort to keep up, Armenia's military
    budget for 2012 was increased to about $400 million-the country's
    biggest annual defense outlay ever, despite being a mere fraction
    of Azerbaijan's budget. Azerbaijan has been utilizing this huge
    defense budget to amass weapons: according to ICG, Azerbaijan
    purchased Mi-24 "Crocodile" attack helicopters, 29 BTR-70 armored
    vehicles and some 35 122-mm and 152-mm artillery pieces from Ukraine
    in 2009 and reportedly 62 of its 180 T-72 tanks from Russia. It also
    reportedly closed a huge $1.6 billion arms deal with Israel. Although
    Armenia's official defense budget pales in comparison to that of its
    neighbor, Yerevan enjoys support from the Russian base in Gyumri,
    which currently houses MiG-29 fighter jets and S-300 missile systems,
    as well as some 5,000 troops. There have also been several claims from
    the Azeri side that arms transfers from Russia to Armenia via the
    Gyumri base have occurred. In January 2009, Azerbaijan claimed that
    Armenia was provided with $800 million worth of arms, including 21
    T-72 tanks, some 50 armored vehicles, artillery pieces, "Strela-10"
    and "Strela-2" surface-to-air missile systems, although these claims
    were denied by Russia. 

    Efforts to find a political solution to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
    are being spearheaded by the OSCE-led Minsk Group, and the Armenian
    and Azerbaijani presidents have met for negotiations on several
    occasions. However, progress has stalled. Given the failure of
    repeated international efforts to broker a peace deal, grassroots
    peace-building may offer the best solution to the impasse. Joint
    bilateral civil society dialogue processes, including cultural
    interaction, can provide a forum for meaningful exchange. The
    symbolic idea of various nationalities uniting under a common
    theme of music and entertainment-no matter how camp or cheesy it
    may be-was underscored (somewhat ironically, considering the harsh
    statements from the Azerbaijani side) by Azerbaijan's First Lady,
    Mehriban Aliyeva: "The language of music is clear to everyone,
    regardless of nationality and religion. And it's very symbolic that
    during these days in May representatives of different countries,
    different musical styles will stand on the same stage and sing songs
    in different languages." Music can indeed, unify, and the Eurovision
    competition offers a unique opportunity for people-to-people dialogue
    and cultural interaction. 

    In a recent interview with RFE/RL, Ambassador Robert Bradtke, U.S.

    co-chair of the Minsk Group, emphasized the importance of
    people-to-people dialogue as a peacebuilding tool:

    "If you look back from the 20-year perspective, what we now see is
    a generation in Armenia and Azerbaijan growing up that has really
    not lived side by side. They have not had the personal relationships
    that might help them understand better the perspectives of the other
    sides and that might help them overcome stereotypes that one sees all
    too often in the media in Armenia and Azerbaijan. So people-to-people
    contacts can help play a role there, but one of the challenges is to
    do this in a way that is constructive [and] to do it in a way that is
    genuine. People-to-people contacts don't work if they are used by the
    sides for political purposes or are politicized. If they are used to
    continue arguments about who was at fault or who did wrong to whom
    20 years ago, that's not going to help move things forward. It may
    need to be bringing people together to discuss common problems."

    Thus, the more Armenian and Azerbaijani artists travel to each other's
    countries, the better they can build trust and restore confidence on
    a personal level. 

    Eurovision 2012 had the potential to bring both sides together.

    Although Armenia's withdrawal from Eurovision is not the same as
    walking out of peace talks, it is a negative move in a decades-long
    effort to solve the intractable Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. If the
    Armenian delegates had decided to attend even in the face of bellicose
    statements made by the Azerbaijanis, and the Azerbaijani authorities
    had welcomed them, Eurovision's party atmosphere could have provided
    a rare opportunity for the two sides to unite. This, however, was
    not the case, and Armenia and Azerbaijan remain deadlocked in the
    conflict that continues to grip the region.

    12.04.12, 12:30
