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ISTANBUL: Who Should Be Listening To The Warning Bells Of April 24?

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  • ISTANBUL: Who Should Be Listening To The Warning Bells Of April 24?

    by Mehmet Fatih Oztarsu*

    Today's Zaman*.html
    April 18 2012

    Turkey has been able to maintain a firm stance regarding the Armenian
    matters that have at times occupied the global agenda in recent years.

    This year it appears it will be able to brush off the whole April 24
    syndrome. But another side to the issue presents us with a different
    reality; a process guided by different strategies has begun for the
    Armenians, who appear, from the outside, to be the losing side.

    In recent times, the Armenian diaspora has tried every method possible
    to keep this issue from sliding out of the global spotlight. There
    appear to be no limits to what this diaspora will do in terms of
    increasing anti-Turkey activities in the countries where they reside,
    scrutinizing topics sensitive to Turkey's national and international
    policies and then presenting these topics to the world. As for Turkey's
    efforts to form some sort of dialogue with the said diaspora, they
    have so far gone unaccepted.

    France, which seems unruffled by the idea of experiencing a crisis
    with Turkey, has even shot a bullet into its own foot in order to
    be able to pick up the vote of the Armenians. Its most recent acts
    with regards to the Armenian issue, however, did not bring about the
    desired effect. After the brief crisis between Turkey and France,
    Armenia -- pushed by increased prompting from members of its diaspora
    -- said that France had not done enough on this question, and noted it
    would be ratcheting up its own lobbying activities. In the meantime,
    relations between Armenia -- which says, "If not France, then the
    US," -- and Turkey are in a frozen state, with no movement either
    forward or backward on this front. In Turkey, the subject comes up
    only during parliamentary or presidential election periods, or is
    used as a vehicle for propaganda in national politics. In Armenia,
    however, the topic is followed closely, and there is pride expressed
    in the steps being taken by others in the name of Armenia. A recent
    attack on Turkish stands at a book trade fair in France by an Armenian
    group was heralded in Armenia as an act of heroism. The same stance was
    displayed when Armenians in Lebanon attacked Turkish politicians. This
    stance is encouraged by the mentality of the Armenian Secret Army
    for the Liberation of Armenia (ASALA), which saw Turkish diplomats
    murdered in the Cold War period with the belief that "everything can
    be justified when it comes to this issue."

    Realpolitik is winning

    But realpolitik is a different matter altogether, and unfortunately
    both Armenia and its diaspora ignore this fact. In the end, realpolitik
    is winning, and with their hurried and uncalculated approaches,
    they are actually damaging themselves. The country where Armenians
    who oppose Turkey feel most at home these days is France.

    But any further steps France might take on this matter are sure
    to further damage Turkish-French relations, and thus there can
    be no developments therein. To wit, Turkey has already made its
    resolve clear on this matter. Level-headed French politicians have
    made it quite clear that they find these demands from Armenians --
    demands which limit freedom of thought -- completely unreasonable,
    and that France has more important issues to deal with these days. One
    important question that begs research is why it is that during times
    when right-wing politics is on the rise, and when minorities are
    under so much pressure, are Armenians treated to such a different
    approach in France? The answer is that this is entirely the result
    of the effective workings of the diaspora. And in response, Turkey
    needs to make some serious efforts. Otherwise, this cold war will
    rob it of energy for many more years to come. It is not possible to
    enter into dialogue with the diaspora, since what actually nourishes
    the diaspora is conflict. But more reasonable steps taken by Armenia
    itself may in fact clear the path for dialogue.

    Mistakes made by Armenia in its foreign political maneuvers are a
    frequent topic for debate in Armenia, but since the same rhetoric gets
    repeated over and over, no new ideas ever seem to come about. This,
    in turn, makes their arguments seem less and less plausible. Armenia
    states: "Turkey must not get involved in the Nagorno-Karabakh
    question. If it can refrain from doing so, we are prepared to develop
    our relations with it." But what is not being talked about here is that
    it would actually be an economically weak Armenia which would benefit
    most from the development of relations with Turkey. The conflicting
    aspects of Armenian foreign policy and politics are largely rooted in
    foreign dependence. The very foundation of its foreign politics is
    riddled with errors this way. We see the same problems that started
    in 1918, when the first Armenian republic was formed. At that time,
    Armenia was not able to bring about its independence by its own hand,
    and was in a state of conflict with Azerbaijan, a state to which it
    later added both Turkey and Georgia.

    Over time, a foreign policy rooted in the rhetoric of "saving
    historical Armenian lands" was formed, which is when Armenia tried
    to take over the southern reaches of Georgia. Today, it follows the
    same incompatible sort of policies with all its neighbors. And it
    is the cornerstone of these policies that holds Turkey responsible
    on the question of 1915. As a result, Armenia gives off the image
    of being a country constantly oppressed by others, and a country
    which tries to solve problems through conflict. It is, in the end,
    Armenia which is damaged by this.

    Turkey has taken the right step in trying to broach peace with
    Armenia in recent years. These steps on Turkey's part have led to
    the erasure of the previously held image of Turkey around the world
    as being an oppressive, embargo-wielding nation. Turkey does believe
    that the correct diplomacy can bring about peace, and it follows the
    Nagorno-Karabakh issue closely with the hopes of seeing regional
    stability settled. As it stands today, Turkey affirms that peace
    can be brought about if an important problem like Nagorno-Karabakh
    is actually solved. And this is thus a critical matter which Armenia
    needs to urgently accept. But of course, to what extent can Armenia act
    out of its own will and volition? That in itself is a whole different
    question. Turkey, which sees its own stance maintained as April 24
    rolls around this year, needs to watch the upcoming elections in
    Armenia closely. It is quite clear that this year's April 24 will
    see the stances embraced by Armenia and all its supporters in the
    diaspora become clearer; it will also be a time when new strategies
    emerge. This is because there is very little time left until 2015. One
    must not forget that in 2015, the arguments will not come to any
    sort of conclusion, but that instead, it is the year when the real
    propaganda wars will start up.

    *Mehmet Fatih Oztarsu is a strategic outlook expert with the

    Yerevan European Regional Academy.
