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TBILISI: New CARE Project Hopes To Develop Georgia-Armenia Border Re

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  • TBILISI: New CARE Project Hopes To Develop Georgia-Armenia Border Re

    By Etuna Tsotniashvili

    The Messenger
    April 19 2012

    Yesterday, CARE International in the Caucasus hosted a conference
    titled "Joining Regional Actors for Local Economic Development",
    organized within the framework of the project "Local Actors Join for
    Inclusive Economic Development and Governance in the South Caucasus

    The conference brought together participants from Georgia, Armenia,
    and representatives of donor and international organizations for a
    discussion on inclusive economic development, agricultural strategies
    of Georgia and Armenia and their impact on local development, and
    perspectives for attracting investors to rural areas

    "Today's event is really about three things: in the first instance,
    we really want to put the target regions, which are the regions that
    border the Georgian-Armenian border, on the map in terms of areas
    that have economic potential and opportunities for growth. We have
    invited a lot of people from the regions who can represent and who
    can tell about what that potential is. Secondly, we also want to use
    this opportunity in order to map the opportunities that exist though
    international investments, though donor projects, or though national
    programs that are focusing on regional development of the regions....

    Finally, we want to hear the opinions of all of these stakeholders,
    how they think we should be running the project in order to facilitate
    the process of economic development in the target regions," Anthony
    Foreman, JOIN Project Director of CARE, told The Messenger.

    The JOIN project will help communities in the regions to identify
    for themselves those areas which have potential and to give them the
    skills to package it in order to attract investment.

    Conference participants exchanged information on local planning
    and agricultural development in the border regions of Georgia and
    Armenia, between central and local governments, the private sector,
    the donor community, international organizations, and stakeholders
    from foreign countries, and intend to facilitate these parties to
    formulate a strategy on working together.

    An important part of the conference was discussing how to make local
    development inclusive. Paul Clark, President of TBSC Consulting,
    presented a baseline study conducted in the project target regions.

    TBSC Consulting interviewed key local actors in 13 municipalities in
    Armenia and Georgia including local governments (LG), civil society
    organizations (CSO), and the private sector (PS). The results show that
    the planning process in municipalities is not very effective, as they
    fail to meet requirements and mostly reflect the views of municipal
    officials. Private sector and civil society organizations as well
    as ordinary citizens have problems understanding the role of LG in
    their everyday life. Timely information and effective communication
    between LG and local actors is also an acute issue. According to
    the survey, most farmers in municipalities do not have relevant and
    timely information they need to compete in the emerging economy,
    and even if the relevant information is available, many residents do
    not know how to access it.

    Notably, gender equality is not respected in some areas and gender
    discrimination is very common. Another issue is that of language, as
    there is often a language barrier between and within communities along
    the border. The language barrier acts as an obstacle to integration
    in Georgian society for ethnic and linguistic minorities, although the
    Georgian government has worked on the issue and created some effective
    tools to integrate Armenians and Azeris into Georgian society.

    JOIN is a three-year project designed to create an "enabling"
    environment for socioeconomic development through participatory
    planning, improved cooperation, and the exchange of market-relevant
    information among local governments, civil society organizations,
    and the private sector.

    JOIN is funded by the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC) and
    implemented by CARE Austria and CARE International in the Caucasus
    together with the partner organizations the Civil Development Agency
    (CiDA) in Georgia and the Center for Agribusiness and Rural Development
    (CARD) in Armenia.

    As Alexander Bohr, South Caucasus Representative of ADC, remarked at
    the conference, ADC has established an office in Tbilisi responsible
    for Georgia and Armenia as part of a re-orientation process within
    the region. The organization will bring a more strategic focus to
    both countries and this will be followed up by the establishment of
    bilateral country strategies. This new JOIN project is part of this
    new focus, supporting Kvemo Kartli and Samtskhe-Javakheti in Georgia
    and Lori, Tavush and Shirak in Armenia.

    Alongside the conference, an agricultural exhibition was held, in
    which products from the border regions were presented for participants
    to test, in the hopes of demonstrating the regions' investment and
    development potential and competitive advantage.

    From: A. Papazian