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MPs, Public Figures To Attend Genocide Commemoration In Ottawa

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  • MPs, Public Figures To Attend Genocide Commemoration In Ottawa


    April 24, 2012 - 18:17 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - On Tuesday, April 24, Armenian-Canadians will gather
    in Ottawa to commemorate the 97th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide,
    with its annual noontime Parliament Hill observance and subsequent
    demonstration in front of the embassy of the Republic of Turkey in
    Canada, reported the Armenian National Committee of Canada.

    Some 1,500 Armenian-Canadians from across the nation are expected to
    gather on Parliament Hill to hear Members of Parliament, dignitaries,
    and community leaders honour the memory of the 1.5 million Armenians
    that systematically perished at the hands of the Ottoman Turks
    beginning in 1915.

    The observance will be followed by a planned march toward the Turkish
    embassy for a peaceful demonstration against Turkey's decades-old
    campaign of denial. "Armenians are resolved to pursue justice for
    the horrendous genocide committed by the Turks against the Armenian
    people," stated Dr. Girair Basmadjian, president of the Armenian
    National Committee of Canada. "The government of Turkey will never
    succeed in its constant attempts to rewrite history. The world will
    never forget. Canadians will never forget. We are fortunate that,
    in Canada, both Houses of Parliament, the government of Canada, and
    Prime Minister Stephen Harper have officially recognised the Armenian
    Genocide. We commend the efforts of our government and parliamentarians
    in ensuring that truth and justice prevail."

    For decades, successive governments of the Republic of Turkey
    have embarked upon an active campaign of denial, fabrication,
    and misrepresentation as it attempted, and continues to attempt,
    to cover-up its crimes against humanity. In its attempts to rewrite
    history, Turkey has consistently employed some of the world's leading
    lobbyists and public relations firms, having spent tens of millions
    of dollars over the years. In Canada, Turkey has in the past retained
    the services of Fleishman-Hilliard and other lobbyists.

    "Armenian-Canadians are asking their government to encourage Turkey
    to stop its denials and come to terms with its past," stated Dr.

    Basmadjian. "All Canadians should be proud of their parliamentarians
    for standing firm against Turkish pressure to change Canada's position
    regarding the Armenian Genocide."
