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Analysis: Do Genocide Denial Laws Deny Human Rights?

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  • Analysis: Do Genocide Denial Laws Deny Human Rights?

    by Alex Pearlman

    Global Post
    April 25 2012

    The anniversary of the 1915 Armenian genocide has people on both
    sides of the Atlantic all riled up. Are laws criminalizing genocide
    denial a threat to free speech if the genocide in question is still
    up for debate?

    Since the mid-1980s, legislation criminalizing the denial of the
    Holocaust has become the norm. There are 17 countries with Holocaust
    denial laws, mostly in Europe. In general no one complains about
    these laws, and there have been prosecutions in England, Austria,
    Germany and France.

    Yesterday, on the eve of the anniversary of the 1915 Armenian genocide,
    French President Sarkozy announced he would try again for a law to
    criminalize denial of that genocide, too. (France has had a Holocaust
    denial law since 1990.) But the backlash from Turkey and people
    of Turkish origin has been severe, many claiming these laws are an
    insult to history and their country. The first law against Armenian
    genocide denial was overturned last February, which Turkey called a
    "positive" move. The Turkish government, then and now, has accused
    Sarkozy of politicizing what they deem a historical, war-time action,
    ahead of upcoming elections.

    According to Al Jazeera, the International Association of Genocide
    Scholars has recognized the Armenian genocide since 1997, despite
    Turkey's fierce denials.

    "There is no powerful state which does not reflect on its own history.

    A powerful state's first sign is the evaluation by its residents. This
    is the perception that it can prove the impartiality of its own
    history. France demands from Turkey to review its own history. This
    is not a sign of weakness," Sarkozy said in a speech yesterday.

    Meanwhile, across the pond, Armenian-Americans face a different problem
    with their executive. That is, President Obama did not mention the word
    "genocide" Monday when he announced a new Atrocities Prevention Board
    while he toured the Holocaust museum, nor did he mention it yesterday
    when he commemorated the Armenian anniversay.

    On the campaign trail and in the Senate, then-candidate Obama was
    both a signatory on a bill to recognize the massacre of 1.5 million
    Armenians as genocide and also promised in a strongly-worded 2008
    statement that when elected he would, "recognize the Armenian

    More from GlobalPost: Armenian genocide anniversary marked with
    remembrance, protests (PHOTOS)

    Instead, Obama said yesterday, "We honor the memory of the 1.5 million
    Armenians who were brutally massacred or marched to their deaths in
    the waning days of the Ottoman Empire."

    The president's statements have infuriated the Armenian-American
    community, which has issued calls for Obama to both acknowledge that
    the mass killings were genocide, and to pressure Turkey to do the
    same and investigate its history, accusing him of playing politics
    to make nice with Turkey.

    "Turkey, an emerging leader in the Muslim world, needs to face up to
    the horrors that were unleashed a century ago and offer apologies,"
    wrote Nina Shea today, a former commissioner on the U.S. Commission
    on International Religious Freedom. "President Obama should take
    the lead in encouraging Ankara to cooperate in an open, impartial
    investigation into what exactly occurred during this period."

    The Obama administration's reputation on the matter wasn't helped by
    Secretary of State Clinton saying in January that the original French
    law actually did infringe on free speech because the matter is still
    up for debate by historians - it's not clear to anyone whether the
    Armenian genocide is actually a genocide.

    Bernard Lewis of Princeton University is one of the world's foremost
    scholars on the Middle East and has said that there is no proof of a
    conspiratorial effort on behalf of the Ottomans to target Armenians
    specifically for massacre during World War One, the way there is
    proof of this in other instances of genocide.

    More from GlobalPost: Armenian couple name their baby Sarkozy

    "This is a question of definition and nowadays the word 'genocide'
    is used very loosely even in cases where no bloodshed is involved at
    all and I can understand the annoyance of those who feel refused,"
    said Professor Lewis in a 2002 interview with C-SPAN [PDF]. "In this
    particular case, the point that was being made was that the massacre
    of the Armenians in the Ottoman Empire was the same as what happened
    to Jews in Nazi Germany and that is a downright falsehood."

    He continues, after clarifying facts that armed Armenian rebels had
    joined with Russia to invade, "to make this, a parallel with the
    holocaust in Germany, you would have to assume the Jews of Germany
    had been engaged in an armed rebellion against the German state,
    collaborating with the allies against Germany. That in the deportation
    order the cities of Hamburg and Berlin were exempted, persons in the
    employment of state were exempted, and the deportation only applied
    to the Jews of Germany proper, so that when they got to Poland they
    were welcomed and sheltered by the Polish Jews. This seems to me a
    rather absurd parallel."

    Of course, there is the more mainstream argument that opinions like
    those of Professor Lewis and the Turkish government are denialist
    and generally wrong. However, because these opinions are not held
    by a fringe minority (in fact, the Armenian genocide truly is hotly
    debated in academia), unlike the deniers of other historical genocides
    that are more recent like the Holocaust, Sudan, and Rwanda, Secretary
    Clinton wasn't wrong.

    The question remains: how can something like a questionable historical
    fact be criminalized, if that fact isn't defined or accepted by a
    wide majority? Under anti-speech laws, it would become criminal to
    debate the issue, ask questions, or dig deeper for the truth.

    From: Baghdasarian