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Armenian tourists trapped in Egypt: Sharm el-Sheikh - Yerevan flight

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  • Armenian tourists trapped in Egypt: Sharm el-Sheikh - Yerevan flight

    Armenian tourists trapped in Egypt: Sharm el-Sheikh - Yerevan flight cancelled
    August 11, 2012 | 20:03

    Many Armenians, who are currently enjoying their vacation in Sharm
    el-Sheikh may not be able to return Yerevan next week as the Spot Air
    charter company cancelled the flight from Sharm el-Sheikh to Yerevan
    due to the debts by tour operator Happy Voyage company, Spot Air
    informed Armenian

    Earlier Armenian informed about the scandal in Yerevan
    airport, as Happy Voyage company, which has sold the Sharm el-Sheikh
    tickets to over 140 passengers from Yerevan, could not secure the
    flight for its passengers. The Happy Voyage has been warned about the
    possibility of flight cancellation by Sport Air charter company
    several times prior to the incident, Spot Air representative told

    In exclusive interview with Armenian the official
    representative of Spot Air charter company clarified the situation
    regarding cancellation of the Sharm el-Sheikh - Yerevan flight
    scheduled on August 15, and previous scandal with Yerevan-Sharm El
    Sheikh flight on August 7, reserved by the Happy Voyage tour operator.

    `According to the aircraft charter agreement signed by our charter
    company Spot Air and tour operator Happy Voyage, the complete payment
    has to be done at least 5 working days before each flight. Tour
    Operator "Happy Voyage" was reminded about this important condition
    several times in advance and even during the week before the flight
    operation was warned about cancellation of the flight in case if they
    do not pay full amount for the flight. However, despite all these
    warnings, emails and calls, which they did not even care to respond
    to, the payment was not done in time. As a result, on Friday, August
    3, we had to inform Tour Operator and Civil Aviation of Erevan about
    cancellation of the flight Erevan-Sharm El Sheikh due to non-execution
    of contractual obligations (lack of payment) by official email. Happy
    Voyage had ignored our emails and calls and insisted on the flight
    ignoring the fact that complete payment has not been done. In spite of
    mentioned above, the payment was done only some hours before the
    flight, which was already cancelled.

    We would like to emphasize that we would be in high risk to perform
    the flight without receiving the complete payment on our account with
    reference to our previous business working experience with Happy
    Voyage last year, where we still have some pending amounts to be paid
    by the tour operator. Nevertheless, we decided to complete our part of
    contract obligations and to protect the rights of passengers, so we
    performed the flight according to our first availability on August 8,
    2012 (Yerevan- Sharm el Sheikh, time of departure 17:30 UTC timing).
    At the moment, Armenian passengers are in Sharm El Sheikh enjoying
    their vacation.

    During the last two days we contacted Happy Voyage to inform in
    advance that they need to make the payment for the next flight, August
    15, 2012. However, no clear explanations and actions have been done.
    That is why, today in the morning we informed them about cancellation
    of the next flight due to non-payment again. Such cancellation has
    been done 5 working days before the flight to allow tour operator to
    find another solution how to take passengers back. Our charter company
    is highly devoted to the contract terms and obligations, but when the
    tour operator does not respect the contract and does not perform their
    obligations, we are obliged to act as it is described in the above
    situation," the Sport Air charter company official representative told
