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The many faces of genocide

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  • The many faces of genocide

    Malaysia Kini
    Aug 17 2012

    The many faces of genocide

    Azril Mohd Amin
    11:08AM Aug 17, 2012

    How many instances of attempted genocide have we seen since the 1900?
    Some would say the Turks tried to eliminate the Armenians. The
    Armenians are sure of it. Hitler admittedly tried to eliminate all
    Jews from the face of the earth.

    People did not quite believe him until the actual death camps were
    discovered. If you stand in one of them, for example Auschwitz in
    Poland, there can be no question what went on there. There can be no
    question anything ELSE went on there. It is plain as day. Even then,
    the world didn't want to believe it.

    Genocide is such an impossible concept to think about, we are missing
    examples right now. What are the Israelis trying to do to the Gazans?
    What are the Burmese attempting to do to the Rohingyas?

    One difficulty is that we cannot quite grasp WHY one people would want
    to literally erase another.And the present `people's favorite' Aung
    San Suu Kyi is going about the face of the earth without accounting in
    any way for the unspeakable suffering that has been visited upon the
    Rohingyas for some time now.

    We can coddle the `new Burma' all we like, but we must face the truth
    of the matter. Many Rohingya refugees right here in Malaysia can fill
    in the details of how, whatever direction they turn, nobody wants
    them. People wish them gone, erased, simply eliminated. Is it because
    they are Muslims?

    The Rohingyas would like to help their people, yet nobody gives them
    the slightest toe-hold, for example, some sort of address or clear
    refugee status by which the government could assess their needs and
    direct its assistance.

    It is commendable to note that the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation
    (OIC) has suspended Syria's membership at the recent summit of Muslim
    leaders in Mecca, citing President Bashar al-Assad's violent
    suppression of the Syrian revolt.

    Mere condemnations not enough

    In a final statement, the OIC also decided to take to the United
    Nations the issue of Myanmar's Muslim Rohingyas, displaced by deadly
    sectarian violence. It described as a `crime against humanity' the
    Myanmar government's handling of minority Muslims. But it should not
    stop at mere condemnations.

    The OIC must press for the International Criminal Court (ICC) to
    investigate the massacre, and indict and prosecute the Myanmar
    government responsible for the massacre of thousands of Rohingyas for
    violations of international criminal law based on the provisions
    stipulated under the Rome Statute of the ICC.

    There is no denying that the ensuing killings of the Rohingyas are
    also a clear violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

    It is sheer hypocrisy; that many countries go around claiming credit
    for trusting the Burmese and bringing them into the `modern democratic
    world', or at least the Asean world, while at the same time totally
    ignoring a human rights travesty which should be referred to the ICC
    for adjudication - and especially Muslim-majority countries helping
    the Burmese while ignoring the deadly plight of their own Muslim
    so-called brothers and sisters within that same country.

    No better example of hypocrisy could be found, and for this alone the
    members of the OIC, if they fail to act fast, should be defrocked and
    consigned to the garbage heap of accomplices to attempted genocide, if
    not traitors to the Muslim Ummah.

    Azril Mohd Amin is Muslim Lawyers Association of Malaysia vice-president

    From: A. Papazian