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Turkmen, Armenian leaders' sign joint communique

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  • Turkmen, Armenian leaders' sign joint communique

    Turkmendowlethabarlary news agency, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
    Nov 29 2012

    Turkmen, Armenian leaders' sign joint communique

    [Translated from Russian]

    Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow paid official visit to
    Armenia on 29-30 November at the invitation of the president of
    Armenia, Serzh Sargsyan.

    The heads of state in the atmosphere of mutual trust and complete
    understanding discussed the state of and prospects for the developing
    bilateral cooperation, exchanged opinions on urgent issues of
    international and regional policy of mutual interest, as well as
    expressed readiness for further deepening the Turkmen-Armenian

    During the exchange of opinions on urgent international issues, the
    presidents confirmed closeness or coincidence of positions of the two
    countries on the most important issues of world policy, as well as
    they stressed on mutual desire of Turkmenistan and Armenia to ensure
    the strengthening peace, security and stability at the regional and
    international levels. In this context the heads of state stressed the
    necessity to coordinate efforts and interaction of the two countries
    within the framework of international organizations, above all, the

    The heads of state recognized as necessary further development of
    cooperation in combating such as transborder threats like terrorism,
    religious extremism, organized crime and illegal circulation of drugs
    on bilateral basis and within the framework of regional and
    international organizations.

    The presidents stressed the necessity to give impetus to bilateral
    relations, development of various forms of cooperation in promising
    areas, and to strengthen the practice of bilateral political

    Having considered issues related to the trade and economic relations,
    the presidents stressed the importance of interaction in this sphere
    and priority level of strengthening and expanding economic partnership
    between the two countries on the basis of principles of equal rights,
    mutual benefit and with taking into account interests of each other.

    [Passage omitted: the presidents confirmed significance of the work of
    the Turkmen-Armenian commission on economic cooperation]

    The presidents of the two countries dwelled on important priorities in
    the Turkmen-Armenian interaction in the economic sphere and named
    among them energy, transport, textile industry and trade.

    [Passage omitted: remarks on humanitarian relations between the two countries]

    The heads of the two states with satisfaction stressed that
    constructive and fruitful negotiations held today, as well as
    bilateral documents signed during the visit would support for further
    strengthening traditionally friendly relations and mutually beneficial
    partnership between Turkmenistan and Armenia.

    [Passage omitted: the Turkmen leader invited Armenian leader to visit

    [Signed] The president of Turkmenistan, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow, the
    president of Armenia, Serzh Sargsyan.
