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The Most Mysterious Summit

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  • The Most Mysterious Summit

    Naira Hayrumyan

    Story from News:
    16:04 06/12/2012

    The CIS summit ended in Ashgabat, nothing essential has been informed
    about it so far. Either the issues discussed during the summit are
    top secret even "unrepeatable" or it was meant to remind about the
    existence of the CIS. Anyway, no one has commented on the reason the
    presidents attended the summit.

    No statements were made and press conferences were held. Only Ukraine's
    president Yanukovich said after the summit that issues relating to
    foreign economic cooperation were discussed.

    What is this? Does Russia have nothing else to propose to its CIS
    relatives or disagreements in this organization have become so evident
    that no uniting ideas can be found? In the end, it is difficult to
    combine the interests of Armenia and Azerbaijan, some Central-Asian
    countries, Russia cannot talk to Ukraine which refuses to join the
    Customs Union.

    The relations between Russia and Azerbaijan are getting worse.

    Official Baku accuses the Kremlin of the creation of the new union
    of Azeris in Russia which hosts also the billionaire Vahid Alekperov
    and others. Azerbaijan thinks Russia is set to prepare a revolution
    in their country.

    Moscow's relations with Armenia and Moldova are also complicated.

    These countries do not hide their European bias and hurry to sign
    the Association Agreement with Europe as soon as possible.

    Putin's health problems also played an important role. He was tired
    and nervous. Putin must be sick and tired of advocating the restoration
    of the Russian empire alone.

    Anyway, the CIS summit indicates that the members of the Union have
    nothing in common except Mir TV. Very soon it may be dissolved and
    replaced by more pragmatic organizations, such as CSTO as a platform
    of military cooperation and the Customs Union as an economic union.

    These organizations, especially if they are built on a voluntary basis,
    and the members are not forced to join, may be more viable than the
    Eurasian Union which is something incomprehensive. In the end, it is
    clear that Putin's efforts to create a hypothetical alliance finally
    repelled at least two countries from Russia, Armenia and Moldova,
    not to mention Ukraine whose media have made the Eurasian Union one
    of the most popular comic characters in the country.
