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Sarsgayn's speech at the 14th extraordinary Convention of the RPA

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  • Sarsgayn's speech at the 14th extraordinary Convention of the RPA

    President Serzh Sarsgayn's speech at the 14th extraordinary Convention
    of the Republican Party
    16:58 15.12.2012

    Today, the President of the Republic of Armenia, Chairman of the
    Republican Party of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan participated at the 14th
    extraordinary Convention of the RPA. The agenda of the Convention
    included the presidential nomination issue and Serzh Sargsyan was
    nominated as a presidential candidate. At the Convention Serzh
    Sargsyan made a statement.

    Statement by the President of Armenia, Chairman of the Republican
    Party of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan at the RPA 14th Convention

    Fellow Republicans,

    Distinguished Guests,
    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    I welcome you all at the extraordinary Convention of the Republican
    Party of Armenia. Today, we have the opportunity, before the
    Presidential elections, to assess the current situation, evaluate the
    efficiency of steps already taken and to chart our mid-term and
    long-term objectives. Let us try to recap what has already been done,
    understand where we stand now, and where we are headed.

    Two decades ago, our nation received yet another chance to create its
    own independent statehood. And, thanks God, we did not miss it. In the
    first five years of independence our people endured immense hardship.
    Our people came out victorious in a war imposed upon them. Laid the
    foundations of a liberal economy on the ruins of collapsing economy.
    Created public administration structure characteristic of an
    independent state, and created the army. Often, encircled from many
    sides, sometimes entirely cut off from the world, within closed
    borders, it was able to move ahead by the intellect and vigor of its
    offspring: we have reaffirmed to ourselves and the world our ability
    to live independently. Our people have proven our right for existence
    in the 21st century; our right to have a state, our right to have a
    future. The first years of independence were the years of sweat and
    struggle, years of formation and creation. Through these very years
    the Armenian nation shaped the main rationale of our life and work for
    the decades to come: everything that is good and virtuous,
    controversial and contentious, leaning on the spiritual, intellectual
    and material values accumulated through preceding decades. We shaped
    it the way we could: as we desired, occasionally as we were compelled

    In the following decades, our soldiers, workers, farmers,
    intellectuals and authorities have been able to solidify these
    achievements. Our people were able to preserve the achievements, make
    the Army and the state structures even stronger. We were able to
    create a stable financial system. Thanks to the unprecedented in our
    reality tempo of economic growth, we created the material
    prerequisites for development. Structures inherited from the Soviet
    era and created during the first years of independence were improved
    and modernized. The country undertook structural changes in the most
    vital areas of education and health care. The time was not simply
    favorable, it compelled and commanded these changes, it forced and
    induced to preserve and strengthen them.

    Almost five years ago a new opportunity emerged for our state, for our
    people. Time offered a new starting point to our people. An
    opportunity and an imperative to make the structures formed in the
    preceding fifteen years deliver their best for the benefit of the
    people. As it often happens in history, this time too, the opportunity
    was accompanied, or rather was imposed upon us by demanding
    challenges. Our society shuddered from the outburst of social and
    political intolerance accumulated over years. Another war, which
    erupted in our neighborhood, shut down our borders. For a moment, the
    Armenian economy sagged under the impact of the financial and economic
    crisis. The problems and painful issues that had been set aside for
    almost fifteen years, piled up and demanded immediate resolution. The
    people, more than ever, were waiting to make the best of the benefits
    accumulated during the years-long period of favorable environment.
    Young people were demanding better housing and a better education,
    government employees - a dignified life. Citizens were demanding
    higher quality public services. Businesses were demanding a more
    predictable economic climate and less administration. The unemployed
    were demanding jobs. The workers were demanding confidence in the
    future. The insecure were demanding opportunities. The affluent were
    demanding dependability. And everyone was demanding justice and

    To ignore the imperative of the time, fail to fulfill its demands was
    not an option. Nobody perceives this momentous truth with greater
    precision, than the political force which, through public trust, has
    voluntarily assumed the burden of governance: the Party, the
    Personality. And, together with you, we have been able to hear the
    call of the time.

    We were able to bring the country out of the financial and economic
    crisis. We were able to ease the tax burden for small and medium
    enterprises. Were able to save thousands of jobs in the mining and
    construction sectors; provide a serious impetus to the creation of new
    jobs in food production and light industry; were able to keep our
    financial system intact; were able to do things that even much more
    powerful countries failed to accomplish.

    Still during the crisis, we were able to contain the spike in energy,
    gas and water tariffs. We have built hundreds of kilometers of water
    and gas pipes, renovated rural roads and initiated the construction of
    an unprecedented highway infrastructure. We were able to take
    communication and information technologies to most remote corners of
    our country.

    We gave the opportunity to hundreds of young families to buy homes and
    provided thousands of people in the earthquake zone with new housing.
    Thanks to the introduction of new systems of insurance, we were able
    to improve the well-being of government employees; were able to
    considerably improve the quality of public services for our citizens.
    The once problematic services today are comparable in their quality
    and administration to those in the most developed and civilized
    states. We have also been able to considerably advance the protection
    of the rights of the Armenian consumers. And, at last, it became
    possible to make maternity ward services free of charge, while medical
    care in general became more affordable. We brought modern,
    high-quality medical service to the marzes of Armenia; created
    guarantees for a dignified old age for working citizens through the
    introduction of a new funded pension system.

    Rest assured that for our compatriots, who had left Armenia only years
    ago, Armenia has changed beyond recognition.

    We have started, step by step, to marginalize the corruption and abuse
    that were getting rooted in our country for decades. We encouraged and
    promoted young and well-educated politicians and statesmen. We
    launched and brought to completion a number of critical official
    investigations. We put forth our collective will against connivance.
    We rejected outright a malicious practice of using force against
    journalists, opened up the media and restored the right of TV channels
    to access the spectrum. We dumped public communication from the
    position of strength and restored the right of people to be in
    opposition without labeling them traitors. We did not shy away from
    difficulty. We have commenced reforms in the most complex and
    important areas, starting with the Police and the judiciary. We
    demanded that our Police serve the people in a new way,

    I assure you that the new generation of Armenian citizens will learn
    about impunity only from their parent's memories.

    Through the previous five years, together with you, we have been able
    to noticeably change our country. However, it is not enough, not
    enough at all. We have been able to make Armenia incomparably more
    attractive for businesses and a more dependable country for
    investments. However, there is much left to be done. We have been able
    to make Armenia a much more comfortable and safe country. Still much
    more will be done. Some of the problems have been fundamentally
    solved. The necessary steps have been taken or the solution of others.
    It will not take long for our citizens to see the results. We have set
    difficult targets. But we have chosen targets that will continue to
    make life in our country more prosperous and safer. Our society will
    become more equitable, and our state - more secure. All our steps are
    directed towards people, towards the citizens of Armenia. All our
    efforts are for the people, our compatriots, their well-being. We have
    never followed parochial partisan objectives. We take pride in finding
    solutions for exceptionally tough problems, and the achieved results.
    But each and every of these results requires a dozen, sometimes a
    hundred steps, steps which cannot be taken concurrently, because these
    steps must be taken also by others. These are steps which are
    commanded by the time. Very often, in solving intricate issues, you
    have to wait for your partners to make their move. Often you wait for
    each of them to make a step. However, as a rule, the results of such
    partnership are more tangible, durable and lasting. Many of our
    initiatives today have already yielded results. Nevertheless, we have
    launched many more initiatives, whose results will be observable for
    our citizens in the forthcoming years. Today, I would like to
    highlight our determination and will to bring them to a successful

    Dear Fellow Republicans,

    We need to have a sound and forward-looking objective, which will
    allow to concur present challenges and move forward, ensuring a
    dignified and prosperous life for every citizen of the Republic of
    Armenia. Such an objective solidifies our conviction that our country
    will be competitive, endowed with an Armenia-oriented centripetal
    force. Together, we will be able to shape a country, which will be
    competitive enough to offer sufficient prosperity to its own citizens,
    will devoid of any sense a desire to earn a living abroad and will be
    able in a dignified manner to summon its children back - to return to
    a thriving Armenia. We are united by the idea that Armenia will be a
    much better place, far more equitable, freer, and much more
    prosperous. We have no alternative; we just have to build such an

    Today we have a mature battleworthy Army, which safeguards the
    security of our Motherland; we have established state and local
    governance institutions, a burgeoning civil society, and press which
    is freer than the press in many countries, including some developed
    ones of traditional democracy. The Armenian family, which went through
    the crucible of millennia, is our greatest value. A protected homeland
    and well-off families - these are the prerequisites of a
    well-organized state, and they will fulfill the objective of secure

    We are living in a region entangled in a web of consistent hatred and
    warmongering rhetoric, a region full of threats and hazards. Some
    countries even question the right of the Armenian people to live on
    their historical land. The probabilities of military conflicts in our
    region are rampant. Stopping the arms race and lifting the blockade
    remain high on our political agenda. Dividing lines, xenophobia and
    the inclination of some of our neighbors to solve issues through force
    or threats thereof will continue to be rejected. Implementation of
    regional programs while isolating Armenia is not viable and will
    hinder regional stability, security and development processes. We will
    continue our substantial contribution to the process of establishing
    an atmosphere of mutual trust in our region. No nation is perceived by
    the Armenian people as enemies. In the same spirit, the Armenian
    people anticipate that the authorities of neighboring states will stop
    their policy of denying Armenians the right of existence, sovereignty,
    stable and secure development, meanwhile pushing their own societies
    towards violence. At the same time, we are confident that the first
    and foremost guarantor of a secure Motherland is our Army. Maintaining
    peace in the region and thwarting military recklessness against our
    country depend on a precise and purposeful development of our defense
    potential, in accordance with modern standards of professionalism,
    discipline, transparency, and control.

    Persistence in the reformation of internal security structures and
    assuring their compliance with modern requirements, prevention of
    external threats, as well as steps to ensure an adequate response will
    span comprehensive - intelligence, political, diplomatic, economic,
    information, if necessary, military and other measures.

    The Armed Forces of Armenia will not engage in exhausting and passive
    defense, because they are capable, through their mobility and combat
    readiness, to extend security in the region and beyond, and the basis
    for that is already set by the excellent execution of combat tasks by
    our peacekeepers in different corners of the world.

    The Armed Forces of the Republic of Armenia will continue to be
    supplied with modern weaponry and materiel, including that of domestic
    production. Priority will be assigned to multifunctional complexes
    combining observation, detection, targeting and destruction systems.
    In all this, the domestic military and industrial complex will play a
    crucial role, and its continual modernization will remain in the focus
    of the state's attention.

    Hazing and intimidation of fellow servicemen have no place in the
    Armenian Armed Forces. The Army personnel will become most educated
    and professional. Discipline will be based on mutual respect of
    servicemen and unconditional performance of orders with utmost sense
    of contributing to the defense of the Motherland. In all this, the
    commanders will serve as ultimate role models, who will lead by their
    personal example.

    In building a secure Homeland, the role of foreign policy becomes ever
    more prominent. Today, the international involvement of Armenia is
    more inclusive, dynamic and interrelated than ever. Our bilateral and
    multilateral cooperation is expanding. The process of deepening
    diplomatic relations is going on. The legal framework of our
    international activities is becoming more comprehensive. Armenia is
    developing relations with almost all leading states, power centers,
    and regions. There emerge more and more favorable conditions for
    presenting the interests of our country, for the protection of the
    rights of our citizens, and for the involvement of our compatriots.

    Our permanent attention will be focused on:

    - Strengthening the external elements of security;
    - A peaceful resolution of the Artsakh problem, based on the right of
    people for self-determination;
    - Expansion of Armenia's participation in the international political
    and economic cooperation and structures;
    - Pursuing pan-Armenian agenda and adding daily momentum to the
    process of international recognition of the Armenian Genocide;
    - Steps towards the preservation of Armenian cultural heritage;
    - Development of partnership with the Russian Federation and
    implementation of programs to strengthen strategic cooperation;
    - Development and expansion of friendly partnership with the United States;
    - Continual policy of approximation with Europe, further strengthening
    of our relations with European countries;
    - Other priorities of our foreign policy.

    We will continue to promote and contribute to the implementation of
    all initiatives aiming at the formation of a positive agenda of
    international relations, which is concurrent with out national
    interests. We will remain faithful to the adopted spirit of the
    partnership and cooperation. For the world, Armenia will remain a
    trustworthy and predictable partner.

    2015 will be a singular milestone for the entire Armenian nation, the
    year of the recognition and condemnation of the Armenian Genocide - in
    Armenia, Artsakh, the Diaspora, as well as for the progressive
    mankind. We will put our efforts into bringing the recognition and
    condemnation of the Armenian Genocide to a dramatically new level -
    the level of international structures, states, international
    community, including the Turkish society.

    Another essential element of secure Motherland is the peaceful
    resolution of the Artsakh problem. This in non-negotiable: the destiny
    of Nagorno Karabakh will be decided solely by the people of Artsakh.
    The Nagorno Karabakh problem must be solved exclusively through
    peaceful means, through negotiations. At the same time, we are ready
    for a staunch putdown of any reckless scheme or encroachment, which
    may endanger our security.

    Considering Azerbaijan's destructive policy, persistent propagation of
    hatred towards Armenians, daily threats to use force, we will continue
    through all possible means to enhance security guarantees for Nagorno
    Karabakh and its population. We will carry on with the process of
    negotiations. Expressing our gratitude to the Co-Chair states of the
    Minsk Group for their efforts towards the peaceful resolution of the
    conflict, we will at the same time continue to draw the attention of
    mediators and the international community to opportunities for the
    establishment and strengthening of confidence building measures, which
    could be helpful towards a peaceful resolution. Azerbaijan's policy in
    general and, particularly, their refusal to withdraw snipers, refusal
    to put info force a mechanism for investigation of border incidents,
    the glorification of a murderer, inducement of xenophobia and racism,
    unreliable and hypocritical stance during negotiations are not
    conducive to the establishment of confidence building measures and, if
    left unchecked, will exacerbate the situation in the entire region. It
    would be reasonable and natural if Artsakh came to the table of
    negotiations as soon as possible, thus our efforts will be aimed at
    the expeditious resolution of that issue. Effective negotiations in a
    constructive atmosphere will become possible only when the parties to
    the conflict genuinely want to reach a just resolution of this issue,
    abandoning baseless maximalist claims.

    Dear Colleagues,

    Only fair Armenia can be secure. A `fair state' implies the ability to
    discuss with the citizens important issues and adopt fair decisions. A
    fair state must guarantee for everyone equal opportunities in
    politics, in the economy, and in cultural life; a fair state must
    ensure and enhance competition, at the same time protecting the most
    vulnerable social groups; a fair state must be able to forestall
    corruption efficiently.

    Justice is based on the rule of law, on the ideas that recognize a
    person as the greatest asset, with everything that follows. Ensuring
    justice is the task for all state and local governance bodies;
    nevertheless it remains the primary task of the courts.

    With this regard, we will continue to carry out fundamental, deep
    reforms, which, in a short period of time, will ensure accessible
    justice for our citizens, its real independence and efficiency.

    We also realize that only free Armenia can be fair Armenia. In our
    country, pluralism, political liberties, freedom of speech have no
    alternative. This is an important principle, and we still have much to
    do to uphold and develop it.

    Tolerance is the pillar of the political processes underway in our
    country. In the process of solving current issues we must rule out
    discrimination, suppression of dissent and other despicable
    manifestations. Constructive and responsible criticism is the promise
    of a healthy development of the political system. Development of a
    multiparty system and constructive dialogue between the political
    units are among important elements of a secure Armenia. In previous
    years, we have been implementing the policy of building bridges, and
    will maintain that principle in our agenda. The principle of national
    and social solidarity has no alternative.

    Only ideological competition testifies to the maturity of the
    political systems of democratic states. We base our work on the
    national and democratic values and we also attach importance to stable
    relations with our partners in the Diaspora and its traditional
    political parties, which aim at the strengthening of Armenia-Diaspora
    political ties and the creation of favorable conditions for reaching
    the Secure Armenia objective.

    A stable and sound political system also implies assistance to the
    creation and development of civil society institutions. We are
    determined to get to the point when every citizen of Armenia is
    confident that his or her voice is heard, his or her criticism
    receives proper attention and is treated with respect. The mature
    state of civil society in our country is a fact. Non-formal
    associations of citizens for the solution of issues which concern them
    has become a factor which influences decisions of the authorities and
    serves as a unique balancing mechanism. We will continue to move
    forward in this direction.

    Notwithstanding all of the above, the well-being of families remains
    an essential base of secure Armenia. We have to set serious goals for
    our economic, social, cultural, educational, health care, and equal
    territorial development policies.

    Dear Fellow Republicans,

    You have been handed the first draft of our program. We did it so that
    with your proposals and observations you make it a comprehensive and
    fundamental program. There is still sufficient time so you are
    requested to present your considerations to the Party office for
    reviewing so that the program is augmented and finalized.

    I am grateful to my Party, to you and in your person to all members of
    the Party for nominating me for the upcoming Presidential elections.
    It is really very important for me. During these years, impressive
    steps have been made in a number of directions, which are yet to yield
    results and be brought to conclusion. This is very important for
    finishing what has been started.

    The organization and conduct of good, fair elections is our first and
    foremost priority. We have received excellent reactions to our latest
    parliamentary elections. It is inspiring. Today, as a state, we are
    capable of conducting elections based on free competition, near
    absolute freedom of expression and unrestricted expression of will,
    and we are determined to move even further in that direction.

    It is no secret that we have always been presenting ideas `in favor',
    have never acted against an individual or a force, have been in favor
    of discussions and a wider dialogue, and have proposed avenues which
    in our opinion lead towards Armenia's enhanced security, towards
    advancement and prosperity for our people. We will stay on that course
    in the future as well. By the Lord's grace and by its tenacity, our
    nation has once again acquired its independent statehood and we will
    not fall behind the mainstream of the developed world. We have to
    ensure this. We must be able to create a secure Motherland for every
    citizen of the Republic of Armenia and care for the well-being of each
    family. There is no doubt in my mind that we will.

    Armenia's advancement is the only guarantee, which holds the promise
    of eternity for our nation, prosperity of our citizens, inviolability
    of our borders, our role and place on the international area, and our
    national identity.

    Each new day in Armenia should be different from the previous, should
    be better. We will achieve the Secure Armenia with that very logic - a
    better Armenia, prosperous, conducive to living and create in,
    powerful and invincible Armenia, based on the concept of thriving

    In Secure Armenia, everyone should be able to realize his or her
    dreams, reach personal, family and national goals, leaving behind all
    negative phenomena such as `privileged' individuals, monopoly, and

    A Secure Motherland and thriving families - these are the objectives
    of our progress.

    Dear Friends,

    The Armenian statehood means a free and self-confident citizen.
    Degrading human dignity, deprivation of rights and destitution which,
    under previous administrations, used to be normal and regular, may not
    go on in independent Armenia. A citizen must feel safe and confident
    on the streets, in the work place, in a police precinct, and in the
    courtroom. A citizen of Armenia must be addressed in capital letters.
    This is to be taken in the literal as well as the metaphorical sense.
    It is the responsibility of any political force and, moreover, of the
    ruling Party, to contribute to the formation of a new Armenian. A new
    Armenian, who respects laws and who is confident that he is respected

    It has been noted on many occasions that the Armenian Army is our
    dignity. That is really so. Today, I am saying even more: the entire
    Armenian state structure is our dignity. As a nation, we have things
    to tell the world, we have things to prove to ourselves and to the
    world. What can we prove to the world by offending and deceiving each
    other, by humiliating and undermining each other? There are many good
    things going on in Armenia, but very often these things go unnoticed
    unfairly, because there are also disgraceful things going on, which
    may disillusion even optimists. We have a fight to fight; and it is
    our fight.

    Remember this: in any fight the one who is not resilient and patient
    is the first to give up and become disheartened. No one is allowed to
    dishearten citizens of Armenia. Desperation or disappointment of one
    single person means defeat in a wider sense. For that very reason,
    today, I declare: The entire state system in Armenia must embody
    Armenian dignity. Bad workers are those who possess neither human, nor
    national dignity, while our hard working officials can serve an
    example for foreigners. It is important to present ourselves to the
    foreigners in a dignified way; however, before presenting ourselves to
    foreigners, we must be able to present ourselves decently to the
    citizens of Armenia in a no less dignified manner. There is no issue
    that cannot be solved, as long as we are together. Success always
    comes when we converge our national efforts. Fast of slowly but it
    comes. Our failures start when we lack unity or, to put it bluntly,
    when we work against each other - and it doesn't matter whether it is
    done in the open or covertly.

    I appeal to all: Let us work and help each other, back each other,
    inspire each other with hope and faith. A member of the parliament and
    a citizen, the head of a region and a citizen, a policeman and a
    citizen, a minister and a citizen ought to work in this manner. In
    this case, everyone will enjoy that sense of security.

    I would like to reiterate: The one who despairs first, loses the
    battle. No one should look for solution to this problem in close or
    distant shores. The solution is within us. We must be worthy of the
    memory of those who did their work virtuously. For being worthy of our
    greats, one doesn't need to be a hero; one simply has to do his work
    diligently. Rest assured that this way you will be making Armenia one
    of the safest countries in the world. All political and civil forces
    in Armenia and in the Diaspora, and the Republican Party of Armenia in
    particular today, along with other tasks, have a mission - to reach
    agreement within themselves and with each other on issues of democracy
    in Armenia, the rule of law and all other related issues. These issues
    are part and parcel of the security of Armenian citizens.

    Struggle for power is a natural phenomenon; however, no matter who is
    in power, the leader will face the same problems, which are the
    problems of Armenia and the entire Armenian nation. No matter who is
    in power, the leader will need agreement and broad public support to
    work more efficiently. Public accord is a force which can ensure
    incredible results for any good initiative. At the same time, that
    very force will always stop the ignorant and reckless, preventing them
    from conducting unjustified experiments in our country.

    Dear Colleagues,

    There is no doubt in my mind that we will win and will see the Armenia
    of our dreams - strong, prosperous, and secure. And it will be
    achieved not only because of some favorable external conditions. We
    will accomplish it ourselves, at our own expense. The intellectual and
    moral charge of the Armenian nation is not in the least exhausted. On
    the contrary, we have powerful sources to recharge from - in our near
    and distant past, as well as here and now.

    When Leonid Azgaldian articulated his famous maxim, he meant not only
    Artsakh - he meant Armenia and the entire Armenian nation - This Is
    Armenia, period.

    This is Armenia where we are raising a new generation. This generation
    will be stronger than us - mentally, physically and morally. No one is
    allowed to shut up young people and stop them from taking to the
    skies. They have serious things to do and will do it, but not before
    they realize the most important thing - this is Armenia, period.

    This is Armenia where we have formed a powerful army which is not to
    be fooled around with. The Army is our iron anchor of safety,
    security, and eternity. This is the Armenia which those with unclouded
    reason are wary of. In the middle of the night, the posture of a young
    soldier standing in the mountain snow is telling everyone, this is
    Armenia, period. No one is allowed to disjoint Armenia behind his
    back! I have said this on many occasions, and will repeat for those
    who do not get it - no one is allowed. Patience, indulgence and
    tolerance have their limits. And we have set that limits precisely:
    these limits are the limits of Armenian law.

    Let us not forget: This is the Armenia which is watched by millions of
    Armenians living abroad. They watch us with hope, desire and
    anticipation of positive changes. Sometimes, we are watched through a
    magnifying glass; they rejoice and despair with us, and they are
    right. The power of the Motherland is a great power. Let me give you
    one example: Once a French Armenian told me that in his workplace he
    never had the opportunity to tell his co-workers about his Armenian
    origins. But several days after the liberation of Shushi, he could not
    resist the temptation. He began speaking about his being an Armenian
    proudly and loudly. Our success can bring back even those who are
    headed towards assimilation. Only one thing is needed -people should
    not be embarrassed but proud of Armenia's image, and that image is
    shaped by us. Whether French or Syrian Armenians - they all comprehend
    alongside all its problems this is Armenia, and that says it all.

    Yes, there are many problems, but there also exists a power to solve
    those problems - our people, the masters and guardians of Armenia, of
    Armenia which today is embarking upon a new historic era. This new
    will era must not inevitably come through revolutions or wars. The
    experience of successful countries proves that achievement acquired
    without effort may be lost as casually. Only that which is created
    through peaceful and effective work shall be enduring. We have taken
    that unwavering course: that is exactly what we are doing.

    I say: we will persistently cast aside everything that is bad and
    wrong in our work and in our daily life. Towards that end, we have
    already taken numerous steps, which are yet to yield results. The
    endgame starts now, the winning endgame.

    This is new Armenia, period.
    This is Armenia of the freedom of speech and democracy, period.
    This is Armenia of the rule of law and respect for rights, period.
    This is Armenia of economic freedom and competition, period.
    This is Armenia responsible for all nations, all citizens living here, period.
    This is Armenia that respects all of its international commitments, period.
    This is Armenia that remembers its past, draws powerful charges from
    it, but also Armenia that jettisons old debris and creates a new
    history, period.

    Long live Armenia!
    Forward, towards secure Armenia!

    From: Baghdasarian