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Shiite Ayatollah Launches Fatwa: Iraqi Christians, Conversion to Isl

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  • Shiite Ayatollah Launches Fatwa: Iraqi Christians, Conversion to Isl

    Shiite Ayatollah Launches Fatwa: Iraqi Christians, Conversion to Islam or

    001 15-2012-12

    Baghdad -- An Advent of light and shadow for Iraq's Christians, who are
    celebrating the reopening of the cathedral of Baghdad but at the same time
    subjected to new - and heavy - threats from a radical Shiite Muslim leader.
    >From studies of a television broadcaster based in Egypt, an Iraqi Ayatollah
    launches a fatwa against the religious minority on the eve of Christmas:
    "Conversion to Islam or death." However, strength of faith overcomes the
    fear of violence as witnessed by celebrations for the "rebirth" of the
    Syrian Catholic cathedral in the capital, the scene of a bloody attack at
    the end of October 2010 (see AsiaNews 31/10/2010 Al Qaeda attack on Baghdad
    church ends in massacre)
    In an interview last December 13 on Egyptian television Al Baghdadia, the
    Shiite ayatollah Ahmad Al Hassani Al Baghdadi issued a fatwa against
    Christians in Iraq. Labeling them as "polytheists" and "friends of the
    Zionists", the extremist leader stressed that they must choose "or Islam or
    death," while "their women and girls may legitimately be regarded wives of
    Muslims." Al Baghdadi is known for his "jihad" positions and for attacking
    Americans in the past during their presence in the country, and today he
    lives in Syria, supporting the armed opposition.
    Catholic sources in the capital tell AsiaNews that it is "a very serious
    fatwa," but "it is unlikely that people will be upset too much." The
    government pays "attention" to these proclamations by extremists, however
    it is possible that such words could "create panic in some areas of the
    capital," where there are now "very few" Christians.
    This morning meanwhile Cardinal Leonardo Sandri, prefect of the
    Congregation for the Oriental Churches, presided over the rededication
    ceremony of the restored Syrian Catholic Cathedral of Our Lady of Perpetual
    Help. The place which reopened yesterday to worship and to the faithful,
    was the scene October 31, 2010 of a massacre carried out by a group of al
    Qaeda, which killed about 50 faithful and two priests.
    During the homily, the cardinal immediately recalled the "testimony offered
    by many of our brothers and sisters" who "preceded by two young and heroic
    priests" united forever "their lives to Jesus Christ." He highlighted the
    "honorable sacrifices" that have allowed the reopening of the cathedral and
    pointed out that, through the comfort and hope "the Lord encourages Eastern
    Christians, and especially those of Iraq, to communion and testimony."
    Bringing the greetings of Pope Benedict XVI, Cardinal Sandri invoked the
    Lord, so that "the tears shed in this sacred place, become the good seed of
    communion and witness and bear much fruit."
    The Vatican cardinal is in Iraq for a five-day official visit, which began
    on December 13, in addition to the consecration, Cardinal Sandri took part
    in the Christmas concert organized for the Year of Faith in the Armenian
    cathedral in the capital, while over the next days he will visit Kirkuk and
    Erbil in the north.
