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Today We Have Airtime, Tomorrow We May Be Denied It

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  • Today We Have Airtime, Tomorrow We May Be Denied It

    12:00 am | Today | Politics

    Interview with Mesrop Movsesyan, Presidnt of A1+ TV Company.

    During the 14th extraordinary convention of the ruling Republican
    Party of Armenia (HHK) held in Yerevan on December 15, Serzh Sargsyan
    announced, "We rejected outright a malicious practice of using force
    against journalists, opened up the media and restored the right of
    TV channels to access the spectrum." Do you think that the agreement
    signed between A1+ Company and ArmNews in September 2012, was reached
    with this aim? When you were signing the agreement, did you think of
    the possibility?

    Yes, the purpose of the proposal was apparent from the very beginning
    though it was disguised under the name of a business proposal. And
    here, a question arises: if everything was determined in advance,
    why did Serzh Sargsyan interfere in the signing of the bilateral
    agreement and what does he mean by saying 'we restored the right of
    TV channels to access the spectrum?' Embattled A1+ was one of the TV
    channels that has been denied broadcast rights for the past 10 years
    and I can think that the words were addressed to us. Let me answer:
    A1+ has not been returned to airwaves: we have a clear order that has
    become a subject of political speculations. To accuse the opposition
    and A1+ of politicizing the issue is merely absurd. Today it is
    Serzh Sargsyan who is politicizing and speculating the issue. Serzh
    Sargsyan made lip service to the management of ArmNews, which,
    based on its business interests and ambitions, had proposed us to
    broadcast A1+'s news bulletin on its channel. Actually their 'game'
    has been unveiled. It was a bit senseless move and, eventually,
    it cannot determine whether freedom of speech is strengthened in
    the country or not, whether journalists are subjected to violence or
    not, their rights are breached during the elections or not. It was a
    childish trick intended for ignorant masses, who are not interested
    in A1+, attitude towards journalists or the political situation in
    the county. While people, who keep abreast of political developments
    and pre-election processes, understand everything and want to show
    something to Europe, but I must disappoint them saying that we have
    already sought justice in Europe, by applying to the European Court
    of Human Rights and having our claim upheld.

    A1+ has again appealed to the European Court and is waiting for
    the reply. Don't you think that this was a message addressed to the
    European Court?

    Serzh Sargsyan's statement was belated; the Parliamentary Assembly of
    the Council of Europe (PACE) had already said that it did not accept
    the results of tenders announced by the National Commission on TV and
    Radio, since they did not ensure pluralism and equal footing for all
    participants. I do not understand how [NCTR Chairman] Grigor Amalyan
    can tolerate Serzh Sargsyan's statement, who said 'they had given an
    opportunity'. In that case, who is Mr Amalyan? And what is the role
    of the state regulator chaired by Amalyan? Are they marionettes who
    deal with the unknown and grasp people's money? You cannot conceal the
    reality with unsubstantiated statements or show how democratic you are.

    Do you think that the 20 minutes of broadcast you have on ArmNews TV
    is enough for you to say everything you wanted?

    I do not think that we demonstrate our abilities within 20 minutes. We
    have a professional team engaged in professional activities and working
    in due order without right- or left-handed orientations. This is yet
    another opportunity to enlarge our audience. I am not interested in
    the speculations in the National Assembly, government or presidential
    residence, since I have my program and they have theirs.

    I am to continue my struggle in court and they have the right
    to protect themselves, and we are in equal positions in the given
    situation. Whether or not A1+ has been given access to air is clear to
    everyone. The contract signed with ArmNews expires in February, 2013.

    Doesn't it imply that A1+ will again be taken off air? Today the
    company is given airtime, tomorrow it is denied it again. And who
    stands behind the mess? The president? And this is considered to be
    a democratic country and they are proud of it. This can be compared
    with infantilism. It is ridiculous. Let them reopen and reclose,
    let them do whatever they want.

    Cannot A1+ convey its ideas within these 20 minutes?

    We are trying to do it. Yet, it does not mean that we do not have
    more things to say and share with the public. But this implies a
    new approach in a different format. We do not use the 20 minutes to
    destroy the country, rather, use the airtime to show the country's
    true image. We are not the one that destroys; we are the one that

    Diana Markosyan

    From: Baghdasarian