Tue, 12/18/2012 - 13:32
Trending topic
On December 21 during the NA session the NA ad hoc Ethics Committee
will discuss the application of the ~QCenter for Strategic Development~R
social organization from December 11. In the end the Committee has to
make a decision on taking the matter under examination or rejecting
The application published in mass media and certified by the signature
of the Chairman of the Center for Strategic Development~R social
organization Hrant Meliq-Shahnazaryan, suggests the Committee taking
the behavior of the NA PAP fraction member Michael Melqumyan under
examination, based on the video material previously appeared in the
internet. According to the video material, as it is stated in the
application ~Qthe NA PAP fraction member Michael Melqumyan, personally,
was telling that he is an owner of many land plots and was negotiating
on the rental conditions as a regular broker on the phone, was
offering land plots and was not at all hiding who he was, moreover,
was telling that cooperating with him would be beneficial~R.
The applicant highlighted that according to article 65 of the RA
Constitution the NA MP cannot be involved in entrepreneurial
activities, hold a position in state or self-government bodies or
trade organizations and perform other paid work, with the exception of
scientific, pedagogical and creative.
According to the NA Ad-hoc Ethics Committee webpage the question of
sending an inquiry regarding examination of ARF fraction leader Armen
Rustamyan's application is on the agenda of the session of December
The Committee at the session of December 7 took under examination A.
Rustamyan~Rs application with the request to examine and make a
relevant decision regarding the violation of the ethic rules by the 83
MPs, who did not register and participate in the NA extraordinary
session convened on November 21, provided by the NA regulatory-law.
With the objective to discuss and provide a conclusion to the
Committee, the member of the ~QHeritage~R fraction Zaruhi Postanjyan was
appointed as a representative of the Committee.
Let us recall that at the NA extraordinary session on November 21 by
the initiative of 48 NA MPs it was expected to discuss the package of
the law projects about making changes and additions to the law on the
population state register of the RA Electoral and Criminal Codes, the
authors of which were the members of the ANC fraction. However the
session did not take place, since the quorum prescribed by the NA
regulatory-law was not ensured: only 46 MPs registered instead of the
66 required.
Tue, 12/18/2012 - 13:32
Trending topic
On December 21 during the NA session the NA ad hoc Ethics Committee
will discuss the application of the ~QCenter for Strategic Development~R
social organization from December 11. In the end the Committee has to
make a decision on taking the matter under examination or rejecting
The application published in mass media and certified by the signature
of the Chairman of the Center for Strategic Development~R social
organization Hrant Meliq-Shahnazaryan, suggests the Committee taking
the behavior of the NA PAP fraction member Michael Melqumyan under
examination, based on the video material previously appeared in the
internet. According to the video material, as it is stated in the
application ~Qthe NA PAP fraction member Michael Melqumyan, personally,
was telling that he is an owner of many land plots and was negotiating
on the rental conditions as a regular broker on the phone, was
offering land plots and was not at all hiding who he was, moreover,
was telling that cooperating with him would be beneficial~R.
The applicant highlighted that according to article 65 of the RA
Constitution the NA MP cannot be involved in entrepreneurial
activities, hold a position in state or self-government bodies or
trade organizations and perform other paid work, with the exception of
scientific, pedagogical and creative.
According to the NA Ad-hoc Ethics Committee webpage the question of
sending an inquiry regarding examination of ARF fraction leader Armen
Rustamyan's application is on the agenda of the session of December
The Committee at the session of December 7 took under examination A.
Rustamyan~Rs application with the request to examine and make a
relevant decision regarding the violation of the ethic rules by the 83
MPs, who did not register and participate in the NA extraordinary
session convened on November 21, provided by the NA regulatory-law.
With the objective to discuss and provide a conclusion to the
Committee, the member of the ~QHeritage~R fraction Zaruhi Postanjyan was
appointed as a representative of the Committee.
Let us recall that at the NA extraordinary session on November 21 by
the initiative of 48 NA MPs it was expected to discuss the package of
the law projects about making changes and additions to the law on the
population state register of the RA Electoral and Criminal Codes, the
authors of which were the members of the ANC fraction. However the
session did not take place, since the quorum prescribed by the NA
regulatory-law was not ensured: only 46 MPs registered instead of the
66 required.