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How To Sell Country For Better Price

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  • How To Sell Country For Better Price


    17:03 19/12/2012
    Story from News:

    The Georgian press reported that Kazakhstan, Turkey, Azerbaijan and
    Georgia will sign a memorandum on building a Europe-Caucasus-Asia
    transport corridor. It may be the next regional project which excludes
    Armenia and eventually deepens the isolation of Armenia.

    As a state and as a society, Armenia must develop immunity against
    these processes. This is not the case Armenia will not even care
    what infrastructures need to be built in the region. However, at
    the same time, it is clear that the efforts of Armenia to present
    those infrastructures as lines of demarcation for the region are
    not meaningful. They need to be continued but they should not be the
    ultimate goal and the only focus. Furthermore, it will first of all
    harm Armenia, deepening despair and creating an impression that a loop
    of roads and pipes is woven around Armenia which will suffocate us.

    Having instilled this feeling, fertile ground is prepared to generate
    this idea in Armenia and in order to survive and not to be left out
    of regional infrastructures Armenia needs to approve proposals on
    compromise over Karabakh and resolve the issue.

    In the long run, Armenia has been dominated by this thinking for
    another two decades. Certainly when Vartan Oskanian was the foreign
    minister, he put forth the thesis of developing for another 100 years
    in a blockade but the government he was part of did not take any step
    to build up on this thesis.

    And in order to develop in a blockade for another 200 years the economy
    should not be made dependent on remittances emptying the pockets of
    citizens living on remittances and harming local production through
    exchange rate juggling. Instead of making the economy dependent on
    building it should have been better to use the fast rates of growth and
    favorable economic environment and take steps towards diversification
    of economy through innovation. Both internal macroeconomic indices
    and global favorable conditions enabled this.

    It required practical steps towards law enforcement and morality,
    social and state life should be based on such legal and spiritual
    values as law, constitution, freedom, decency, modesty, harmony with
    nature and so on.

    Instead, some people, including some foreign officials and Armenian
    businessmen, make huge profits from "elite" building leaving behind
    them the balloon of double digit economic growth instead of development

    The problem of Armenia is not that Armenia is left out of regional
    projects. The problem of Armenia is that a significant part of the
    government and political forces consider it to be the problem of
    Armenia and generate public moods through direct or indirect means.

    It is beyond discussion that roads and open borders are better than the
    contrary. There is no matter of discussion. However, it is necessary
    to take into consideration the existing reality, the geographical
    situation, the geopolitical tendencies, strategies.

    Armenia has no right to link its development to communication with
    Turkey and Azerbaijan because these countries will never stop thinking
    on destroying the Armenian factor. The strategy of these countries
    will never stop perceiving Armenia as a wedge, as a hostile country.

    Hence, Armenia has no right to make compromises over Karabakh and
    the legal and political aspects of the Armenian-Turkish issue for the
    sake of communications, as well as to build its economic strategy on
    other transport components. I repeat this is not the same to deny or
    refuse those components. For Armenia they can be additional components
    because in strategic terms they will be temporary and they will be
    posed to the danger of failure due to objective and subjective reasons,
    considering also the complicated geopolitical layers of the region.

    Armenia has to find a model for development in blockade or as the
    Russian saying is, hope for the best but be ready for the worst. The
    axis of the Armenian economy can be the branches in which the
    transportation component is the least. Those are the innovative
    branches and closed production cycles. However, along with this,
    it is necessary to change public consciousness and values, framework
    and content of the so-called elite, and establishing law and morality,
    free competition as indefeasible values, all the necessary conditions
    for the implementation of the creative potential of the human resource
    to enable every citizen to feel to be the master of their country
    independent from their status.

    A country with a population of less than three million has no right not
    to achieve this status, especially provided the double potential of the
    Diaspora. And if the achievement fails or there is no wish and will in
    the ruling elite, let nobody have illusions that open infrastructures
    will safeguard the development of economy. They will develop the ruling
    criminal and oligarchic system breathing in it the second life and
    will at best enable the system to sell the country at a better price.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress