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Preventing the Coming U.S. Disaster in the Caucasus

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  • Preventing the Coming U.S. Disaster in the Caucasus

    Preventing the Coming U.S. Disaster in the
    14:45, December 22, 2012

    *by David Boyajian*

    The United States is risking a disastrous renewal of war in the Caucasus
    between Armenians and Azeris over the breakaway Armenian-populated Republic
    of Mountainous Karabagh (RMK, or Artsakh in ancient Armenian).

    A new war between Azerbaijan and RMK (with its ally, Armenia) would
    undoubtedly destroy much of Azerbaijan's energy industry. This includes key
    Azeri oil and gas pipelines that lie just a few miles north of RMK and
    snake through Georgia and Turkey.

    Azerbaijan's economy and corrupt government are massively dependent on oil
    and gas revenue and would be in deep trouble. The already conflict-ridden
    Caucasus - recall the Abkhazia stalemate and 2008's Russian-Georgian war
    over South Ossetia - would be hopelessly destabilized. U.S. policy, in
    particular, would lie in tatters.

    Not surprisingly, Western energy giants such as BP, Chevron,
    ConocoPhillips, ExxonMobil, and Total (France) own huge stakes in
    Azerbaijan's energy infrastructure.

    As expected, the conflict's mediators - the U.S., Europe, and Russia - have an
    insatiable greed for Azerbaijan's substantial oil and gas deposits. Yet
    had they, especially the U.S., formally recognized RMK's independence from
    Azerbaijan, the conflict would have been resolved years ago. Such
    recognition remains the only practical and just solution.

    Azerbaijan would be unhappy, yes, but would continue to sell most of its
    oil and gas to the West. Azeris will never sell only to Russia. That
    would bind them too tightly to their former overlord.

    Azeri Violence

    The conflict in Mountainous Karabagh broke out in the late 1980's just
    after its Armenian majority, long abused by Azerbaijan, peacefully declared
    its desire for union with Armenia.

    Azerbaijan replied with murderous attacks against Karabagh civilians. Mobs
    hunted down and killed Armenians in the Azeri cities of Sumgait and Ganja.
    After the USSR dissolved in 1991, RMK held a referendum boycotted by
    Azeris. It voted for independence. Azerbaijan's response was full-scale

    Even with help from Turkish military officers and paramilitaries,
    and Afghan Mujahedin, Azerbaijan lost the war. A ceasefire was declared in
    1994. Yet almost daily Azerbaijan threatens a new war and snipes across
    the contact line.

    Pumped up with billions in oil and gas revenue, Azerbaijan's $3 billion
    military budget dwarfs Armenia's entire national budget. But Armenian
    troops are universally acknowledged to be better trained and to possess
    much greater esprit de corps because they are defending their ancient lands.

    But the U.S., Europe, and Russia might be coming to their senses. A few
    years ago, they proposed that RMK's 100,000 mostly Armenian citizens decide
    its formal status in a referendum. In return, Armenians would hand over
    vast tracts of territory to Azerbaijan.

    Azerbaijan rejected this compromise. It insisted, unreasonably, that its
    entire population of nearly 10,000,000 must participate in such a
    referendum so as to outvote RMK's 100,000 people.

    How solid is RMK's case for independence? Very.

    RMK's Best Case

    On every measure - history, demographics, and sheer decency - RMK has as good a
    case as other nations, such as South Sudan, East Timor, and the republics
    and regions of the former Yugoslavia, that have recently been freed from
    their overlords.

    During pre-Soviet, Soviet, and post-Soviet times, Azeris have persecuted
    and murdered Mountainous Karabagh's Christian Armenians.

    Since 1994, RMK has been a functioning, democratic, de facto independent

    Ancient Greek and Roman historians - Strabo, Pliny the Elder, and
    others - testify that Artsakh/Mountainous Karabagh was part of Armenia since
    before the time of Christ, and has always had an Armenian majority.

    Only a thousand years later did Turkic-speaking nomadic tribes from Central
    Asia begin dribbling into the Caucasus. At no time, however, did they or
    Muslims constitute more than a fraction in Mountainous Karabagh itself. An
    1823 Russian survey reported it to be 97% Armenian.

    >From 1918-20, Azeris - in a pan-Turkic alliance with Turkey - attacked and
    massacred thousands of Armenians in and around Karabagh. Shortly
    thereafter, Russian Bolsheviks - allied with Kemalist Turkey at that
    time - Sovietized the Caucasus.

    Lt. Col. John C. Plowden, a British military representative in the
    Caucasus, reported in 1919 that Mountainous Karabagh is `the cradle of
    their [Armenians'] race =85 Armenian in every particular and the strongest
    part of Armenia, financially, militarily and socially.'

    But in 1921, Stalin, the Soviet Commissar for Nationalities, gifted
    Mountainous Karabagh to Azerbaijan, probably to curry favor with Turkey.
    Karabagh was thereby artificially and physically severed from Armenia,
    mere miles to the west.

    Azerbaijan deliberately neglected not only Karabagh's economy and roads,
    but also its communication and transport links with Armenia. Law
    enforcement positions were filled with Azeris, even though they were a
    minority. Armenians protested to Moscow in vain.

    An Azeri policy of depopulation caused 30% of Karabagh's Armenian villages
    to disappear between 1926 and 1980.

    Azeris were also brought in to shift the demographics. Mountainous
    Karabagh's Armenian population dropped to 94% in 1921, 89% in 1926, 80% in
    1970, and 76% in 1989.

    Were RMK to fall under Azeri control again, it would inevitably suffer the
    same fate as Nakhichevan, another Armenian province that Stalin gifted to

    Nakhichevan Emptied

    Under Azeri rule over the past decades, Nakhichevan has been totally
    emptied of its Armenians.

    One Azeri official has actually declared that `Armenians have never lived
    in Nakhichevan.' Since the existence of Armenian buildings, churches, and
    monuments disprove such absurd claims, Azeris have undertaken to deface or
    level them in Nakhichevan and elsewhere.

    In 2005, for example, Azerbaijani servicemen used sledgehammers and
    machinery to completely destroy thousands of ancient Armenian
    *khachkars* (intricately
    carved stone crosses) in a cemetery in the city of Julfa. The Azeris were
    caught in the act from across the border. The astonishing
    video is
    on the Web.

    The destruction has been compared to the Taliban's dynamiting of ancient
    Buddhist statues in Afghanistan. Azerbaijan has banned foreign observers
    and ambassadors from the site.

    Due to their falsifying others' history and culture, we are compelled,
    sadly, to examine Azeris' own roots.

    The Invention of Azerbaijan

    Most people are unaware that `Azerbaijan' was created as a country - out of
    thin air - in 1918, just after Russia's Bolshevik Revolution.

    The region's Muslims had never been known as `Azeri,' an ethnicity that had
    never existed. Rather, they called themselves Turks, Tartars, or simply
    Muslims. Large numbers of Armenians, Georgians, and others also inhabited
    that same territory.

    Prior to 1918, `Azarbayjan' referred merely to two provinces - not a
    country - in northwestern Persia (Iran). These were always located strictly
    to the south, below the Arax River, of the artificially-created Azerbaijan
    of 1918.

    The so-called Azeris speak a Turkic language. But the word Azerbaijan is
    actually Persian, not Turkic. It is derived from the name Atropates, a
    Persian governor appointed by Alexander the Great around 327 BC.

    The Soviets probably chose the name `Azerbaijan' in 1918 to further their
    designs on Iran. Indeed, during and after WW 2, the Soviets tried
    unsuccessfully to carve out a `People's Republic of Azarbayjan' in Iran's

    The Sordid U.S. State Department

    The U.S. State Department's policies toward Azerbaijan have a particularly
    sordid aspect involving personal gain and undue influence.

    In 2010, for example, President Obama appointed Matt Bryza as interim
    American ambassador to Azerbaijan, despite Bryza's questionable ties to
    Azeri officials.

    Not surprisingly, after a year in Baku, Bryza joined the Istanbul-based
    Turcas Petrol Corporation, a partner of the State Oil Company of
    Azerbaijan (SOCAR).

    The United States-Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce (USACC) has always
    been crammed with former U.S. officials such as Vice President Dick Cheney,
    former Secretaries of State James A. Baker and Henry Kissinger, Richard
    Armitage, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Richard Perle, and Brent Scowcroft. They
    rub elbows with USACC fat cats from corporations that invest in
    Azerbaijan's energy industry.

    Israel, known for its influence on U.S. policy, and some American
    organizations have allied themselves with Azerbaijan. 30% of Israel's oil
    imports come from Azerbaijan. Israel is selling $1.6 billion dollars'
    worth of advanced weapons, including drones, to Azerbaijan, which is
    threatening to use them against RMK.

    The RMK conflict is not unsolvable. The facts are clear. Azerbaijan has
    no valid claim to RMK. Yet U.S. support of Azerbaijan may drag it into war.

    America must take the lead and formally recognize RMK's independence.
    Europe and Russia will follow. The alternative may be another U.S. war
    whose cost in blood and money we Americans cannot afford.

    Foreign Policy Journal;
    December 22, 2012

    From: A. Papazian