Sona Hakobyan
16:25 26.12.2012
President of the Freedom of Information Center Shushan Doydoyan today
publicized the 2012 "black list" of officials, who have violated
the right of people to the freedom of information, as well as the
"white list" of those, who have reconsidered their activity after
appearing in the interim "black lists" over the year.
Summing up the results of the year, Shushan Doydoyan declared that
the top 5 includes the Mayors of Vardenis and Vanadzor, the leaders
of the Republican Party of Armenia, the Prosperous Armenia Party and
the Armenian National Congress.
Note that the "black list" includes representatives of government
agencies, local self-government bodies or public organizations,
who do not respond to the requests to provide information, violate
the Law on the Freedom of Information, provide a false or incomplete
information, etc.
Head of the State Market Control Inspection Levon Khalikyan and
headmaster of the school #4 after Levon Shant Anahit Vardanyan have
managed to review their activity and have been excluded from the
"black list."
Sona Hakobyan
16:25 26.12.2012
President of the Freedom of Information Center Shushan Doydoyan today
publicized the 2012 "black list" of officials, who have violated
the right of people to the freedom of information, as well as the
"white list" of those, who have reconsidered their activity after
appearing in the interim "black lists" over the year.
Summing up the results of the year, Shushan Doydoyan declared that
the top 5 includes the Mayors of Vardenis and Vanadzor, the leaders
of the Republican Party of Armenia, the Prosperous Armenia Party and
the Armenian National Congress.
Note that the "black list" includes representatives of government
agencies, local self-government bodies or public organizations,
who do not respond to the requests to provide information, violate
the Law on the Freedom of Information, provide a false or incomplete
information, etc.
Head of the State Market Control Inspection Levon Khalikyan and
headmaster of the school #4 after Levon Shant Anahit Vardanyan have
managed to review their activity and have been excluded from the
"black list."