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The Only Way Is Civil Disobedience

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  • The Only Way Is Civil Disobedience

    The Only Way Is Civil Disobedience

    Siranuysh Papyan
    17:37 29/12/2012
    Story from News:

    Interview with Saro Saroyan, historian, expert in ACNIS

    Are recent withdrawals from the presidential race the result of a
    process of removal of Serzh Sargsyan's opponents?

    The concept of organization of the electoral process by the regime
    presupposes that the candidate of the criminal oligarchy must not have
    real rivals. From this point of view, the `bolshevist' wing of the
    regime was able to render harmless the `menshevists' and the `tsar'.
    Now the `menshevists' worry about tension. We mainly hear the
    followers of the empire of the ANC sing `God Save the King'. The ARF
    is trying to come to terms with the regime to get a place under this
    sun in the upcoming years. And since it is not clear from which side
    the wind will blow, the sacral principle `keep a low profile until
    danger passes' is followed.

    Saro, could any of those who withdrew be a real opponent to the
    candidate of the government? Will boycott be chosen as an alternative
    to the election?

    In the result of the recent political processes in which the
    opposition displayed its weakness and its bid on the assistance of
    foreign forces, and after the famous closure of public toilets its
    infantile behavior hampered its activities in the square or the
    street, the ANC is not competitive with the criminal and oligarchic
    regime. At the same time, in the result of political intrigues and a
    good strategy the ANC was able to prevent any other opposition force
    from getting the support of the public or forming a new pole. Hence,
    as the election was drawing nearer, the second president Robert
    Kocharyan remained the only source of fears of the regime who
    continued to have strong shadow levers. Ahead of the parliamentary
    election the PAP postured itself as an alternative, forcing the
    majority force to follow the track of moderate confrontation because
    the main guarantee of the activities of Kocharyan and Tsarukyan
    remained the Kremlin which did not hurry to `approve' any of those
    aspiring to the post of president. Taking into account this
    circumstance, the ANC leaders went in for an alliance with Tsarukyan
    because the ANC's plan to get the Kremlin's support to the Alliance
    with Serzh Sargsyan against Robert Kocharyan 2008-2009 failed, and the
    new plan was to get the Kremlin's support to Tsarukyan. Tsarukyan
    positioned as alternative, as long as the Kremlin's opinion was not
    clear. Today the ANC can either boycott the upcoming election to
    return at least a crumb of public confidence or to look for support in
    the oligarchic regime which is split and shows signs of collapse to
    create the illusion of dismantlement of the regime. As to ARF, all it
    can do is to wait for the next chance to benefit from a new expected
    situation stemming from Kocharyan's factor.

    What is right, boycott or waiting for a new situation?

    Let us differentiate party boycott from public boycott, as well as the
    expectations of parties from public expectations. The second can be a
    behavior of self-determined citizens which may lead to an active civic
    movement. As to public expectations of a new situation, they will not
    bring anything positive to the society though they have a huge
    potential because an active and conscious behavior of citizens is
    required for the society to benefit from the change of situation. In
    other cases, it will serve realignment of the regime and promotion of
    the group interests of the posturing parties.

    Andrias Ghukasyan suggests the RA President Action Plan. He puts forth
    the dissolution of political parties because Armenia will not have a
    progress until these parties are liquidated. Do you think this idea
    will ensure consolidation?

    Any idea can ensure consolidation when words are translated to action.
    Our 20-year old opposition perceives action to be rally, demonstration
    and marches. These tools are blessed mechanisms for the criminal
    regime. However, this year the civic environmental movements used
    different tools of civic disobedience. Andrias Ghukasyan was one of
    the champions of actions for the deliverance of Mashtots Park.

    Armen Hovhannisyan thinks division of money and power should be
    expected in the upcoming years. Do you think it is possible?

    The Armenian political system is power of money. Demand, will and
    determination is required to deprive money (oligarchs) from power. All
    the one-person parties have used elections to make part of the
    government of money or get their share of the government of money.
    Some parties have reached their goal. Now there is a shortage of money
    in the government, and the oligarchs will violate agreements hiding
    behind the curtain called political process. The only democratic way
    of dismantling the criminal oligarchic system, separating power and
    money, distributing wealth evenly and delivering foreign debt from the
    treasury of the regime is civil disobedience.
