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Aleppo-Armenian Vruyr Bilemjyan's thoughts are with Syria; ``We hope

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  • Aleppo-Armenian Vruyr Bilemjyan's thoughts are with Syria; ``We hope

    Aleppo-Armenian Vruyr Bilemjyan's thoughts are with Syria; ``We hope
    we will return one day''

    11:09 29/12/2012 » SOCIETY

    Aleppo-Armenian Vruyr Bilemjyan arrived in Armenia on August 14 this
    year as a `tourist', but he was urged to stay in Armenia because of
    the confrontation in Syria. Now he studies at Yerevan State Medical
    University after Mkhitar Heratsi, and is a second year student at
    Pharmaceuticals department. had an interview with Vruyr.

    - What is the situation in Aleppo now? What do your relatives and friends say?

    - Most of them are in Armenia or Beirut now. And those who remained
    there say that the situation worsens. There is no flicker for
    optimism. I think that conflict will not get a solution for a long

    - Don't you advise your friend and relatives who are in Syria to come
    to Armenia?

    - Every person has his own business, his home, family. It's hard to
    leave everything and to come here. Our thoughts are with Syria,
    however. We hope that we will return to Aleppo one day as our ties are
    there. When we were there we used to think that we will return to
    Armenia one day and will live here forever. But everything happened so
    quickly; the conditions urged.

    - How did you use to see the New Year in Aleppo?

    - We used to gather in the canteen on New Year day. We all prayed at
    12 o'clock, then danced and sang till the morning, celebrated
    gorgeously. We were also putting tables at home. There were families
    who used to see the New Year at homes organizing family meetings and

    - What about your Arab friends? Did they know what the Christians are

    - Sure they knew. On that day we were decorating some districts of
    Aleppo with lights. It was very beautiful. Arabs used to come out of
    their homes at night and enjoyed that beauty.

    - How will you celebrate it here?

    - At the restaurant.

    - Would you prefer to see the 2013 in Aleppo?

    - It's a difficult question. I think it will be happier and better
    here, the thing is that we don't have too many friends here.

    - What would you wish for the Armenians that are in Syria now?

    - Let the God help them and not leave them in worse conditions. I hope
    everything will end very soon.

    - What would you ask from Santa Claus?

    - Peace, health and success to people.

