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ISTANBUL: Researchers reflect on Turkish- Armenian civil society act

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  • ISTANBUL: Researchers reflect on Turkish- Armenian civil society act

    Today's Zaman, Turkey
    Feb 5 2012

    Researchers reflect on Turkish- Armenian civil society activities

    5 February 2012 / YONCA POYRAZ DOÐAN, ÝSTANBUL

    Civil society initiatives between Turkey and Armenia have flourished
    during the last decade and a half, and researchers are shedding light
    in a new study on whether or not these initiatives have been

    In their introduction to the study, researchers Esra Çuhadar and Burcu
    Gültekin Punsmann noted the Armenian-Turkish conflict is different
    from other conflicts because there is no violence at the moment,
    although the past is a violent one.

    "Unlike in other peace-building contexts, preventing or ending
    violence is not an issue. It is more about healing a broken
    relationship, rebuilding trust and coming to terms with the past,
    while also building positive and constructive relations between the
    two neighboring states," the researchers stated in the study,
    "Reflecting on the Two Decades of Bridging the Divide: Taking Stock of
    Turkish-Armenian Civil Society Activities," published by the Economic
    Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV). The study was conducted
    with the support of the German Marshall Fund's Black Sea Trust for
    Regional Cooperation.

    As their driving questions, the researchers asked: "What can citizens
    and civil societies do to positively contribute to this process? How
    can they do better? Can we empower them in a way that they become a
    positive driving force for their governments to make peace?"

    The researchers first compiled a detailed inventory of all civil
    society efforts carried out from 1995 to 2011. Then, they selected a
    handful of these projects, especially ongoing ones, in order to do an
    in-depth study and explore dynamics on the ground. The researchers
    conducted two field trips, one to Yerevan in 2010 and another to
    Ýstanbul in 2011, where they interviewed about 25 civil society

    During the third stage of the project, they gathered in Ankara in July
    2011 a smaller group of Armenian and Turkish practitioners from
    Armenia, Turkey and the Armenian diaspora in order to have them
    further discuss and elaborate on some of the themes identified.

    "There have been some civil society initiatives that have been
    connected to politics, and there have been some that have not been,"
    said Gültekin Punsmann.

    The study identified the Turkish-Armenian Business Development Council
    (TABDC), a private sector-driven initiative, as the first initiative
    to open a track-two channel, or an unofficial diplomacy channel. TABDC
    was co-founded in 1997 in Turkey and Armenia to foster creation of
    trade links between the two countries, and TABDC played a significant
    role in the shipment of earthquake aid from Armenia to Turkey in 1999.

    According to the study, civil society activities between Turkey and
    Armenia showed a sharp increase in 2001-2003, as this period coincided
    with a large grant scheme funded by the US government. The Turkish
    American Reconciliation Commission (TARC) was a high-profile
    initiative during those years, and more than a dozen track-two
    diplomacy projects between the two countries were implemented.

    Then, another sudden upturn occurred in 2005 with the renewal of
    activism at the official level, as Turkey's Prime Minister Recep
    Tayyip Erdoðan and Armenia's President Robert Kocharian created the
    impression of dialogue.

    "A new momentum was indeed launched by two public proposals -- one
    Turkish and one Armenian. Prime Minister Erdoðan, in his letter to
    President Kocharian, called for the creation of a joint commission to
    study the historical developments and events of 1915. This was
    accompanied by President Kocharian's proposal for an
    inter-governmental commission to meet and discuss all outstanding
    issues between the two countries, with the aim of resolving them.
    These would have to be sustained by practical steps aiming at the full
    normalization of bilateral relations," the study noted.

    The final steep surge in civil society initiatives occurred in 2008,
    during the most publicized period, featuring football diplomacy marked
    by the last negotiation initiative that led to the signing of two
    protocols between Turkey and Armenia to normalize their relations and
    open borders.

    "Although there was another decline in 2009, most likely due to the
    stumbling protocols, compared to the 1990s, the initiatives were still
    at a historic high in 2010," the study stated.

    In addition, the study noted that Turkish interest in Armenia and
    Armenians increases in the spring, as there are activities that aim to
    prevent the president of the United States from qualifying the
    massacres of the Armenians of the Ottoman Empire as genocide in his
    annual White House statement. On the other hand, during the same
    period, Armenian activists mobilize for the opposite purpose.

    "Armenian and Turkish diaspora organizations based in the US engage in
    a frontal opposition. The period between mid-March and the end of
    April is therefore the least favorable time for any Turkish-Armenian
    initiative aiming at normalization or reconciliation," the study

    When it comes to who carries out most of these civil society projects,
    the study stated that most of the projects so far have been carried
    out by grassroots-level participants, such as youth, artists and civil
    society activists.

    "In other conflicts too, it is quite common to see grassroots-level
    initiatives more frequently than elite-level initiatives. This may be
    for several reasons, but one is that a larger pool to draw from is
    available at the grassroots level. Secondly, the inter-communal aspect
    of some conflicts, like the Turkish-Armenian conflict, requires close
    attention to the grassroots level," Gültekin Punsmann said.

    However, one deficiency she pointed out in those initiatives is that
    most projects target a group of people who are already convinced of
    the need to develop Turkish-Armenian relations and have a keen
    interest in discussing the issue. In that regard, the study stated
    that new projects should go beyond this and include those groups that
    have not been included before, such as women, nationalist and
    conservative youth, and young entrepreneurs.

    At the end, the study suggested the Turkish-Armenian peace-building
    process in coming years should adopt a strategy that aims to build and
    strengthen relationships; build the capacity of civil society and
    organizations to better address the conflict; and create institutions
    or processes to constructively address the conflict.

    The priority activity of civil society has been relationship-building
    so far, however, very little is known about their effectiveness.

    Do they change attitudes? Do they improve relations? There needs to be
    systematic assessments required by donors concerning
    relationship-focused initiatives, the researchers pointed out.

    Gültekin Punsmann said TEPAV will have civil society initiatives
    involving Turkey, Armenia and Azerbaijan, and in addition, it will
    have more initiatives to solve trade problems between Turkey and

    Study suggests activities for Turkish, Armenian civil society

    TEPAV researchers recommended a series of activities for the civil
    society actors from both Turkey and Armenia:

    Build cross-border professional partnerships through practical
    projects because they are more likely to involve mainstream actors.
    Cooperation on trans-boundary issues, such as environmental protection
    and public health, presents new possibilities for professional-level

    Establish information channels between the two societies; these
    information channels need to be not only free of prejudice but also
    strengthened and institutionalized.

    Establish a new high-level track-two process to jump start the frozen
    negotiations: Aside from TARC, the researchers haven't come across a
    similar initiative. Now that the track-one level is stuck, it is the
    right time to start a TARC-like high-level track two.

    Assist in the rediscovery of the common past and shared memory with
    Turkish-Armenian cross-border initiatives. Even the most technical
    ones allow a re-reading of the past that binds peoples of the region
    together. Furthermore, unraveling the shared memory and the common
    past before 1915 will create a new cognitive space for the two
    societies, which hold extremely polarized views at the moment.

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