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GeoProMining Invests $1,5mn To Armenian Social Projects In 2011

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  • GeoProMining Invests $1,5mn To Armenian Social Projects In 2011


    FEBRUARY 10, 2012

    The exclusive interview of GeoProMining - GPM company president Roman
    Khudoly with "ARKA" news agency.

    "ARKA"- Mr. Khudoly, what funds does the company injects into
    implementing social programs in Armenia?

    R. Khudoly- The company continues developing its active operation
    on the enterprises in Armenia, Georgia, and Russia that is estimated
    through the company's careful attitude to its staff and the residents
    who live in the regions where these enterprises work. The total
    amount of GPM Gold's and Agarak copper-molybdenum plant's social
    investments in 2011 hit more than $1.5 million in Armenia.Also the
    company permanently interacts with the State authorities as well as
    local administrations that allows GPM to respond advertently to the
    needs of the residents in the regions, where the company operates, and
    to inject charity funds into the projects which are more actual for
    the local population. The company regularly finances social projects
    targeted at the infrastructure development, fire and rescue services,
    energy and water supply, repair of hospitals, schools, kindergartens.

    Also one of the GPM social activity priorities is to traditionally
    support the socially vulnerable population groups.

    We have regardfully analysed the projects of the last year and
    received recommendations from the international specialists working
    in the sphere of corporate social responsibility (CSR), after what
    we consulted local administrations to determine the most urgent needs
    of the local population.

    This information appeared as a basis for composing 2012 budget. We
    will keep on developing the principal course of our " Resources
    for the benefit" corporate program paying special attention to the
    projects directed to working with our staff and their families as
    well as ecology issues.

    "ARKA"- Would you, please, depict in more details the goals and
    implementation process of "Resources for the benefit" program?

    R. Khudoly- Keeping in mind that the sustainable development is one of
    GPM main strategic principles, we shifted in 2011 from non-methodical
    projects to systematic ones within Corporate Social Responsibility. As
    a result the company launched "Resources for the benefit" complex

    The program embraces all the aspects of social responsibility
    that includes the attentive attitude to the staff, minimization
    of environmental impact, concern about local communities and close
    interaction with the State authorities in the scope of social-economic
    development. These spheres will become the CSR priorities of the
    company in 2012.

    "ARKA"- Which structures does the company cooperate with while
    implementing its social projects?

    R. Khudoly- During several years GPM in cooperation with Social
    investment Fund of the Armenian government, which implements World
    Bank projects in the country, has been realizing projects aimed at
    the social development of the regions.

    The agreement endorsed between GPM and Fund as well as administration
    of Ararat region on February 8 authorizes implementation of the
    charity project directed to building a kindergarten. This project was
    initiated by the president of Armenia Serge Sargsyan on his visit to
    Ararat region in the middle of the last year to respond to the needs
    of the region's residents.

    Thus, the kids are already expected to have a new kindergarten in the
    beginning of 2013 due to Social Investments Fund and $250 thousand
    investments by GPM.

    GPM also supports local administrations to organize different
    environment protection events as well as create improved and favourable
    conditions for residents in Vardenis, Ararat and Agarak.

    In 2011 significant funds were spent on the purchase of garbage
    equipment and snow removal trucks. In 2012 we plan to buy sweeper
    trucks for keeping town streets clean.

    "ARKA"- What kind of social projects and facilities does the company
    offer to the workers on its enterprises?

    R. Khudoly- Currently 815 people work in GPM Gold company which
    explores Sotsk gold mining and runs Ararat Gold Recovery Factory.

    After we launch the new trend in the factory, based on the unique
    modern technology "Albion," the construction of which started in 2011,
    we can hire more people. Agarak copper- molybdenum plant employs 930
    workers. GPM enterprises in Armenia are specialized in single-industry
    and provide with jobs 70-80% of the working- age population in Agarak,
    Vardenis, and Ararat.

    The company acts as a responsible employer: our wage is one of the
    highest in this field. We often organize qualification trainings for
    the workers with different specializations. It helps to stimulate their
    professional development. Our employees receive an appropriate social
    package and get annual medical examination in the best medical centres
    of the country. The company organizes also bright New Year celebrations
    as well as sport and cultural events for the children of our workers.

    "ARKA" - Does the company follow ecological norms while implementing
    its projects?

    R. Khudoly- Any industrial production has an impact on environment
    and our company's responsibility is to try to minimize that negative
    impact. We regularly check the level of impact on the environment
    and take a regardful look at following all the normative indicators.

    Every event that is targeted to the company's development is organized
    only after we have detailed consultations with the specialists scoping
    in the environment protection sphere. Our main priority is to do our
    work in accordance with the legislature.

    Events organized in the frame of the industry modernization program
    respond to the best international ecological standards. This is proved
    by the fact that the world best ecology experts from such companies as
    Fraser Alexander, Epoch E Digby Wells Environment participate in our
    project. The new unique and modern technology "Albion" which will be
    exploited in Ararat Gold Recovery Factory, corresponds to the world
    best ecological standards.

    "ARKA"- Does the company organize any cultural or educational events?

    R.Khudoly- GPM pays great attention to preserving national traditions,
    culture and art in all the regions it operates. We were one of the
    general sponsors of the celebrations dedicated to the 20th anniversary
    of independence in Armenia. The company also actively participated
    in organizing and preparing celebration events.

    When visiting Yerevan GPM administration never misses the opportunity
    to get introduced with the historical heritage of the Armenian nation.

    At the end of the last year when I visited Armenia with Siman
    Viktorovich ( Siman Povarenkin, the chairman of GPM Board of Directors
    - "ARKA") we had a chance to go to National History Museum and get
    introduced to the exposition dedicated to the Armenian mining history.

    Being an international company, GPM participates enthusiastically
    in the projects goaled to strengthen mutual understanding and
    expansion within the international cooperation between Russia and
    Armenia. Since 2009 the company has been backing the project on Russian
    language knowledge improvement in Armenia, which is implemented by
    the Charitable Foundation for Russian Language promotion under the
    auspices of the Embassy of Russian Federation in Armenia.

    GPM finances opening computer classrooms for interactive teaching
    of Russian language. The classrooms are equipped with the modern
    technical tools for communication and detailed teaching books. This
    charity project promotes Russian language learning as well as its
    spread and popularization in Armenia as an inseparable part of the
    world culture, present instrument of international communication and
    CIS business language as well as economic cooperation development
    between Armenia and Russia.

    GPM in cooperation with Russian Embassy also backs Russian Drama
    Theater after K. Stanislavsky in Yerevan, which is one of the brightest
    cultural establishments in Yerevan and a popular place for staging
    Armenian and Russian playwrights' works. In December 2011 the theater
    showed the first night of Sergey Dovlatov's play "Abanamat".

    The staging became possible due to financing made by the company.
