Today, on February 10, presentation of the book named "Polygon
Azerbaijan" took place. Aristakes Ghazinyan, journalist of "Golos
Armenii" ("Armenian voice") newspaper and armeniannow.com news agency,
is the author of the book.
The preparations for the book have been done by the "Center of the
public relations and information" of Armenian President's staff.
"~SCenter of the public relations and information" of Armenian
President's staff has published two books on the end of last year. One
of them is "Polygon Azerbaijan" which you see now and another book is
called "How did it happen"? The latter is devoted to the Arstakh was
and includes the studies of our experts. And on January, this year
book named "Turkish fears: Sevres syndromes" was published. Two other
books will be presented to the audience soon", Ara Saghatelyan, head
of the "Center of the public relations and information" of Armenian
President's staff said in his welcoming speech. He also informed that
the center will soon present also two new films about Artsakh war.
"I have worked on this team for nearly 15 years. And this event
is really important for me not only my book is presented here, but
because the theme is very important. The book lives separated from the
author and lives as long as it is read", author of the book Aristakes
Ghazinayn applied to the presents.
Rating the activities of the "Center of the public relations and
information" of Armenian President's staff in our reality, he said:
"Today when we say war we do not mean only military struggle, but also
mean economical war, information war. We know well which economical
war means. We have been in economical occupation for about 20 years.
We also well realize what information war means.
Today official Baku always repeats the same fake stories, but if
the world hears those stories all time and there is no answer form
Armenia, the world may once get used to those stories and even believe
in them. And here the role of the center is especially important. Here
journalists, experts work who are involved in the process".
As the speaker noted the center gives answers to Azerbaijani fake
with books, films.
Referring to the book presented today, the author informed that it
is really large and includes three books in it.
"The first part presents the history of formulation of Azerbaijanis
as nation, when different tribes were gathered and were unified. They
were called "Azerbaijanis" since 1918, but this name was not used for
a long time. It started to be used since 1930 and Stalin urged to use
it. This was an anti-Turkish step by Stalin as this part was separated
from Turkey. Before this separation people considered themselves to be
just Turks." The author also noted that he presented with an example
how well-known Persian poet may suddenly become an Azerbaijani. Nizami
Gyanjeev is that poet.
Historiography of Azerbaijan is the theme of the second part of the
book. "We know well that history and historiography are different
things. Historiography is written by the state, organization or party
and has concrete themes. And history presents the events as they
were though may be not always objective. History assists to realize
present and future better. But there is no history in Azerbaijan", A.
Ghazinyan noted. According to the author, it is very important also for
us to understand the history. "Especially, we must realize that today's
strained Armenian-Azerbaijani relations are not result of Artsakh war,
but Artsakh war is a result of tensions, which were before."
And the last part of the book is devoted to the history of State
system of Azerbaijan, "Here is a regularity: every time Azerbaijan
announced about the State system (it took place for three times, on
1918, 1920 and 1991), they made Armenian massacres", the speaker noted.
Speaking about the aims of the book A. Ghazinyan said that it is mostly
for the international experts who study Artsakh issue as often they
do not know the reality and truth.
"We do not aim to make Azerbaijan angry, we have more serious task",
author of the book concluded.
Today, on February 10, presentation of the book named "Polygon
Azerbaijan" took place. Aristakes Ghazinyan, journalist of "Golos
Armenii" ("Armenian voice") newspaper and armeniannow.com news agency,
is the author of the book.
The preparations for the book have been done by the "Center of the
public relations and information" of Armenian President's staff.
"~SCenter of the public relations and information" of Armenian
President's staff has published two books on the end of last year. One
of them is "Polygon Azerbaijan" which you see now and another book is
called "How did it happen"? The latter is devoted to the Arstakh was
and includes the studies of our experts. And on January, this year
book named "Turkish fears: Sevres syndromes" was published. Two other
books will be presented to the audience soon", Ara Saghatelyan, head
of the "Center of the public relations and information" of Armenian
President's staff said in his welcoming speech. He also informed that
the center will soon present also two new films about Artsakh war.
"I have worked on this team for nearly 15 years. And this event
is really important for me not only my book is presented here, but
because the theme is very important. The book lives separated from the
author and lives as long as it is read", author of the book Aristakes
Ghazinayn applied to the presents.
Rating the activities of the "Center of the public relations and
information" of Armenian President's staff in our reality, he said:
"Today when we say war we do not mean only military struggle, but also
mean economical war, information war. We know well which economical
war means. We have been in economical occupation for about 20 years.
We also well realize what information war means.
Today official Baku always repeats the same fake stories, but if
the world hears those stories all time and there is no answer form
Armenia, the world may once get used to those stories and even believe
in them. And here the role of the center is especially important. Here
journalists, experts work who are involved in the process".
As the speaker noted the center gives answers to Azerbaijani fake
with books, films.
Referring to the book presented today, the author informed that it
is really large and includes three books in it.
"The first part presents the history of formulation of Azerbaijanis
as nation, when different tribes were gathered and were unified. They
were called "Azerbaijanis" since 1918, but this name was not used for
a long time. It started to be used since 1930 and Stalin urged to use
it. This was an anti-Turkish step by Stalin as this part was separated
from Turkey. Before this separation people considered themselves to be
just Turks." The author also noted that he presented with an example
how well-known Persian poet may suddenly become an Azerbaijani. Nizami
Gyanjeev is that poet.
Historiography of Azerbaijan is the theme of the second part of the
book. "We know well that history and historiography are different
things. Historiography is written by the state, organization or party
and has concrete themes. And history presents the events as they
were though may be not always objective. History assists to realize
present and future better. But there is no history in Azerbaijan", A.
Ghazinyan noted. According to the author, it is very important also for
us to understand the history. "Especially, we must realize that today's
strained Armenian-Azerbaijani relations are not result of Artsakh war,
but Artsakh war is a result of tensions, which were before."
And the last part of the book is devoted to the history of State
system of Azerbaijan, "Here is a regularity: every time Azerbaijan
announced about the State system (it took place for three times, on
1918, 1920 and 1991), they made Armenian massacres", the speaker noted.
Speaking about the aims of the book A. Ghazinyan said that it is mostly
for the international experts who study Artsakh issue as often they
do not know the reality and truth.
"We do not aim to make Azerbaijan angry, we have more serious task",
author of the book concluded.