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We Need New Bright Identities

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  • We Need New Bright Identities

    Siranuysh Papyan

    Story from News:
    Published: 13:46:40 - 20/02/2012

    Interview with ethnographer Aghasi Tadevosyan

    What is the difference between the pre-election campaigns of 2007 and
    2012? Will the parties put the public interest above the distribution
    of public goods?

    The parties don't protect public interests, they just play their
    roles protecting the interests of the oligarchs. I would not say much
    has changed since then. Many of them speak about representation of
    business interests to the political field. But these affirmations are
    groundless - the small and midsize businesses go on living with the
    snooze around their neck. And there is little hope that after coming
    to power the Republican or Bargavach Hayastan parties will start
    defending the interests of small business. I think the affirmation
    that the relation between the two coalition parties are tense due to
    disagreements on public tasks is groundless too.

    But the society demands protection of its interest.

    The greater part of the society does not understand its interest and
    cannot formulate it. It is ready to self-organize only for primitive
    and generic values. Those, who chose the path of formation of power
    through elections, had long gone beyond the circle of ethnic plane and
    domestic security interests. The majority of our society appreciates
    its interest at AMD 5-15 thousand. Oligarchic RPA and BHP act in the
    plane of the primitive interest and build on this their pre-election
    strategy. In other words, a large part of the society due to their
    ignorance came to a consensus with the oligarchic parties.

    As to the disagreements between the RPA and BHP, I tend to see
    election tactics in this. Once a black cat walked between us though
    both parties evidently defend the interests of the oligarchy, just
    in different camps. But in 2008, both camps united against the people.

    Do you think Serzh Sargsyan's commitments on fair elections are
    also PR?

    Who hinders him to hold fair elections? The people or his own party?

    Or his coalition partner BHP? There will be no fair elections in
    Armenia. The oligarchic parties and the greater part of the population
    are inclined to bribery. Elections can be fair in Armenia only if
    people who have a sincere wish to hold such elections are found. Now,
    the majority of the population of Armenia is unable to elect. Only
    those who formulated their interest are able to elect. These groups
    are many in Armenia now which are now in Mashtots Park and they differ
    from the twins BHP and RPA. These parties were unable to get 40-50%
    together, but, disassociated from each other, they could take more.

    There are people who believe in this show. Though, I'm not saying no
    one wants to elect BHP or RPA. They are quite many.

    Why do people want to elect them?

    The BHP supports vulnerable people who live in extremely poor
    conditions and they are thankful for this aid. These people think that
    when in power their benefactors will keep supporting them. But the
    greater part of our population votes not to form a democratic power
    but it just chooses between the good and the bad which is a completely
    different election. Civil thinking is entirely in the secular plane,
    and there is nothing sacred here. And our population predominantly
    has sacral mentality, so democracy is alien to them. Oligarchs and
    their parties fit the images of good masters. Most of the population
    is ready to give them their votes because they have long been in talks
    with voters, they agree how many votes each will receive and people
    will vote for those parties from which they expect more foreclosures.

    The only pre-election process in Armenia is the bribe.

    Is there alternative to this thinking?

    Let it not sound rough but our population is predominantly ignorant
    which allows the RPA and BHP to hope they will receive 30-40%. Our
    society needs modernization which is the only way to restore the
    institute of elections. The modern institute cannot act in the archaic
    society. Compare the images of young people who gathered to defend
    Mashtots Park and the Republican youths with eagles on their chest.

    This is the clash of modern and pre-state archaism. Archaic parties
    are unable to build the future.

    It is necessary to understand that modern states are formed thanks to
    the leadership of progressive people. The authorities should be modern
    in everything. People eating in places where our oligarchs usually
    are, build a modern state. The problem is related to cultural capital
    and habitus. We need new, enlightened people, educated and modern
    identities. The majority of the parties are guided by group interests.

    How can we fight this total ignorance?

    It is not necessary to fight, it is necessary to create the new one,
    new images who should act during civil actions. This process has
    already started. People in power will also change because there are
    people who are not present within the authorities yet but they are
    also the government. Tomorrow, this government will shape the state.

    The type of the RPA and the BHP is dying, these parties live in the
    past. Look, in the meantime while people in the Mashtots Park have
    been fighting for future, young Republicans looking at the past
    honored Vardan. None of the people suffering from false patriotism
    ever thought that patriotism is a subject that manifests itself in
    the defense of their city from the oligarchs.

    Regardless of the victory in the upcoming elections, the RPA and
    BHP have already lost. The time for ethno-religious Nzhdeh ideology
    has already passed. The construction of the state and international
    competition cannot be based on these ideologies. It is necessary to
    archive the national ideologies.

    The reality shows the current conservative forces are unable to
    assess the realities which go beyond the limits of their intellectual
    diapason. The inability to assess, to accept and to try the new can
    be the proof of the crisis of realization of the power. Or, these
    forces need to modernize.

    It is evident today where these retrogrades have led the country. The
    progressive part of the Armenian society cannot tolerate this for a
    long time.
