19:23 . 27/02
The resolution of the Karabakh issue can be presented in two planes.
Karabakh joins Armenia and becomes one state or Russia recognizes
Karabakh as an independent state, Russian presidential candidate
Vladimir Zhirinovski has presented such a position during his meeting
with the Armenian community in Moscow.
"We have recognised South Ossetia, Abkhazia, while Karabakh has more
moral, historical grounds to be recognized as an independent state. We
give the formula for it, the other four candidates don't say a word
about the Caucasus, Near East, the military actions expected there
and Armenia. As if there is nothing beyond Voronezh and Rostov,
there is only a desert," he has said.
Touching upon the military-political actions started in the Caucasus
and Iran, he has stressed that the aggravation of the situation will
have undesired consequences also for Armenia.
"The meeting with the Armenian community is first of all conditioned
with the fact that the political situation is aggravating and will
aggravate even more till summer this year. The decision of war against
Iran is already taken, and the date is defined. The most undesired
consequences may be for Armenia.
In the result of the war Azerbaijan will get money for lease of its
aerodromes, Americans will get the right to dispose the Iranian oil,
Israel will get security in the result of destroying Iranian atomic
bombs, Turkey will no more have a rival and will become leading in
Near East. Russians will get price rise on oil and combat experience
of the army. But what will Armenians get...?"
From: Baghdasarian
19:23 . 27/02
The resolution of the Karabakh issue can be presented in two planes.
Karabakh joins Armenia and becomes one state or Russia recognizes
Karabakh as an independent state, Russian presidential candidate
Vladimir Zhirinovski has presented such a position during his meeting
with the Armenian community in Moscow.
"We have recognised South Ossetia, Abkhazia, while Karabakh has more
moral, historical grounds to be recognized as an independent state. We
give the formula for it, the other four candidates don't say a word
about the Caucasus, Near East, the military actions expected there
and Armenia. As if there is nothing beyond Voronezh and Rostov,
there is only a desert," he has said.
Touching upon the military-political actions started in the Caucasus
and Iran, he has stressed that the aggravation of the situation will
have undesired consequences also for Armenia.
"The meeting with the Armenian community is first of all conditioned
with the fact that the political situation is aggravating and will
aggravate even more till summer this year. The decision of war against
Iran is already taken, and the date is defined. The most undesired
consequences may be for Armenia.
In the result of the war Azerbaijan will get money for lease of its
aerodromes, Americans will get the right to dispose the Iranian oil,
Israel will get security in the result of destroying Iranian atomic
bombs, Turkey will no more have a rival and will become leading in
Near East. Russians will get price rise on oil and combat experience
of the army. But what will Armenians get...?"
From: Baghdasarian