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Istanbul: 2015, Turkey, France

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  • Istanbul: 2015, Turkey, France

    2015, TURKEY, FRANCE

    Today's Zaman
    July 10 2012


    In the aftermath of the Sarkozy era, which Turkey's foreign minister,
    Ahmet Davutoglu, has described as "a nightmare," the shaping of
    policies between Ankara and Paris will be very significant.

    France may be -- hopefully -- brought to a new way of thinking,
    recognizing that a different approach to Turkey will reinforce its
    power status in the EU, while Turkey with the President Francois
    Hollande administration may find a friendly counterpart benevolent
    enough to resolve some key problems between the two nations.

    The most significant issue that has stood between the two capitals,
    pouring poison into relations, is the tragic fate of the Ottoman
    Armenians in 1915. Former President Nicolas Sarkozy was personally a
    driving force inflicting blows on the open wound, coldly calculating
    Turkey's reaction, and insisting on a law in France criminalizing the
    denial of the Armenian genocide. He was doomed to fail, and by forcing
    the French constitution in the wrong direction, he did. The question
    remained: What did he care less about, the pain of the Armenians
    worldwide, freedom of speech, or the Turks' desire to join the EU?

    Probably each one mattered less than the next.

    The new era in France under Hollande is sending mixed signals, while
    Turkey continues to conduct a slow-motion search for ways to deal with
    that horrific part of its past. French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius
    declared after meeting with Davutoglu that there would be no attempts
    to enliven the "denial law" bid. However, other sources suggest that
    President Hollande is not in total agreement with this stance. He
    is in touch with some influential diaspora organizations in France,
    and has pledged that the issue will remain on France's agenda.

    Taken equally in relation to both countries, if Hollande's stance is
    as reported, it spells trouble, notably for the simple reason that
    what Sarkozy tried to do only complicated things, pushing Turkey
    into defensive mode, as under Justice and Development Party (AKP)
    rule it is in constant search mode. Lessons of that period are clear:
    If you mean well for Turkey, this is absolutely no way to show it.

    Hollande is smart enough to understand this, but he also knows that
    many of his prominent comrades in the EU -- in both the Socialist and
    Green camps -- have remained rather firm that the positive aspects
    of the AKP revisiting the past far outweigh its negatives. In other
    words, it is not who will be punished for the denial of genocide that
    matters as much as how the Turkish state will be helped to come to
    terms with apology, regret or whatever the appropriate response may
    be in relation to the crimes committed by the military junta of the
    late Ottoman Empire. Awareness of this shows the difference between
    cynicism and friendly commitment.

    The search mode of Ankara is undeniable. Davutoglu reaffirmed it
    during his Paris visit. On his way back, he deeply explored the issue
    by sending signals to Paris. Here is what he said:

    "How I wish that the protocols [between Turkey and Armenia] had been
    implemented! But ... it was the balance in the Caucasus that prevented
    it. If Armenia had been able to withdraw from only one 'region' of
    the seven it occupies in Nagorno-Karabakh, the border would be open. I
    had persuaded [Azerbaijani President Ilham] Aliyev. Azerbaijan would
    also have opened its border then. I still regret it badly, because
    we were all on the verge of success. I had asked [Armenian President
    Serzh] Sarksyan: 'Withdraw from only one and Yerevan will be the most
    beautiful city in the region. It is an advantage to be a neighbor to
    Turkey.' He could not because of internal obstacles. But the issue
    is still on the table and conditions for implementation can rise again.

    We are searching; we know that this will lighten the burden of [the
    100th anniversary of the killings of Armenians in] 2015."

    The foreign minister continued: "Second, we are searching for a
    new language of communication. We are establishing new, different
    relations with the diaspora. We have to sit down and talk. Our aim
    is to break the ice. Now there is and will be somebody who sits down
    before the Armenians and listens to them. I am not a foreign minister
    who keeps telling them that 'no, nothing happened in 1915.' Third,
    we are preparing for new messages regarding 2015. We are searching
    for a new language around the term 'fair memory.' I am also working
    on a new book on Ottoman history. I do not call it genocide, but say
    nothing when somebody else says it is."

    These are not brand new thoughts expressed by Davutoglu. If anything,
    it is an example of the search mood, but would be meaningless if
    Sarkozy's methodology were to continue in Paris.

    The key lies in cooperation between "new" France and "new" Turkey. As
    has been demonstrated by Alain Juppe, French minister of foreign
    affairs from 2011 to 2012, both governments can facilitate explorative
    talks about a commission of independent historians with the aim of
    guiding Turkey to finding peace with the events of 1915. After all,
    France is the most trusted "protector power" of Armenia in Europe,
    and has profound relations with Turkey. A different mode would indeed
    help us all overcome nasty obstacles, and the decades-long festering
    of buried shame and denial.
