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Vardan Ghukasyan Declares War?

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  • Vardan Ghukasyan Declares War?

    Naira Hayrumyan

    Story from News:
    Published: 14:38:22 - 25/07/2012

    The country is waiting to know how the story of the mayoral election
    of Gyumri will end. Vardan Ghukasyan has resigned from the Republican
    Party, which is a declaration of war to Serzh Sargsyan. His failed
    attempt to "evacuate" his son from the country shows that he is
    getting ready for war. Yesterday his son Spartak was not allowed to
    fly to Moscow.

    Will Ghukasyan start a war? Judging by his moral principles, he will.

    The code of pseudo-ethics guiding some sets in Gyumri does not allow
    defeats and retreats. A defeat in the elections is perceived as an
    insult worth a life. And it is not accidental that politics in this
    city is accompanied with murders.

    Besides, Vardan Ghukasyan cannot retreat. After his resignation they
    will remember the old sins and he will hardly avoid it, especially
    if he declares a war.

    Therefore, Ghukasyan perceives it as an issue of life and death. And
    now that Spartak is not allowed to leave the country, his father must
    decide whether he is ready to declare a war, even if it will endanger
    his family.

    Will anyone explain Vardan Ghukasyan that he is the hostage of his
    ideas of honor and God's advice and a defeat in elections is not the
    end of the world, the world is not limited to the code of criminal
    ethics to which he belongs and there is other morality, even laws
    and the Constitution to which the majority of people obeys?

    If he fails, the people of Gyumri should do everything they can not
    to participate in someone else's war.
