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Karabakh: What New Proposals?

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  • Karabakh: What New Proposals?


    Story from News:
    Published: 12:26:36 - 07/06/2012

    Those in Karabakh don't understand what new proposals to the settlement
    of the NKR conflict can there be if Azerbaijan keeps showing that it
    is not going to fulfill its obligations.

    After Azerbaijan has grossly violated the ceasefire regime, the
    statements by the U.S. Secretary of State Hilary Clinton on the new
    approaches to the settlement of the Karabakh issue are out of place,
    stated NKR press secretary David Babayan. "The U.S. should give a
    more realistic assessment to the situation and change its position
    on this issue, which, most likely, will happen", said Babayan. He
    thinks that the U.S. should pay more attention to the preservation of
    the cease-fire regime, make pressure on Azerbaijan in this direction
    and in this case, it is necessary to speak the language of force to
    Azerbaijan. "Expression of force may be an adequate rough response by
    the Armenian party, just like a clear reaction by the international
    community", he noted.

    In turn, in an interview with, member of the NKR Public
    Council on foreign policies and security Masis Mayilyan noted that the
    statements by the State Secretary are the recognition of unreality
    of the former proposals, in particular the principles of Madrid and
    its elements.

    "The OSCE Minsk Group applies old methodology for the settlement of
    conflicts, its approaches don't reflect the modern international-legal
    realities and the known precedents in the international relations. The
    point is about a completely new situation which was forced after the
    Kosovo recognition under the sponsorship of the greater part of the
    Western countries, as well as the following recognition of Abkhazia and
    South Ossetia by Russia. It is evident that the new approaches will be
    based on new realities and will bring the peoples of the region closer
    to the world co-existence and not to the war", said Masis Mayilyan.
