March 27, 2012 - 12:58 AMT
PanARMENIAN.Net - The Armenian History Lecture Series at the University
of California, Irvine, continued this month with a lecture by Richard
Hovannisian, professor emeritus of Armenian and Near Eastern History at
UCLA. Hovannisian's talk, "The Changing Landscape of Historic Western
Armenia: Reflections on a Journey into the Past," took attendees on a
visual journey through contemporary and ancient Armenia using slides
from his recent journeys through Armenia and historical photographs.
According to Asbarez, more than 170 UCI students, faculty and local
community members gathered to hear Hovannisian at the University Club.
Many in the audience were transported home again, seeing images of
Armenia where their parents and grandparents grew up. For most of
the students in attendance, this was their first "trip" to Armenia
and what better tour guide than Hovannisian, who wrote the definitive
encyclopedia on Armenian history.
After the lecture Charles Barsam, on behalf of the Orange County
Armenian Professional Society, presented a check for $10,000 to Vicki
L. Ruiz, dean of the School of Humanities, to support Armenian history
at UCI.
Dr. Vahe and Armine Meghrouni, who last December generously donated
$50,000 to fund community lectures and quarterly Armenian courses,
matched their 2011 donation with another $50,000. Dr. Meghrouni spoke
briefly on the importance of confronting "revisionists, reductionists
and deniers" of Armenian history and providing a place where students
can get an accurate picture of Armenian history.
Dean Ruiz awarded certificates of appreciation to Sylvie and Garo
Tertzakian and the Meghrounis for their continued vision, support
and dedication.
A camera crew from USArmenia, the most watched Armenian television
network in the world, filmed the lecture and interviewed guests
afterwards. Coverage of his talk was broadcast to more than 150
The quarterly lecture series - made possible through gifts to UCI -
offers the local community opportunities to learn more about Armenian
history. This past year the series included lectures by Sebouh David
Aslanian on his book From the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean:
The Global Trade Networks of Armenian Merchants from New Julfa and
Tom Mooradian on his memoir The Repatriate: Love, Basketball and
the KGB which chronicles his 13 years behind the Iron Curtain as an
Armenian repatriate.
Undergraduate courses in Armenian history continue in the upcoming
spring quarter with an offering in modern Armenian history.
March 27, 2012 - 12:58 AMT
PanARMENIAN.Net - The Armenian History Lecture Series at the University
of California, Irvine, continued this month with a lecture by Richard
Hovannisian, professor emeritus of Armenian and Near Eastern History at
UCLA. Hovannisian's talk, "The Changing Landscape of Historic Western
Armenia: Reflections on a Journey into the Past," took attendees on a
visual journey through contemporary and ancient Armenia using slides
from his recent journeys through Armenia and historical photographs.
According to Asbarez, more than 170 UCI students, faculty and local
community members gathered to hear Hovannisian at the University Club.
Many in the audience were transported home again, seeing images of
Armenia where their parents and grandparents grew up. For most of
the students in attendance, this was their first "trip" to Armenia
and what better tour guide than Hovannisian, who wrote the definitive
encyclopedia on Armenian history.
After the lecture Charles Barsam, on behalf of the Orange County
Armenian Professional Society, presented a check for $10,000 to Vicki
L. Ruiz, dean of the School of Humanities, to support Armenian history
at UCI.
Dr. Vahe and Armine Meghrouni, who last December generously donated
$50,000 to fund community lectures and quarterly Armenian courses,
matched their 2011 donation with another $50,000. Dr. Meghrouni spoke
briefly on the importance of confronting "revisionists, reductionists
and deniers" of Armenian history and providing a place where students
can get an accurate picture of Armenian history.
Dean Ruiz awarded certificates of appreciation to Sylvie and Garo
Tertzakian and the Meghrounis for their continued vision, support
and dedication.
A camera crew from USArmenia, the most watched Armenian television
network in the world, filmed the lecture and interviewed guests
afterwards. Coverage of his talk was broadcast to more than 150
The quarterly lecture series - made possible through gifts to UCI -
offers the local community opportunities to learn more about Armenian
history. This past year the series included lectures by Sebouh David
Aslanian on his book From the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean:
The Global Trade Networks of Armenian Merchants from New Julfa and
Tom Mooradian on his memoir The Repatriate: Love, Basketball and
the KGB which chronicles his 13 years behind the Iron Curtain as an
Armenian repatriate.
Undergraduate courses in Armenian history continue in the upcoming
spring quarter with an offering in modern Armenian history.