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Assessing Vote 2012 Assessment: International Observers' Report On A

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  • Assessing Vote 2012 Assessment: International Observers' Report On A

    By Siranuysh Gevorgyan

    Vote 2012 | 08.05.12 | 15:12

    Manvel Sargsyan

    Director of the Armenian Center for National and International Studies
    (ACNIS) Manvel Sargsyan describes the report on the May 6 parliamentary
    elections released by international observers on Monday as "vague".

    "They [the international observation mission heads] said that their
    goal was not to give evaluations, but rather to see how elections
    have been conducted in Armenia in accordance with the country's
    legislation," Sargsyan told ArmeniaNow.

    According to the political analyst, it is an important circumstance
    that during the presentation of the report one of the observers
    compared the May 6 parliamentary elections in Armenia not to the
    previous elections, but to the elections that were held in the
    Soviet Union. (At a press conference on Monday the observers tried
    in every possible way to avoid making comparisons with the previous,
    most recent elections. Only Francois-Xavier de Donnea, the head of
    the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly delegation, said that the elections
    were a big step forward in comparison with the elections taking place
    in the Soviet Union).

    The joint preliminary report of the international observers contained
    a mixed assessment of the elections. On the one hand, they praise the
    pre-election campaign, but on the other hand stressed a "significant
    number" of irregularities on Election Day proper.

    In their preliminary findings the observers noted a "vibrant and
    largely peaceful campaign, with overall balanced media coverage." "But
    pressure on voters and a deficient complaints process created an
    unequal playing field," they added.

    President Serzh Sargsyan, whose ruling Republican Party of Armenia
    swept the May 6 vote consolidating its grip on power in the country,
    had repeatedly pledged a clean vote before and while conducting his
    election campaign. In fact, Sargsyan and other senior representatives
    of the political leadership in Yerevan had promised to hold the
    freest, fairest and most transparent elections in the history of
    independent Armenia. The nation's international partners, such as
    the European Union, the United States and others, had also stressed
    on many occasions the importance of Armenia holding free and fair
    elections in terms of its further democratization and integration
    within European structures.

    To the question as to what significance for the Armenian leadership
    the observer mission report has in this contest, given that Sargsyan
    is going to seek reelection as president in 2013, ACNIS head Sargsyan
    (no relation to the Armenian president) said: "Everything depends on
    the [minority] political parties - if they pick their mandates and
    enter the parliament, then Serzh Sargsyan will have no problem with
    international bodies."

    Stepan Safaryan, who appears to have lost his seat in parliament as
    an opposition Heritage lawmaker, said he did not think the report
    helped Armenia in terms of encouraging further democracy.

    According to him, it failed to properly address the concerns about
    large-scale vote buying schemes and use of administrative resources
    during the elections in Armenia. "I don't know whether it is observers
    laughing at us, or we should be laughing at the observers," Safaryan

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress