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Us Should Work To Strengthen Relations With Azerbaijan

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  • Us Should Work To Strengthen Relations With Azerbaijan


    The Hill
    Nov 2 2012

    By Stephen Blank, U.S. Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, Pa. -
    11/02/12 11:00 AM ET

    The violence plaguing the Arab world should move U.S. policy makers,
    decision makers and experts to consider how and why the U.S. should
    strengthen stable, pro-American governments in Muslim countries
    against internal or external threats. Azerbaijan exemplifies such
    states. Though it is still an emerging democracy, born from the
    shadows of the Soviet Union, it has stood squarely with the U.S.

    against terrorism in Afghanistan, Iraq, Central Asia and throughout
    the world, all at considerable risk to itself.

    It has also fended off constant Russian and Iranian threats due to
    its pro-American, pro-Western and pro-Israeli policies and confronts
    serious problems and local threats. Not the least of these threats
    is the possibility of a renewed war in Nagorno-Karabakh, one of the
    world's most implacable and dangerous frozen conflicts.

    If war resumed between Armenia and Azerbaijan, Armenia's recent
    military and diplomatic exercises have served notice that no doubt
    with Moscow's and Tehran's encouragement and help, that it would
    attack Azeri pipelines that carry much-needed oil and gas to America's
    European allies. Azerbaijan's domestic policies, while not perfect,
    are also under attack from Iran. In 2012 alone, three separate Iranian
    plots involving incitement through religious agitation to terrorism,
    gun running and plots to assassinate Israelis in Azerbaijan were
    uncovered and thwarted. Iran also regularly calls Azerbaijan's
    religious policies anti-Islamic and regularly threatens to attack
    Azerbaijan if it hosted a U.S. base. Thus, Iran presents Azerbaijan
    with a constant and genuine threat.

    Moreover, Syria's civil war and Iran's deteriorating situation will
    probably increase Azerbaijan's strategic importance to the West. Also,
    Syria's civil war is putting enormous pressure on Turkey to intervene.

    Numerous incidents between Turkey and Syria have already occurred while
    this war has also spurred the deterioration of Turkey's partnership
    with Russia. Should Turkey intervene, Russia could conceivably
    block gas sales to Turkey since Turkey receives 2/3 of its gas
    from Russia. Azerbaijan, thanks to its recently improved ties with
    Turkey and the 2011 bilateral decision to build a gas pipeline from
    Azerbaijan through Turkey to Europe (the Trans-Anatolian or TANAP
    pipeine), could offer Turkey and Europe alternative gas sources to
    resist Russian threats and blackmail.

    Since 2010, if not earlier, Russia has steadily deployed large numbers
    of combined forces in the Caucasus, allegedly to defend against a
    projected Iranian counter offensive against the Caucasus should the
    U.S. or Israel attack Iran due to its nuclear program. This argument
    sounds illogical, for why should Iran add to its enemies if it is
    attacked? But it represents a plausible pretext for threatening both
    Azerbaijan and Georgia while entrenching Russia's military there as
    Russia strives to resubordinate the Caucasus to its dictates.

    Meanwhile, Russia arms Armenia and continually pressures Azerbaijan
    to deflect it from its pro-Western trajectory.

    Under these circumstances, what should be done? In general, the U.S.
    should make clear to Azerbaijan that it has its back.

    First, in the domestic sphere, we should encourage Baku to undertake
    the necessary liberalizing political, social, and economic reforms that
    would strengthen its internal defenses against subversion under the
    guise of religious agitation and increase the government's legitimacy
    and U.S. support for it.

    Second, we must make clear to Moscow and Tehran that if they launch
    a new aggressive conflict in the Caucasus, the costs they incur
    thereby will be much more tangible and greater than in 2008. Since
    Russian President Putin has admitted that the 2008 war with Georgia,
    widely billed as an act of self-defense, was actually a preplanned
    war of aggression from 2006 on, mere verbal warnings to Russia do
    not suffice to deter further mischief here.

    Third, the U.S. must inspire the EU to intensify its quest for a
    dedicated pipeline to bring gas from the Caspian basin and Central Asia
    to Europe and counter Moscow's widely documented efforts to use the gas
    weapon to subvert European unity, democracy, and the independence of
    post-Soviet states. Whether it is the EU's projected Nabucco pipeline,
    the TANAP, or another worthwhile alternative there is no time to lose.

    Fourth, Washington should simultaneously give unstinting support to
    the Azeri-Turkish rapprochement, both for its own sake and because of
    its implications for the Middle East and the Caucasus. This support
    must, as a fifth point, coincides with a new, coordinated, and
    truly vigorous effort to bring Armenia and Azerbaijan into a genuine
    negotiation leading to an acceptable resolution of all the issues
    growing out of the Nagorno-Karabakh war. All the interested parties
    could guarantee this accord to reinforce regional stability. This
    process, if successful, would stabilize the Caucasus, defuse Iranian
    intrigues and Russian threats, open up Armenia to the world and give it
    an option beyond Russia, while preventing hotheads from inadvertently
    or deliberately inciting a war to impose their vision of a resolution
    of Nagorno-Karabakah's many issues.

    The administration has hitherto treated the South Caucasus as an
    afterthought or as an overflight issue on the road to Afghanistan.

    Such neglect is dangerous and misconceived. The mounting threats in
    the Middle East, Iran, and the Caucasus show how vital it is that
    the U.S. strengthen pro-Western regimes like Azerbaijan. For if we
    continue to neglect the Caucasus, this neglect will quickly become
    malign. And malign neglect invariably generates not only instability
    but also protracted violence.

    Blank is a professor and head of the U.S. Army War College's Strategic
    Studies Institute at the Carlisle Barracks, PA
