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Pre-Electoral Deal In Temple

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  • Pre-Electoral Deal In Temple

    Comments - Monday, 05 November 2012, 17:46

    "You may continue to expect to a greater extent the comprehensive
    support of the Armenian state. By saying you I mean the Armenian
    Apostolic Church with its dioceses and its servants and those seculars
    who are beside our church in soul, in heart, organizational effort,
    financial support or kind words," Serzh Sargsyan stated during the
    general Diocesan meeting in the Holy See.

    Ahead of the presidential election Serzh Sargsyan is actually
    refreshing the "contract" between the church and the government
    support for support. The government supports the church, grants tax
    privileges, land, property, business quotas to clergymen, generous
    gifts and demands so-called political support.

    This mechanism has operated clearly, almost impeccably, for many
    years. Recently, the role of this mechanism has increased, belief
    and other similar notions have become part of the consumer basket of
    the officious word stock. Moreover, TV may televise a report with
    the chief of police where he talks not in his office or somewhere
    related to the police but in front of the newly-dedicated Holy See.

    One may even say that the government of Armenia is gradually becoming
    a diocese. It is a peculiar diocese not just because the diocesans
    walk around in suit and tie and enjoy secular delights more openly but
    because this Diocese actually rules the church turning its informal
    status into one of the reliable tools of eternity.

    In other words, addressing the government is the same as addressing
    the church. And since it is declared as one of the pillars of the
    Armenian nation and the Armenian state, any comment or claim to the
    government automatically touches upon the nation and the state.

    The church has had a big role in the life of Armenia. However, despite
    this bigness, the actor was a challenge to the solution of public and
    state problems rather than their solution, historically a challenge
    to the Armenian state. The church is used to being government when
    there is no state or being the partner of invaders and making deals
    with them in different stage of history of Armenia.

    With this historical character, in independent Armenia the Armenian
    Apostolic Church had to choose between either challenging the state
    or obeying the government. Proceeding from objective and subjective
    reasons, the church could not challenge the state. However, the issue
    of obeying the government is also complicated because thanks to the
    Soviet times the church and the system of governance formed after
    independence were physically and environmentally part of the USSR KGB.

    Hence, the development of the government and the church along the
    path of identification was more optimal and realistic.

    During the Diocesan meeting Serzh Sargsyan actually proposes further
    deepening of identification of the government and the church under
    the sign of state. It is a mutually beneficial proposal in the result
    of which the Armenian Apostolic Church may get land for building
    residences not only at the Center of Yerevan but also at the center
    of Paris or Rio de Janeiro. The government will help the church have
    this opportunity to enhance efficiency in preserving or boosting the
    Armenian identity.
