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Chamlian Plays Host To Curiosity Scientists

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  • Chamlian Plays Host To Curiosity Scientists


    Glendale News Press
    Nov 6 2012

    By Kelly Corrigan, [email protected]

    Several Armenian engineers who helped launch the Curiosity rover to
    Mars this past summer were celebrated during a visit Monday afternoon
    at Chamlian Armenian School, where they shared stories about their

    Engineer Arbi Karapetian brought along face masks, full body suits and
    booties - the everyday outerwear of the rover scientists during the
    seven years they assembled Curiosity at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
    in La Caņada Flintridge.

    "Imagine working like this 12 hours a day," Karapetian said.

    Karapetian - who helped design the rover - was one of several Armenian
    engineers who told the story of Curiosity, from assembly to launch.

    "To this day, we have not brought back any rocks from Mars," he said.

    "That's something we'd like to do."

    In one video he shared, several people in white "bunny" suits observed
    the rover's wheels spin during the first-ever test drive.

    A second video showed footage of the rover's final descent after
    traveling 357 miles in eight months from its launch off Cape Canaveral.

    He also spoke of the instruments built on the arm and "in the belly"
    of the rover such as the laser capable of vaporizing rocks to collect
    information on the chemicals they're made of.

    "Hopefully, in 15, 20 years, one of you guys will be an astronaut
    who goes to Mars and we want to make sure we give you the right space
    suit," he said.

    Human safety depends on knowing how much of the Martian environment
    is filled with radiation - the purpose of the radiation detector on
    the rover.

    A neutron detection instrument on the rover was made by Russians.

    One visiting engineer included Armen Toorian, who worked on Curiosity's
    38 engines.

    Ted Iskenderian, who has worked on various projects at JPL for the
    past 28 years - including Cassini and Galileo - said he always enjoys
    sharing his work with kids.

    "They ask so many really good questions and they're so enthusiastic
    about space," he said. "To be with kids, it reminds me of how I felt
    when I was their age.",0,7589955.story

    From: Baghdasarian