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Commissioner Takes Stock Of Eastern Partnership And Looks Ahead

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  • Commissioner Takes Stock Of Eastern Partnership And Looks Ahead


    ENPI Info Centre
    Nov 7 2012

    The EU should be as ambitious as possible with those who spearhead on
    reforms and have clear European aspirations, Enlargement and European
    Neighbourhood Commissioner Å tefan Fule has said in remarks at a
    meeting of the informal Information and Coordination Group of the
    Eastern Partnership (EaP) in Brussels.

    The Commissioner said much had been achieved since the launch of
    the EaP in terms of political association and economic integration,
    mobility and sectoral cooperation. Highlights include negotiations
    on the Association Agreement, including Deep and Comprehensive Free
    Trade Area (DCFTA - finalized with Ukraine, good progress made with
    Moldova, Georgia and Armenia); talks on the Association Agreement with
    Azerbaijan, talks on Visa Readmission and Facilitation Agreement with
    Armenia and Azerbaijan, with a similar offer extended to Belarus;
    the launch of Comprehensive Institution Building Programmes worth
    â~B¬173 million altogether, etc.

    As regards the multilateral track, the Commissioner said, the EaP
    provides a forum to exchange good practices on approximation to
    EU standards and a platform to reach out to national parliaments,
    regional and local authorities and civil society. "The Euronest,
    the Conference of Regional and Local Authorities of the EaPand the
    Civil Society Forum provide us with different channels to foster
    democratic values and to advocate reforms in partner countries,"
    said Å tefan Fule.

    To deepen mutual understanding and political dialogue on international
    policy developments, a new format of consultations with partners has
    been launched, namely informal EaP dialogues.

    Preparations for the next programming period (2014-2020) are underway,
    the Commissioner said, adding: "To achieve ambitious goals, we need
    equally ambitious budget."

    The EaP Roadmap for 2012-13 includes progress in negotiations on
    Association Agreements with five partners, including DCFTAs where
    appropriate; headway on mobility through visa facilitation and
    liberalisation with a visa free regime as a final goal; further
    development of the EaP multilateral track.

    "It is equally crucial that the EU supports the sustainable reform
    process in partner countries, including through financial assistance,"
    the Commissioner said, by providing "more support for those who reform
    more." He cited the new EaP Integration and Cooperation programme
    worth â~B¬130 million "for those EaP countries which are spearheading
    reforms," with allocations already announced for Armenia, Georgia
    and Moldova.

    An additional boost to support non-state actors across European
    neighbourhood will be ensured through the recently established European
    Endowment for Democracy, said Fule.

    The Commissioner outlined major developments ahead of the EaP Vilnius
    Summit, including theENP progress reports assessing the implementation
    of reforms in partner countries, due to be released in March 2013,
    as well as the annualEaP Ministerial in the summer 2013 to discuss
    the preparation to the Summit with Member States and partners together.

    (EU Neighbourhood Info Centre)

