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eNewsletter of the Eastern Diocese - 11/15/2012

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  • eNewsletter of the Eastern Diocese - 11/15/2012

    Diocese of the Armenian Church of America
    630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
    Tel: (212) 686-0710
    Fax: (212) 779-3558
    Email: [email protected]

    TOP STORY November 15, 2012
    St. Mary
    Detail of an 18th-century painting of St. Mary by an unknown artist
    (collection of the National Gallery of Armenia).

    ** Presentation of the Mother-of-God to the Temple

    On Wednesday, November 21, the worldwide Armenian Church will
    celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of the Holy Mother-of-God to
    the Temple.

    Shortly after Mary was born, her parents Joachim and Anna took their
    daughter to the Temple of Jerusalem to be consecrated to God in
    thanksgiving for the gift of their child. According to tradition, Mary
    remained there for a time and was given over to the care of pious
    widows and maidens who lived at the temple. Later, as a young woman,
    Mary became betrothed to Joseph the carpenter.

    Click here
    to learn more about Mary's life.

    Annual Appeal

    ** Support the Diocese's 2012 Annual Appeal

    The Eastern Diocese has launched its 2012 Annual Appeal-and we need
    your help to make it a success! The Appeal is the only Diocesan-wide
    fundraiser conducted each year to help the Diocese undertake the many
    ministries, programs, and resources that enrich life in our local

    We have set a target of $825,000 for the 2012 Annual Appeal. Funds
    raised beyond that target will help to support one of the great
    institutions of our community: the Armenian Church Youth Organization
    of America (ACYOA). Please consider making a contribution to the 2012
    Annual Appeal to help spread the good work of the Armenian Church
    across our local communities=80'and across the generations.

    Follow these links to donate now
    ( 3aa2e2c3e9&utm_source=Eastern+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=fbd4d1cc8d-February_9_20122_9_2012&utm_medium=email)
    , and to learn more
    ( 3aa2e2c3e9&utm_source=Eastern+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=fbd4d1cc8d-February_9_20122_9_2012&utm_medium=email)
    about the 2012 Annual Appeal.

    St. Mary Church, Livingston, NJ

    ** St. Mary Church of Livingston, NJ, to Unveil New Hall

    St. Mary Church of Livingston, NJ, will celebrate a highly-anticipated
    milestone this Friday, when it welcomes His Holiness Karekin II, the
    Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, to the parish.

    His Holiness will preside over the opening and dedication of the
    church's newly expanded `Haroutune and Siranoush Toufayan Hall.'

    Diocesan Primate Archbishop Khajag Barsamian will join His Holiness,
    parish pastor the Rev. Fr. Arakel Vardazaryan, and the main
    benefactors of the hall expansion, Mr. and Mrs. Hratch and Suzanne
    Toufayan, as the St. Mary parishioners open a new chapter in their

    A dedication service at 6:30 p.m. will be followed by a grand banquet
    in the new hall, which is named in honor of Mr. Toufayan's late
    parents. Hratch and Suzanne Toufayan are not only benefactors of their
    parish, but also of the Diocese and Holy Etchmiadzin, and are the
    sponsors of many productive and inspiring projects in Armenia.

    The parish is deeply honored to share the occasion with His Holiness
    Karekin II, who has been visiting the U.S. to meet privately with
    community leaders. Click here
    ( e+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=fbd4d1cc8d-February_9_20122_9_2012&utm_medium=email)
    to visit the parish website and view photos of the new construction.

    Church of Our Saviour, Worcester, MA

    ** Primate to Visit Church of Our Saviour in Worcester, MA

    On Sunday, November 18, Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Diocesan Primate,
    will visit the Church of Our Saviour in Worcester, MA, where he will
    celebrate the Divine Liturgy and ordain eight acolytes.

    Following services, the parish will hold its `Recognition Day Banquet'
    to honor dedicated parishioners. Click here
    to view a flyer for information.

    ** Scripture of the Week

    Is 25:9-26:7
    Phil 1:1-11
    Lk 9:44-50

    ** Prayer of the Week

    Let us hold the holy Mother-of-God and all the saints as intercessors
    with the Father in Heaven, that He may be pleased to have mercy and
    compassion on us, His creatures, and save us. Almighty Lord, our God,
    save us and have mercy on us. Amen.

    ** Upcoming Saints & Feasts

    18 November: Barekendan of the Fast of Advent

    21 November: Presentation of the Holy Mother-of-God to the Temple

    25 November: First Sunday of Advent

    New Leader for Church of England
    Bishop Justin Welby was named the 105th Archbishop of Canterbury this

    ** Church of England Names New Leader

    On Friday, November 9, Bishop Justin Welby was named the 105th
    Archbishop of Canterbury. He will succeed Archbishop Rowan Williams as
    the leader of the Church of England and the spiritual head of 77
    million Anglicans worldwide. Archbishop Williams is retiring after a
    decade in the position.

    Bishop Welby studied law and history at Cambridge University and
    worked in the oil sector before preparing for the priesthood in the
    late 1980s. Most recently he served as the Bishop of Durham. He will
    be enthroned as Archbishop of Canterbury in March 2013.

    Clergy Conference
    Clergymen from parishes across the Eastern Diocese took part in this
    week's workshop.

    ** Young Clergy Meet to Build "Model" Parishes

    Thirteen clergymen from parishes across the Eastern Diocese met at the
    Diocesan Center in New York this week, for an innovative three-day
    exercise in envisioning and building towards a `model' parish. The
    conference was geared towards new, young clergymen in the Eastern

    Taking inspiration from a discussion of what a `model' parish might be
    like, the clergymen were encouraged to create their own visions of
    what their respective parishes could become. With the help of Diocesan
    administrators, leaders, and staff, the clergymen then developed
    strategic action plans to guide their practical efforts to strengthen
    and enrich the local churches.

    In remarks offering his vision for the conference, Diocesan Primate
    Archbishop Khajag Barsamian said that he wanted to give new pastors
    the tools to be successful and creative in their ministries. The
    Primate presided over the entire gathering, sharing his ideas and
    experience with the young clergymen, and emphasizing that they needed
    to be proactive and accountable.

    During Tuesday's session the gathering was graced by the presence of
    His Holiness Karekin II, the Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All
    Armenians, who has been visiting the U.S.

    Each of the three conference days began with a reflection on a
    pertinent text from the Bible or from Armenian Church history. The
    clergy also heard presentations from Diocesan departments and
    organizations on subjects like Christian education, Armenian language
    and culture, youth outreach through camps and ACYOA, communications,
    stewardship, sacred music, and upcoming plans for St. Nersess

    By the conclusion of the conference, each of the clergymen had
    developed a vision of future parish progress, which they will now
    share with their parish councils. Plans call for the group to
    reconvene in a year to evaluate progress. The November 12-14
    conference was the latest in a series of workshops organized by the
    Diocese to educate and energize young clergy and to familiarize them
    with Diocesan resources.

    Archbishop Barsamian, Diocesan Vicar the Very Rev. Fr. Simeon
    Diocesan Council chair Oscar Tatosian, and executive director Michael
    Guglielmo organized the workshop.

    Click here
    to view photos.

    Diocesan Council meeting
    The Diocesan Council held its monthly meeting at the Diocesan Center
    this afternoon.

    ** Diocesan Council Committed to Success of 2012 Appeal

    Meeting at the Diocesan Center in New York on Thursday, November 15,
    members of the Diocesan Council reviewed the progress of the 2012
    Annual Appeal. Council members are committed to ensuring the Appeal's
    success in the coming weeks. An Appeal reception is planned for New
    York City next month (see the item below); additional receptions will
    be held throughout the Diocese.

    Jennifer Morris, the Diocese's Youth Outreach coordinator, gave a
    report on the 2012 summer camp season. Council members discussed the
    camp program, and spoke of other youth programs in the Diocese. They
    also brainstormed ways to get more young people involved in the life
    of the Armenian Church.

    Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Diocesan Primate, spoke about last
    month's funeral service for His Beatitude Archbishop Torkom Manoogian,
    the late Armenian Patriarch of Jerusalem. Dr. Raffy Hovanessian, who
    with the Primate attended the Diocesan Representative Assembly at Holy
    Etchmiadzin in early November, gave a report on the topics reviewed at
    that meeting.

    The council also discussed new clergy assignments (see the item below)
    and preliminary plans for the 2014 Diocesan Assembly, which will be
    held at the Diocesan Center in New York.


    ** New Clergy Assignments

    Three new clergy assignments were announced earlier this week. They go
    into effect on Thursday, November 15.

    The Rev. Fr. Mardiros Chevian, longtime dean of St. Vartan Cathedral,
    has accepted a new post to serve as dean of St. Nersess Armenian
    Seminary. The Very Rev. Fr. Mamigon Kiledjian, the long-serving pastor
    of St. Stepanos Church of Elberon, NJ, will take up a new role as dean
    of St. Vartan Cathedral in New York City. Finally, the Very
    Rev. Fr. Daniel Findikyan, who has served for many years as the dean
    of St. Nersess Seminary, will serve as the new director of the
    Diocese's Krikor and Clara Zohrab Information Center.

    In the coming weeks, the Diocesan newsletter will profile each of
    these priests. Click here
    to read this week's article about Fr. Mardiros Chevian.

    Armine Zambak
    Armine Zambak (1916-2012).

    ** In Memoriam: Armine Zambak (1916-2012)

    It is with great sorrow that the Eastern Diocese learned of the
    passing of Armine Zambak-a generous philanthropist and the mother of
    Fund for Armenian Relief Board member Agavni Pontish
    Yeramyan. Mrs. Zambak was 96.

    A native of Ankara, Turkey, Mrs. Zambak is a graduate of the Uskudar
    American College in Istanbul. Following the passing of her husband,
    Garabed Zambak, Mrs. Zambak moved to the United States, where she was
    a member of St. Sahag and St. Mesrob Church in Wynnewood, PA, and an
    active supporter of local Armenian organizations.

    In the early 1990s, she funded a scholarship program for Armenian
    graduate students in the United States. The fund, transferred to the
    Fund for Armenian Relief in 2010, now supports graduate students
    pursing studies in political science and public administration in

    Mrs. Zambak is survived by her daughters Agavni Pontish Yeramyan and
    her husband Ara Yeramyan; and Marie Zambak Gregory; two
    granddaughters; and five great-grandchildren. Click here
    to read more.

    Thanks to the Zambak Scholarship Fund, students in Armenia pursue
    careers in political science and public administration.

    ** Zambak Scholarship Fund Supports Students in Armenia

    Since 2010, the Fund for Armenian Relief has been administering the
    Garabed and Armine Zambak Scholarship Fund. The fund was established
    in the 1990s by Armine Zambak in memory of her late husband Garabed

    Like her husband, Mrs. Zambak strived to further educational
    opportunities for Armenian students. Each fall the program provides
    full scholarships to four graduate students at Armenian universities.

    Pontish Yeramyan, Armine Zambak's eldest daughter, has been a member
    of FAR's Board of Directors since 2006. She, too, continues in her
    parents' footsteps, working to strengthen Armenia through a commitment
    to continuing this scholarship program.

    Click here
    to read more.

    St. John Armenian Church
    Dr. David Aprahamian and Aram Sarkisian were ordained to the diaconate
    last Sunday. (photo by Julia Papiyants)

    ** A Celebration of Service in Detroit, MI

    Diocesan Primate Archbishop Khajag Barsamian visited the St. John
    Church of Southfield, MI, last Sunday, where he ordained two altar
    servers to the diaconate and joined the community in recognizing the
    dedication of several longtime parishioners.

    Archbishop Barsamian celebrated the Divine Liturgy on Sunday, November
    11, with the Rev. Fr. Garabed Kochakian, parish pastor,
    assisting. During services, Archbishop Barsamian ordained Dr. David
    Aprahamian and Aram Sarkisian to the diaconate.

    Later in the afternoon, the parish hosted a banquet titled `A
    Celebration of Service,' to honor parishioners for their dedication to
    the Armenian Church. Several members were recognized with the parish's
    `St. John the Forerunner Award' and the Diocese's `St. Vartan Award.'
    Emma Tabibyan Sogoian was presented with the `St. Gregory Medal' and
    Pontifical Encyclical.

    The program concluded with an homage to Veterans Day: Dn. Rubik
    Mailian sang `I Vow to Thee, My Country' with the accompaniment of the
    parish's newly formed Komitas Bell Choir. Click on the following links
    to read more
    and to view photos

    St. John the Baptist Church, Greenfield, WI
    >From left: Fr. Nareg Keutelian, Fr. Simeon Odabashian, and Fr. Sahak
    Kaishian with altar servers at St. John the Baptist Church.

    ** Greenfield, WI, Parish Marks Anniversary, Welcomes Vicar

    On Sunday, November 11, the Very Rev. Fr. Simeon Odabashian, Diocesan
    Vicar, visited St. John the Baptist Church of Greenfield, WI, where he
    joined the parish in its observance of the parish's 72nd anniversary.

    Fr. Odabashian celebrated the Divine Liturgy and presided over a
    requiem service for the founders of St. John the Baptist Church. At a
    banquet following services, Chris Flieller, artistic director of
    Milwaukee's In Tandem Theatre, made a presentation on Richard
    Kalinoski's play on the Armenian Genocide. Titled `A Beast on the
    Moon,' the play will open in March 2013.

    The Rev. Fr. Nareg Keutelian, parish pastor, spoke about the situation
    of the Armenian community in Syria. Fr. Odabashian concluded the
    program with a recollection of memories of his time in Milwaukee,
    including his participation as a seminarian at the consecration of
    St. John the Baptist Church in 1986.

    Click on the following links to read more
    and to view photos

    St. Peter Church helps hurricane victims
    Parishioners of St. Peter Church organize supplies at the Jersey
    Shore. (photo by Jonathan Dadekian)

    ** Watervliet, NY, Parish Organizes Hurricane Relief Effort

    The parishioners of St. Peter Church, under the leadership of the
    Rev. Fr. Stepanos Doudoukjian, parish pastor, organized an outreach
    effort to help hurricane victims on the Jersey Shore. Parishioners
    made sandwiches, donated supplies, and collected more than $2,000 in

    On Wednesday, November 7, a group of parishioners delivered the items
    and funds to area residents and clean-up crews. The group visited
    shelters, relief centers, a fire station, and a church.

    Click here
    to read Fr. Doudoukjian's reflection about the "Rise-Up Relief
    Mission' to the Jersey Shore.

    Armenian Studies Coordinator visits Palos Heights
    Gilda Kupelian with young people from Racine, WI, at last week's

    ** Armenian Heritage a Focus of Seminar in Illinois

    On Saturday, November 10, Gilda Kupelian, the Diocese's coordinator of
    Armenian Studies, led a daylong seminar on `The History and Richness
    of the Armenian Culture' at Sts. Joachim and Anne Church of Palos
    Heights, IL. Through interactive PowerPoint presentations,
    participants explored topics on language, literature, history, and

    Ms. Kupelian began the day with an overview of the Armenian language,
    literature, and culture, highlighting key figures and events in
    Armenian history. In a session on pre-Christian Armenia, she spoke
    about the origin of the Armenian people, drawing on anthropological
    research to explain the culture and practices of prehistoric
    Armenia. Another session focused on Armenian folklore and used
    illustrations by artist Linda Ganjian to examine popular Armenian
    proverbs. A final discussion reviewed the history of the medieval city
    of Ani, touching on its architecture, military strategy, and more.

    The event was jointly sponsored by Sts. Joachim and Anne Church and
    the Eastern Diocese. Some 60 people attended the seminar, including
    young people and adults from churches in Chicago, IL, and Racine, WI.

    Sts. Vartanatz Church, Chelmsford, MA
    Men's Club chair Daniel Barooshian and Women's Guild chair Milka
    Jeknavorian with Fr. Khachatur Kesablyan.

    ** Chelmsford, MA, Parish Supports Dagley Fund

    On Thursday, October 18, some 60 people gathered for dinner and the
    screening of the film `From Ararat to Zion' at Sts. Vartanantz Church
    in Chelmsford, MA. The evening was hosted jointly by the parish's
    Women's Guild and Men's Club to raise funds for the Sona and Sarkis
    Dagley Scholarship Fund.

    The scholarship fund benefits the children of the late
    Rev. Fr. Haroutiun Dagley and the late Yn. Patricia Dagley, both of
    whom worked closely with the Sts. Vartanantz parish in the 1970s and

    Dn. Ara Jeknavorian welcomed the group on behalf of the Men's Club,
    and Milka Jeknavorian offered a warm greeting from the Women's
    Guild. Following the screening of the film, the Rev. Fr. Khachatur
    Kesablyan, parish pastor, and the Very Rev. Fr. Ghevont Samoorian,
    former pastor of Sts. Vartanantz Church, moderated a discussion and
    answered questions about the Armenian presence in Jerusalem.

    At the conclusion of the evening, Fr. Kesablyan noted that October is
    Armenian Cultural Month and called on the parishioners to continue to
    preserve the Armenian heritage.

    Fr. Tateos visits Jacksonville mission parish
    Fr. Tateos Abdalian with altar servers in Jacksonville, FL, last

    ** Parishioners in Jacksonville, FL, Build New Center

    Last weekend, the Rev. Fr. Tateos Abdalian, the Diocese's director of
    Mission Parishes, visited the mission parish of Jacksonville, FL,
    where parishioners are continuing the work of renovating a new
    property the parish purchased in the summer of 2011. The two-story,
    3,600-square-foot building, located on two acres of land, will serve
    as a community center where local Armenians can gather for worship and
    for cultural and social programs.

    Sooren Vardanian and members of the Parish Council are overseeing the
    team of volunteers who are dedicating their time to the
    project. Fr. Abdalian met with Mr. Vardanian to discuss the project's

    On Saturday evening, Fr. Abdalian led a Bible study session focusing
    on Sunday's Gospel reading. During services the next day, the reading
    was given in Armenian, English, and Russian. Following the Divine
    Liturgy on Sunday, the community enjoyed a Thanksgiving celebration,
    and honored its veterans as well as members who are celebrating
    birthdays and anniversaries this month.

    Dolma Compatition winners
    >From left: Karina Petrosyan, Yn. Anna Gevorgyan, and Nancy Hovnanian
    won this month's dolma cook-off.

    ** 16 Ways to Stuff a Dolma

    Holy Trinity Church of Cheltenham, PA, held its first-ever dolma
    cook-off on Sunday, November 11. Some 100 people gathered to enjoy the
    many varieties of dolma prepared by the 16 entrants. One creative
    entry featured a fondant dolma cake.

    After some deliberation, the five judges selected three winners:
    Yn. Anna Gevorgyan, Karina Petrosyan, and Nancy Hovnanian. Initiated
    by parishioner Ashot Avakyan, the dolma cook-off will become an annual
    tradition at Holy Trinity Church, parishioners said.

    Click here
    to view photos.

    Upcoming Events

    ** Upcoming Parish Events

    St. Vartan Armenian Cathedral | New York, NY
    The St. Vartan Cathedral Council is sponsoring a food drive to help
    the homeless in New York. The council will collect non-perishable food
    items until December 16. Items may be dropped off at 630 Second Avenue
    in New York City. For information, call (212) 686-0710, ext. 141.

    St. Gregory the Enlightener Church | White Plains, NY
    St. Gregory the Enlightener Church of White Plains, NY, will host an
    Armenian Food Festival on Saturday, November 17 (1 to 6 p.m.), and
    Sunday, November 18 (12 to 4 p.m.).

    Enjoy Armenian food and sweets, and browse the `Holiday Vendor Fair.'
    The festival is sponsored by the Women's Guild of St. Gregory the
    Enlightener Church. The church is located at 1131 North Street in
    White Plains. Click here
    ( +Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=fbd4d1cc8d-February_9_20122_9_2012&utm_medium=email)
    to view a flyer for information.

    Soorp Haroutiun Church | Orlando, FL
    Soorp Haroutiun Church of Orlando, FL, will host a `Food Fest and
    Bazaar' on Saturday, November 17, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Enjoy
    Armenian food and pastries, listen to Armenian music, and browse
    vendor booths. Click here
    ( astern+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=fbd4d1cc8d-February_9_20122_9_2012&utm_medium=email)
    to view a flyer for information.

    Holy Resurrection Church | New Britain, CT
    The Women's Guild of the Church of the Holy Resurrection of New
    Britain, CT, will host its annual Holiday Fair on Saturday, November
    17, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

    Enjoy Armenian and American baked goods and food, and stop by the
    =80=9CKitchen Café' to try homemade soup, lahmajoun, hot dogs, and
    beverages. For the first time this year, the fair will also feature
    vendor booths for holiday shopping. Click here
    ( E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=fbd4d1cc8d-February_9_20122_9_2012&utm_medium=email)
    to view a flyer, or call the church office at (860) 223-7875 for

    Holy Cross Church | New York, NY
    Holy Cross Church in Manhattan's Washington Heights neighborhood will
    host a food festival on Sunday, November 18, from 1 to 6 p.m. Enjoy
    Armenian food, music, and a tavloo tournament.

    The church is also looking for volunteer carolers to join its chorale
    for an English-language Christmas concert on Sunday, December 23. The
    program will be the Christmas story as told in Scripture and through
    traditional Christmas carols.
    Click here
    ( rn+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=fbd4d1cc8d-February_9_20122_9_2012&utm_medium=email)
    to view a flyer for information.

    St. Leon Church | Fair Lawn, NJ
    St. Leon Church of Fair Lawn, NJ, will host a Classic Rock concert
    featuring the "On the Lam Band" on Saturday, November 24, from 8
    p.m. to 12 a.m. The concert will be held in the church's Abajian
    Hall. Click here
    ( ern+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=fbd4d1cc8d-February_9_20122_9_2012&utm_medium=email)
    to view a flyer for information.

    Holy Trinity Church | Cambridge, MA
    Holy Trinity Church of Cambridge, MA, will host the `Trinity Christmas
    Bazaar' on Friday, November 30, from 3 to 9 p.m., and Saturday,
    December 1, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. The bazaar will be held at the
    church (145 Brattle Street in Cambridge).

    The two-day event will feature Armenian dinners, vendor booths,
    `Santa's Playland' for children, and other activities. Click here
    for information, or call the church at (617) 354-0632.

    St. Peter Church | Watervliet, NY
    The Women's Guild of St. Peter Church of Watervliet, NY, will sponsor
    a Holiday Bazaar on Saturday, December 1 (11 a.m. to 2 p.m.) and
    Sunday, December 2 (12 to 4 p.m.).

    Enjoy a lahmajoun lunch and dolma dinner on Saturday and a madzoonov
    kufte on Sunday. A variety of homemade foods-including manti, michov
    or sini kufte, boreg, string cheese, choreg, simit, kadayif, paklava,
    and more-will be available for purchase. There will be family
    entertainment on Saturday and Sunday.

    Click here
    to view a flyer for information.

    St. John Church of Southfield, MI
    The Parish Council and Apostolic Society of St. John Church of
    Southfield, MI, will host an Armenian dance on Saturday, December 8,
    featuring Onnik Dinkjian and his ensemble. The event will be held in
    the church's cultural hall, beginning at 7 p.m. Click here
    to view a flyer for information.

    ** EVENTS

    ** Annual Appeal Reception to be Held in New York

    The Diocesan Council will host a reception in support of the 2012
    Annual Appeal on Thursday, December 6, at the Michael Aram flagship
    store in New York. The evening will begin at 6:30 p.m.

    All are invited to enjoy an evening of fellowship. A raffle will be
    held for an original Michael Aram creation.

    The store is located at 136 West 18th Street in New York City. RSVP by
    December 3 by e-mailing [email protected]
    (mailto:[email protected]) .

    Click here
    to view an invitation card.


    Concert at St. Vartan Cathedral

    ** Classical Concert Postponed to December 8

    Due to power outages caused by the recent hurricane in New York, the
    classical concert scheduled to take place at the Diocesan Center on
    November 3 was postponed. The concert has been rescheduled for
    Saturday, December 8, beginning at 7:30 p.m.

    Sopranos Anoosh Barclay, Hasmik Meikhanedjian, Narine Ojakhyan, and
    Anahit Zakaryan-accompanied by pianist Garen Hagopian-will perform the
    works of Pergolesi, Donizetti, Verdi, Rossini, Bizet, Dvorak, Komitas,
    Tigranian, Melikian, and Abrahamian. The concert will go forward under
    the direction of Maestro Khoren Mekanejian.

    The concert will be held in Haik and Alice Kavookjian Auditorium of
    the Diocesan Center (630 Second Avenue, New York City). Call the
    Diocese at (212) 686-0710 for information. Click here
    ( Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=fbd4d1cc8d-February_9_20122_9_2012&utm_medium=email)
    to view a flyer.

    Archbishop Vicken Aykazian
    Archbishop Vicken Aykazian will speak in Charlotte, NC, next month.

    ** Archbishop Aykazian to Speak in Charlotte, NC

    Archbishop Vicken Aykazian, the Diocese's Ecumenical Director, will
    give a talk on the challenges facing Christians in the Middle East on
    Saturday, December 8, at St. Nektarios Greek Orthodox Church in
    Charlotte, NC. The event will begin at 7 p.m.

    Archbishop Aykazian will discuss Christian communities in the Middle
    East and offer ways Christians in the U.S. can help influence peace
    building efforts.

    Click here
    ( +Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=fbd4d1cc8d-February_9_20122_9_2012&utm_medium=email)
    to view a flyer for information.

    ACYOA Leadership Conference
    Some 40 young people gathered for the annual ACYOA Leadership
    Conference on November 9-11. (photo by Adrienne Ashbahian)

    ** ACYOA Members Sharpen Faith Literacy

    ACYOA members attending a leadership conference in upstate New York
    last weekend took an in-depth look at different aspects of the worship
    and practices of the Armenian Church.

    The conference, held November 9-11, brought together 40 young people
    representing 16 parishes for a weekend of lectures, worship, and
    reflections. The conference, titled "Faith Literacy for Young
    Leaders," was planned by the ACYOA Central Council, and held at the
    Don Bosco Retreat Center in Stony Point, NY. Also joining the ACYOA
    members were young representatives from the Coptic Orthodox Church.

    Participants heard presentations by the Very Rev. Fr. Daniel
    Findikyan, St. Nersess Armenian Seminary students Eric Vozzy and Saro
    Kalayjian, and seminary graduate Dn. Ryan Tellalian.

    Click on the following links to read more
    and to view photos
    (!i=221542 6231&k=jW94bj4)


    The Diocese's e-Newsletter will not be published on Thanksgiving Day,
    Thursday, November 22. We look forward to resuming e-Newsletter
    publication on Thursday, November 29.

    From: A. Papazian