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Stepanakert airport's virtual flights will be followed by real ones

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  • Stepanakert airport's virtual flights will be followed by real ones

    David Babayan: Stepanakert airport's virtual flights will be followed
    by real ones
    18:58 23/11/2012 » INTERVIEWS

    Russian Co-Chair of the OSCE Minsk Group Igor Popov has stated that
    `under the circumstances, the operation of Stepanakert airport would
    cause tension between the sides,' stressing that the problem should be
    resolved in diplomatic way, on the basis of the previous experience. held an interview with Artsakh President's spokesperson
    David Babayan about the operation of Stepanakert airport and some
    other issues.

    - Mr Babayan, how would you comment on the Russian Co-Chair's
    statement? What did he mean by it?

    - The Russian Co-Chair established the current situation - the
    strained bilateral relations. But these tensions are artificially
    caused by Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan's hysteria is nothing new, and it
    will continue. In this respect Mr Popov said nothing new.

    - There are different impressions of the Co-Chair's statement. After
    all, what solution do you see to the situation regarding the operation
    of the airport?

    - Whatever is said about it, all the same, the airport will be put
    into operation. We should not forget that the Co-Chairs had stated
    earlier that they reject any threat or use of force against civil
    aircraft, which means that they share our approaches.

    The Co-Chairs shared our approach that this is not a politicized
    process, this is not a political measure, this facility has a
    humanitarian and economic significance. And here they repeated what we
    say. One should not be emotional about it. Let's try to understand
    what is really taking place.

    - Will the airport's operation cause additional tension?

    - Azerbaijan is constantly creating an occasion to cause tension, and
    the airport's operation is just another occasion for Azerbaijan to
    raise hysteria. Indeed, the tension was caused by the extradition,
    heroization and pardon of the axe-murderer. The Azerbaijani side had
    better think about it.

    - When do you plan to put the airport into operation?

    - Now only small technical issues remain to be solved. Currently
    virtual flights are being operated via a computer program. Nearly 800
    such flights have been implemented, to be followed by technical
    flights. We need not hurry because, I reiterate, if we hurry, it would
    mean that we politicize this process.

    - Mr Babayan, what new approaches are there in the negotiation
    process, what was discussed during the NKR President's last meeting
    with the Co-Chairs?

    - The Karabakh side offered to take actions to ease tensions and
    create confidence between the sides. In particular, we try to reach an
    agreement on observation of ceasefire on both sides even if on
    holidays because, as a rule, ceasefire violations intensify in such

