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BAKU: Georgia needs good relations with Azerbaijan

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  • BAKU: Georgia needs good relations with Azerbaijan

    Georgia needs good relations with Azerbaijan

    Sat 24 November 2012 11:21 GMT | 11:21 Local Time

    Nika Chitadze

    News.Az interviews Nika Chitadze, Georgian political scientist.

    What changes can be expected in Georgian foreign policy with
    Ivanishvili? Can the general strategic course of the country for
    European integration sustain changes?
    Despite the fact, that new authorities of Georgia have declared about
    the fact, that foreign policy priorities of Georgia would not be
    changed, there are some factors, which can prevent the further
    Euro-Atlantic integration of Georgia. Particularly, in this case
    should be mentioned about agitation from the western leaders,
    including of the Secretary General of NATO and President of European
    Parliament etc. about pressure on local authorities, public channel
    and arresting of some former high - rank officials from the Ministry
    of Internal Affairs and Ministry of Defense.

    How can Georgian policy develop with other South Caucasus countries?
    I think that new authorities will try to keep the good relations with
    the South Caucasus States because of long history of the neighborhood
    relations with Azerbaijan and Armenia. I hope that new authorities
    also understand that Georgia needs good relations with Azerbaijan, the
    country, which exports energy resources to Georgia and is involved in
    the construction of Baku-Tbilisi-Akhalkalaki-Kars railway and is one
    of the main investor to the economy of Georgia.

    The new Georgian government sympathizes the project of railway
    communication with Russia via Abkhazia. Is this idea real?
    It is very difficult to implement this project. From technical point
    of view, it should be reconstructed Zugdidi-Gali line of railway, but
    at the same time, Abkhazian de-facto authorities (under the pressure
    from Moscow) will be against of this project. They already did the
    announcement on this fact.
    If Georgia really wants the establishment of railway connection with
    Russia, it will be possible via territory of Azerbaijan. At the first
    stage, to transport goods from Georgia to Azerbaijan by railway, and
    after from Azerbaijan to Russia.

    If this idea is implemented, what will happen with the
    Baku-Tbilisi-Kars project planned soon?
    The project Baku-Tbilisi-Kars will be implemented, because the
    railway will go to other direction, toward Turkey and it will increase
    the transit potential of Georgia.

    Armenian authorities are likely interested in the opening of the
    railway communication between Georgia and Russia no less that new
    Georgian authorities are. Observers in Baku suppose that in case of
    opening of this road, Yerevan will become even more incompliant in
    Karabakh issue. Do you think the new leadership will be able to worsen
    ties with Russia without worsening them with Azerbaijan?
    Yes, if railway connection with Russia is implemented via Azerbaijan.

