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A More Actionable RoadMap To Resolution of the Armenian Genocide Iss

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  • A More Actionable RoadMap To Resolution of the Armenian Genocide Iss

    A More Actionable Road Map Towards a Resolution of the Armenian Genocide

    12:33, November 24, 2012

    By* Shahe Yeni-Komshian, M.D.*

    This is a paper/article that describes the components of Armenian national
    challenges, with a particular focus on a roadmap for a comprehensive
    resolution to the Armenian Genocide.

    Overall this is a piece of synthesis, bringing together different but
    viable strands of thought and approach, aiming to generate larger coherence
    in our political thinking.

    There is a definite effort to prioritize our challenges; there is emphasis
    on the necessity to focus on the judicial angle in our fight, and some
    attempt to identify action plans.

    My aim is to initiate public discussion about the topic and also bring
    these ideas to the widest possible audience. It may hopefully spark and
    initiate a discussion by thoughtful minds to possibly start a new, serious
    effort to develop and pursue a realistic road map for the ultimate
    realization of our National goals.



    Most Armenians in the Republic of Armenia and the Diaspora have a
    reasonable understanding of the political landscape that our nation is
    facing today and are cognizant of the realities that are challenges to our
    national interests. Unlike in the past, almost all Armenians expect
    realistic solutions to those challenges.

    *The inherently acknowledged national aspiration is to achieve Long Term
    Viability for the Armenian Nation, with the following OBJECTIVES:*


    The above objectives represent aspirations and not necessarily strategies.
    Do Armenians have acommon understanding of how to set the agenda to
    undertake solutions to our aspiration? Do we have an *ARMENIAN NATIONAL
    RIGHTS' ADVOCACY GUIDE*, a sense of what challenge has the greatest urgency
    and significance to the nation? Do we have *a ROAD MAP* in how to achieve
    our goals?

    The answers to the above questions are beginning to take shape.**


    The agenda for the Armenian nation is simple yet complex at the same time.
    It is simple, because it seeks the viability of the entire Armenian nation.
    Complex, because the entire Armenian nation is comprised of two different
    and yet complementary entities; the Republic of Armenia which represents
    the state and the Diaspora which comprises people settled far from their
    ancestral homelands, each with different immediate priorities.

    For a while this duality created confusion which led to a non-coherent and
    non- homogeneous political course. In the past we did not have a vision of
    how to organically, practically and strategically link them together. Our
    efforts to rectify the above challenges remained static for a long time;
    the inertia hurt our cause.

    The good news is that in the past 3 years a louder quest for justice has
    evolved on all levels, thereby in some cases transforming our demands from
    a vague and unclear strategy into a more distinct one.

    We now realize that:

    a) All three objectives for the Armenian nation's viability, i.e.
    strong and healthy Armenian state, solutions to the unresolved injustices
    (Genocide, Karabagh and Javakhk), and the strengthening of the viability of
    an organized Armenian Diaspora, are intuitive links to the same chain and
    are intertwined with the ultimate fate of the Armenian nation*. *There is
    now conviction about the need to create a coordinated policy between the

    b) The anchor of a viable Armenian Nation is the first aspiration -
    namely a healthier/stronger state i.e. Republic of Armenia. There is now
    ample realization by all, that the socioeconomic deterioration of current
    day Armenia, the present day injustice, is a national security threat, and
    is rapidly becoming a dire challenge hence requiring imminent short term as
    well as long term strategic prioritization. There is also an undisputed
    realization by leaders, scholars and the public at large, that on the
    geopolitical level the claim to the Karabagh (NKR) liberated territories,
    the territories referred to by some as the `security zone', and the case
    for *de jure *recognition are an imminent national political priority. The
    strengthening of the Armenian state is hence the most important Armenian
    agenda and that is why today's pan- Armenian political view is clear about
    the fact that the viability of the Republic of Armenia is the core priority
    of our national challenges. Issues of the political inertia, the vast
    emigration and the emptying out of villages nearby the borders and the
    socio-economic injustices are big challenges for a modern country to
    survive, and yet have not been fully appreciated. Hopefully the social and
    economic injustices within the Republic of Armenia, the necessary changes
    in the foreign policy of the state of Armenia and in its strategic approach
    to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict would take a more actionable priority
    soon. This must be addressed in a separate paper.

    Prioritizing the core component is not of course the same as excluding the

    Because of the centennial, the national injustice of the Genocide has
    become a parallel political priority and a succinct transformation is
    occurring with the quest for Genocide justice. A realization has emerged
    that although the universe of the Armenian nation contains more than
    genocide recognition, this historic injustice cannot be irrelevant and not
    only does it have a very strong psychological component for more than half
    of the Armenian nation, but the restitution of this historic injustice may
    have important contemporary dimensions as it relates to state-to-state
    Armeno-Turkish relations.

    This paper makes an attempt to explain the current status and, at the end,
    offers some actionable suggestions.**


    The next three years preceding the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide are
    going to be the time for the Armenian nation to redouble its efforts toward
    the pursuit of justice for the Armenian Genocide. Until recently most of
    our efforts for the Genocide Resolution have had a psychological basis,
    with an emotional and subjective focus. We have had commemorative programs,
    requiem services and speeches every year on the day of April 24th all
    throughout the globe. We have organized demonstrations. We have received
    repetitive proclamations from state Governments in favor of the Armenian
    Genocide recognition and all that made us feel better. During the last
    decade more concrete efforts were taken in our quest to obtain Recognition.
    Lately there has been some rhetoric and discussion about Reparations,
    without much clarification of action plans. And sadly, the geopolitics of
    Anatolia and the Middle East has prevented the Armenian side from creating
    common interests between the needs of any superpower and the Right for
    Justice to the Armenians.

    More specifically, until 2010 our approach to pressuring Turkey into
    accepting culpability of the Genocide followed a rather narrow strategy:
    First, the focus on the injustice has been solely that of Recognition;
    second, the efforts to pressure Turkey have been indirect, namely by
    creating international awareness of the committed injustice with the hope
    that the World's acknowledgement of the Genocide would inevitably lead to
    Turkey's acceptance.

    In reality, the Armenian Genocide Right and the quest for the Injustice is
    an elaborate process. Its components can be summarized as

    1. Fight against Turkey's denial and obstruction of justice

    2. Recognition: To obtain a formal apology

    3. Reparations: property restitution and financial compensation

    4. Territorial issues: Delineation of frontiers and borders

    5. Right to return to ancestral lands

    We should emphasize that the customary `sequential' approach - recognition,
    then reparations, then restitution - is a fairy tale approach. It is not
    suitable for current-day politics. The above compartmentalization is simply
    for explaining the complexity of our quest. The solution to the injustice
    may be achieved by a proactive attack on all levels, simultaneously if
    necessary. The point is that recognition is no longer viewed as the end
    goal .There are certain strategic configurations, whereby reparations
    activities, by appearing even more radical, could actually *enhance* the
    drive for genocide recognition. This issue potentially may become a true
    diplomatic setback for Turkey.

    Also, we need to highlight that territorial issues and the Right to return
    are processes much more convoluted than Recognition and Reparation.
    Although primarily linked to the act of Genocide, solutions to territorial
    issues are more complex on the legal front. This is because of
    international legalities created from the Treaty of Kars, the land given to
    Turkey that included the ancient city of Ani and Mount Ararat, and the
    present political reality of the independent Republic of Armenia as a
    sovereign state. From the perspective of international law, Armenians have
    many valid rights but the territorial component of the injustice may need a
    different legal strategy, albeit complementary to that of Genocide

    The quest for Reparation, or the journey towards that goal, is in itself

    - Restitution of property, national and personal: Given the Deportation
    and Liquidation legislation passed by the Turkish Government (see below),
    Armenians have been robbed from their assets. The assets lost comprise
    Church and national properties/that of the Millet, as well as personal
    - Financial or monetary compensation that have not been adequately
    appraised yet.
    - The effect of the Genocide on our cultural heritage and the continuous
    threat to our viability as a nation, in view of our dispersion in western
    countries, with ongoing risk to our language, culture and identity. This is
    what we call the `White Genocide'.

    Given the current legal status of Armenian properties in Turkey, Armenians
    realize that the issue of reparation is a tall task. Legislation in 1929
    gave the right to title and deed to the new Turkish possessors of any
    vacant land such as fields, orchards, and farmland held for 15 years since
    1914, and any buildings or other real estate held for 10 years since 1919,
    thereby legally Turkifying all seized Armenian assets and properties linked
    to the Genocide[2].
    But that is exactly the focus our legal fight.

    The Armenian side also well understands the legal difference between
    Armenian properties seized after 1937 from those linked to the Genocide,
    because several more Armenian properties, many of them belonging to
    Armenian Charitable Foundations the patriarchate included, were
    `nationalized' by the Turkish government in later years. The legal status
    of the latter is therefore different.

    *Road Map towards a More Comprehensive Approach*

    The quest for Reparations for a positive conclusion of the Genocide
    Injustice can be fought on the International level as well as in Turkey.
    The strategy has 3 different vehicles: Awareness building, political
    pressure, and legal action. Since the 1970's we have gradually built up the
    first two vehicles of our fight. We are now building a cohesive strategy
    for the third vehicle, that of legal action.

    *Awareness Building:* The target has been Armenian constituencies in the
    Diaspora and to a lesser extent in the Republic of Armenia. We continue to
    work in mobilizing the media, civil society and more and more the NGOs of
    international communities.

    *Political Pressure:* Political pressure and lobbying is essential to our
    success, but we should assert and emphasize that all countries base their
    decisions upon their own national interests and not Armenian interests. We
    should be careful with their motives. Yet, the political will of
    governments and geopolitical changes in and around Turkey is pivotal for
    our success. The US House Resolution 306 and the French Genocide Bill are
    some examples of political pressure (mostly lobbying) in 2011, by which
    Armenians capitalized and managed to score partial successes. As for
    Turkey's involvement in the rapidly evolving Syrian crisis, it is an
    example of a geopolitical change that may potentially be a stalemate for
    Turkey, to which we Armenians should be well prepared and take advantage.

    *Judicial Demands*: This is the cornerstone of the new strategy. *The
    roadmap* to resolving the injustice via the judicial route is based on a 2
    pronged approach: International pressure on Turkey and exploitation of
    Turkey's internal political vulnerabilities.

    *International pressure on Turkey*:

    The ultimate outcome of political awareness and political pressure will be
    in the form of a judicial claim, bringing a lawsuit against the Government
    of Turkey*.* In order to bring a lawsuit, the following clarifications are
    being made:

    - *Clear characterization of the Injustice. Does the Injustice have a
    legal principle? *The historic and moral validity is not even a question.
    - *Clarification of the Judicial Forum: International vs. Turkish forum?* Is
    it the International Court of Justice (UN) or the International Criminal
    Court? European Court of Human Rights or UN General Assembly (for an
    advisory opinion)? Turkish courts or Turkish domestic legislation? Note
    that Individual claims may be brought to the European Court of Human
    Rights, whereas claims of land between states are ultimately settled
    between states through the International Court of Justice.
    - *Who is the plaintiff? *A Diasporan Committee, the Istanbul
    Patriarchate, the Catholicosate of Cilicia? The Republic of Armenia? Also
    note that simultaneously, different plaintiffs may present different
    - *Is there adequate engagement of the political will of the Governments
    (superpowers included), and is there mobilization of civil society?*
    - *Does the lawsuit require mediation, and if so by whom?*

    Taking into consideration the present political landscape and geopolitical
    interests, this is not an easy task. In designing the roadmap towards a
    resolution, it is essential that the Armenian side coordinates the actions
    of its different stakeholders, groups that can present a legal claim for
    the injustice and reclaim assets. The following entities have historic
    rights to their assets:

    - The Patriarchate of Istanbul assets
    - The Catholicosate of Cilicia assets
    - The Catholicosate of Echmiadzin assets
    - A Diaspora Body representing the collective asset demands (Group
    Reparation) for lost personal assets.
    - And of course the Government of Armenia and its demands

    It is to be stressed again that when it comes to international law, the
    strategy to demand Armenian properties lost due to the Genocide is
    different from that of comprehensive land and borders' discussion between
    Turkey and present-day Republic of Armenia.

    There is also the realization that there are 2 types of lawsuits and two
    judicial approaches: *Group Reparation approach and Individual compensation

    Here are examples of some current and potential lawsuits through plaintiffs
    representing the Rights of the Armenian Nation against the Republic of

    - *Examples of Individual Compensation Lawsuit: Genocide Related
    Insurance Claims class action suit: *The CA 9th Circuit case Movsesian
    v. Versicherung AG. Also, many individual Armenians have *cadastral
    copies* of their old properties and some are making individual requests
    to the Government of Turkey.
    - *Examples of Group Reparation Lawsuits: Lawsuits by the Patriarchate
    of Constantinople related to Genocide confiscated properties*; *Potential
    lawsuit by the Catholicosate of Cilicia related to the return of Armenian
    assets seized in 1915; Potential Legal Demands from the Republic of Armenia

    The following should be emphasized: Individual reparations through lawsuits
    do not satisfy our national quest for justice for the Genocide. Only Group
    reparation lawsuits would be considered to include a reparative dimension.
    None of the above lawsuits have been filed within a comprehensive Genocide
    Resolution context. The Armenian side realizes well that in the larger
    picture, Turkey may utilize minor concessions to individuals to the
    detriment of the larger Armenian Right.

    *Alternative but Complementary Strategic Approach- More Focus on Turkish
    Politics and Society:*

    It is also necessary to exploit the internal vulnerabilities from which
    Turkey suffers today and such strategies are also being analyzed:

    - *EU and Turkey*: Some European Union politicians who are politically
    sensitive to the Armenian Genocide issue have pressed Turkey into formally
    recognizing the Armenian Genocide as a precondition for joining the EU,
    mainly for their own national interests.
    - *Hrant Dink strategy*: The essence of his strategy was in the
    transformation of the Turkish society from within, and the focus and target
    of his strategy is the Turkish citizen. Dink was instrumental in getting
    Turks to discuss the Armenian Genocide; nonetheless, Dink also reserved
    some criticism for the Armenian diaspora, for its insistence on enforcing a
    claim of genocide without engaging the modern Turkish people. Working to
    further those changes presently going on inside Turkey and to capitalize on
    them deserves greater strategic attention.
    - *Turkish Domestic Legislation strategy*: There are at least some
    100,000 Muslim Armenians in the body of the Hamshen, close to a million
    Armenians who were forcibly converted to Islam to save their necks, some 20
    million Kurds, and many of the disenchanted in Turkey, who present a
    political peril to the Turkish government. Exploiting the internal
    vulnerabilities from which Turkey continues to suffer today is essential
    and deserves full consideration. We should aim to create a sentiment in
    Turkey positive enough to engage the Turkish Parliament to pass
    pro-Armenian Turkish laws. A tall order indeed, but in due time, perhaps
    better relations are needed with the Hamshen and Muslim Armenians within
    Turkey, as well as the Kurds and the Alevites. Turkey's involvement in
    Syria may perhaps open a door.

    We should emphasize again how important is for us to reshape our political
    thinking, and realize that for us Armenians, Turkey's internal challenges
    and contradictions have to become much more actively sought strategies.


    The most appropriate Armenian Rights Advocacy roadmap for the next 10 years
    is a multipronged approach with strategic prioritization:

    A. There is consensus to view the long term viability of the Armenian
    nation from a pan-Armenian angle, whereby there is a coordinated policy
    between the emphasis to resolve the immediate needs of today's Republic of
    Armenia, the injustices of the past, and the future viability needs of both
    the Diaspora and the homeland, realizing well of the strategic necessity of
    a strong Republic of Armenia. The establishment of modern reshaped
    governance in the Republic of Armenia with less feudal tendencies and the
    enhancement ofsocio-economic benefits to assist all sectors of Armenian
    society would be a most natural positive requirement. Most Armenians also
    believe that change in the Armenian state's foreign policy and strategic
    approach to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict beyond the "Madrid Principles"
    and the OSCE Minsk Group would create a new basis toward a lasting
    settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic's status and security.

    B. As for the Genocide, the100th anniversary is a one-time opportunity that
    cannot and will not become a replay of what has gone on countless times
    before, i.e. be limited to demonstrations and solidarity declarations for
    its recognition. The Genocide injustice is multifaceted and the quest for
    its solution is complex and multidimensional .It needs a sophisticated

    1. These past few years there has been some commotion in our political
    discourse, and reparations are now being proposed as a course to run in
    coordination with the usual focus on genocide recognition. We argue that
    Genocide recognition is no longer viewed as the end goal, that reparations
    activities could actually enhance the drive for genocide recognition and
    that this historic injustice has important contemporary dimensions for
    state-to-state Armeno-Turkish relations. Notwithstanding the complex issue
    of borders, how would Armeno-Turkish relations (state-to-state) be affected
    if Turkey were no longer an unrepentant aggressor but actually `on
    hook' for genocide?

    2. The Genocide has two outstanding issues, two different levels of
    injustices, namely the fight for the injustice of the Genocide and that of
    the lost Armenian lands. Although complementary, the objectives and the
    strategy to address the two issues are different.

    3. The first of the outstanding issues remains the Turkish state's
    obstruction of the truth. It consists of the Armenian nation's fight for
    Recognition of the Armenian Genocide and the fight for Reparations for the
    Armenian institutional properties as well as to the descendants of
    Armenians who lost their lives and properties during the 1915-1923 Armenian
    Genocide. In this regard, the judicial front should take a much more
    imminent strategic relevance.

    4. The second issue is the satisfactory legal resolution with regard to the
    lost Armenian lands from the Genocide and also from the Treaty of Kars, in
    other words the delineation of Turkish-Armenian borders. The latter is a
    more complex process and the preparation of its legal basis will take
    longer. We have historic rights but the success of this step is inherently
    linked to a politically strong Republic of Armenia. This reemphasizes and
    validates our aforementioned theory that all 3 objectives for the Armenian
    nation's viability are intuitively linked to the same chain, and yet the
    most important of those is clearly the sustainability of a strong Armenian

    5. The judicial agenda of the Genocide resolution has begun. The
    Patriarchate of Istanbul and the Catholicosate of
    already initiated this process.

    6. Alternative and complementary strategic approaches that seek to exploit
    the internal vulnerabilities, from which Turkey suffers today, have come to
    be appreciated as part of our political discourse. They should be pursued
    with more effort and conviction.

    7. We have also realized that in addition to the resources and manpower of
    Diasporan organizations, we must engage the expertise of Armenian and
    non-Armenian professional experts in the field, who can assist in
    formulating as well as implementing the initiatives necessary to achieve
    our objectives. The preparation of a relevant cadre of Armenians in public
    policy and international law has begun, but there is further need for such
    committed Armenians, citizens of a variety of nations, to get engaged in
    public policy matters and others to become experts in international law.


    Since the 1970s much progress has been achieved by the Armenian nation, but
    Turkey's denialist Genocide efforts and its aggressive diplomatic influence
    are a formidable challenge for us. We need to be more focused and creative
    in our quest to resolve our injustice.

    In order to have a potentially successful agenda, two preconditions must be

    *1. The Armenian government's critical role and involvement in the
    of our National Goals' agenda:* In our efforts to create a more actionable
    roadmap, it is critical for the leadership of the Armenian government to
    take an ownership role of the aforementioned National Armenian goals, far
    beyond symbolic measures. This once again emphasizes how important is the
    viability and sustainably of the Republic, something that is a challenge
    today. A clear position about the Genocide and the Armenian nation's Rights
    and a new strategy that is in sync with its foreign policy is soon to be
    expected from the government of the Republic of Armenia. Closer
    coordination between more engaging strategies of the government of Armenia
    and those of the Diaspora is a necessity. The creation of a Genocide
    Centennial Committee does not satisfy such a requirement.

    *2. Clarification of the legitimate body representing the interests of the
    Diaspora and that of the Armenian Nation: *The idea is not new, but is
    politically and strategically essential. To obtain Reparations, the
    Armenian Nation has to either negotiate with the Republic of Turkey or
    submit a claim(s) to an International or Turkish court. In either case, the
    Armenian side has to have clear and explicit negotiation positions,
    strategy, and a legitimate representative body. In order to begin the
    implementation phase of the road map, we need to develop a pan-Armenian
    structure in the Diaspora that represents the aspirations of all Armenians
    with one voice. We also need to develop the human and financial resources
    necessary to pursue the realization of the stated goals of the road map. As
    a starter, a revised, open mindset is necessary from all political,
    religious and other national institutions, and it is the imminent task of
    our leadership to make such a structure a reality. This Diasporan structure
    will be later followed by the formation of a legitimate body representing
    the entire Armenian nation (Diaspora and the Republic).

    The above two preconditions will immensely help the implementation of a
    more legally oriented actionable road map. In this regard, the following
    points need to be emphasized*

    *1. The entire judicial portfolio of the Armenian Genocide, if it is to be
    presented in front of international judicial courts, requires professional
    preparation. What is important is to do our homework, and before officially
    presenting our case, to first assess the internationally acceptable **legal
    validity **of the Genocide claim. *In parallel, a separate analysis about
    the legality of the current Turkish-Armenian borders is to be addressed.
    These legal consulting opinions have to be presented to the representatives
    of the Armenian nation by a *group of respectable international law jurists
    and top of the line, reputable expert lawyers, who would be commissioned by
    the Armenian nation specifically for this task.* Most of the jurists' team
    is presumed to be non-Armenian, but some have to be Armenian and some
    should be representatives of the Republic of Armenia.**

    *2. The next priority is the selection of the international court that is
    considered most advantageous to rule in favor of our claim. *Consultation
    with the above team of jurists and lawyers is essential to select the most
    proper international court of justice, and begin the process of requesting
    a legal opinion in the matter of our Genocide.

    *3. *The mere addition of Reparations as part of the Genocide injustice is
    not a game changer.* Detailed chronicling of seized Armenian properties and
    a solid appraisal of all Genocide losses is a necessity.* To properly
    compensate the victims of the Genocide (or their heirs) it is essential to
    have solid documentation and actuarial analysis. Scholars have begun this
    work and in fact Professor Kevorkian has initiated the task of developing
    detailed and meticulous records of the genocidal process. However,
    International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law experts have to be
    consulted and retained for this purpose. With respect to right to financial
    compensation, legal professional accounting input, beyond and above
    scholarly research, is essential.

    4. *Prioritization of funding: *In order to achieve the desired outcome,
    our funding priorities and efforts, as the Armenian nation and people, are
    to be directed towards judicial priorities of the Genocide. This effort
    should be pan-Armenian and must begin soon.

    5. *Ongoing Political Pressure:* Legal opinions alone, even from
    international courts, are not enough for Turkey to abide by them. A
    positive verdict is necessary but insufficient for implementation; and
    judicial laws should be accepted and ratified by legislative powers. That
    is why political pressure on Turkey is essential not only by Armenians but
    also by superpower nations. In such key countries, continuous efforts to
    create a national interest and a foreign policy that is synchronous to
    those of Armenian national interests should go hand in hand with our
    judicial agenda.

    *[1]* Professor Stephan Astourian (Moderator): The webcast of the ASP
    conference on "The Presence of the Past: Legal Dimensions of
    Armenian-Turkish Relations" (U.C. Berkeley, Sunday, October 2, 2011. The
    videos can be accessed at and at session).
    *[2]* UÄ=9Fur Ã=9Cmit Ã=9Cngör, `Confiscation & Colonization: The Young Turk Seizure
    of Armenian Property,' posted in the Armenian Weekly magazine, April 2011:
    *[3]* His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of Cilicia `The Armenian Genocide:
    >From Recognition to Compensation,' Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia,
    Antelias, Lebanon, Feb. 23-25, 2012, on Feb. 25.

    From: A. Papazian